ITT: We're GI's in Vietnam

Goooooood morning, Vietnam!
How's the week been, marines? The V-C been treating you well?

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>Tfw will never fuck a super cheap Vietnamese whore.

>someone hid my cleaning rod again
>found it in the latreen
i dont know whose worse us or them

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>tfw relaxing in the states because I got flat feet
Eat shit niggers

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I told her i would marry her after the war (im not)

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move to canada you draft evading leaf

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Nah I think I will stay here and fuck your wife while you die in the jungle

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>tfw will never fall into a bamboo trap
I feel you man

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Fuck you and orginal comments orginally.

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>chief found the pube bag

any robots play RS2?

right now actually and this commen't is original

>Mfw I just had a squad of Hueys buzz my arty emplacement blasting Wagner out of some janky loudspeaker setup
Goddamn I wish I was air cav.

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Just dropped some barrels of agent orange on a gook village


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It aint worth it bro, got hep C from one

My Sarge has been a massive square
Any ideas on how to frag his ass while on the field?

Wakie wakie draftie, better not miss the 6 AM agent orange bombing!
Meanwhile us dodgers are sleeping in until 1 PM Canada time.

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Fire a flare while on patrol on his position

tfw I fell for the patriotism meme

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Viet fuckin Nam man, just two more week and im out of h

>tfw on leave in a few days
Hell yeah man I'm going to talk to some girls, they'll probably be all over me when I tell them I'm in the USMC fighting communism in Vietnam
That's how my dad was treated when he came home from the war, I can't wait

Guys I just hired two club girls to suck my dick and now it stings when I pee, how fucked am I?

I ain't know any good methods for infantry, but during a poker game some guys from 11th cav. told me they unstrapped their sarge's belt while on a huey run and kicked his ass out over V-C territory, sounds like it's worth a go

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>tfw going to be shipped off to the middle east for real next week
what the fuck i thought military'd just be a comfy office job sorting documents and stuff

Anyone from R&D here?
Your fucking orange spray is getting on my skin and is starting to get itchy.