INFJ/ENFJ Hate Thread

She did a lot of shit, user. A lot of shit.

>May 2011
>get together in an LDR with girl from France
>she's either an INFJ or an ENFJ, got those two types on the tests she took
>extremely affectionate and nurturing, never received so much love from anyone before
>we meet up for the first time in July 2011 for two weeks
>have sex for hours every day and everything she says is like something from a romance novel

>she's moody sometimes and isn't as loving as she used to be, but things are okay
>we meet up four times this year for about 2-3 weeks each

>she abruptly tells me in March that she doesn't think she's in love with me anymore
>we continue to talk every day and remain in a relationship, but a pretty loveless one
>lot of affection on my end, only intermittent romance on hers
>we plan to meet up a few times but she always cancels
>her excuses are pretty weak in hindsight, but I was a moron and trusted in her

>no romantic affection on her end the entire year
>she's often gone from Skype for days at a time
>I ask her sometimes if we're still even a couple, she always says "yes" and that she's "just busy"
>not even confident enough to ask to meet up offline
>September, she suddenly asks me to marry her
>I say yes
>she signs off for a few days
>comes back and tells me that she didn't mean it and just wanted to gauge the strength of my feelings in order to see how easy/hard it would be to end things
>tells me that she's fallen in love with someone she's met offline and that in retrospect she thinks she never loved me as anything more than a friend, not even at the start
>four years and it hurts almost as much as it did the day she broke up with me

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Mfw when i would love to be INFJ normie leech over my ISTP type.

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I thought INFJs were true robots, not normies at all.

Nah, I've met a lot of those fucks, and all of them where normies.

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Bash my ex-girlfriend, I'm feeling sad now. She's a bitch, right?

Gtfo normie, it's not site for anyone who's had relationship with women!

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>be INTP who used to mistype as INFJ

i sure am glad i'm not one of them. are they universally bpd or something? i'm cold and closed off but i still have the cognizance to reciprocate and create balanced relationships with others. it seems like INFJs are just emotional vampires who get off on feeling saintly and infinitely wise when they actually just pick the weakest most vulnerable people to prey on. really sad tbqh. an INFJ is only your friend until they realize they don't have the emotional advantage anymore.


We should create a list of mbti types that are existing shitfest and exterminate them.

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they should definitely be quarantined. locked up in a concentration camp and forced to starve so much that they resort to eating their hardcover copies of Byron and Lovecraft.

also INFJ would definitely be at the top. ENFJ are actually useful because they inspire people to act and enrich themselves. what do you think?

Inspire? They rekindle my suicidal tendencies everytime i see them, if that kind of inspiration is good then society is doomed.

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Why do ENFJs make you suicidal?

Firing squad will be comprised of ISTPs and INTPs will rule this new society.
Everyone else gets the bullet.

They are normie emotional vampires.

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istps are cyborgs bro, you can't trust them. Imagine trying to get an ISTP to excecute an ESTP. It's not going to happen

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>istps are cyborgs bro
We are the purest robots...

>Imagine trying to get an ISTP to excecute an ESTP
That's literally my dream

And who are you nigger? INFJ?

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>September, she suddenly asks me to marry her
>>I say yes
>>she signs off for a few days
>>comes back and tells me that she didn't mean it and just wanted to gauge the strength of my feelings in order to see how easy/hard it would be to end things

Jesus fucking Christ I read threads like this and normally I get annoyed because it is weak shit people cry about compared to what I've had, but this is one of the worst things I have ever heard. Fuck women. Seriously.

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i'm an infj lol. it doesn't mean you bother people about their feelings, it means you are conscious and respectful of people, nonjudgemental and seeking to understand people. you people just take Fe to mean a sap because you don't understand positive interaction with other human beings.

My brother is INFJ and Chad af. However, he's INFJ-A.

>Firing squad will be comprised of disillusioned ISTJs wagecucks and INTJs will rule this new society.
>everyone else gets the bullet

I know INFJs suck but fortunately they are indifferent to INTJs in my experience. The only ones I have met have been women however. Sometimes back in school I would debate this one INFJ sjw. Her independence and loyalty to her beliefs were admirable and attractive (as was she) but I actually beat her in two in class debates because the beliefs she subscribes to are emotionally driven in nature, thus they were inferior to my epithets.

>implying you will be able to round up any ISTP's without us putting an end to your "revolution"

>implying ISTJs do not massively outnumber you
Plus they are more loyal as a xsxj. There would be no escaping them.

this is now an enfp hate thread

>everybody needs to have the same opinion as my dumb opinions
>i will emotionally manipulate you until you have my opinion
>manipulating people for own petty selfish ends intensifies
>only caring about themselves intensifies

we would give you an appropriate incentive, a chance to be our mercenaries for example. with the caveat that you are basically sovereign citizens but that any rebellion against your check writers wouldn't go unpunished.


That sounds more ENFJ

i think your ex was INFJ for sure. E's have boundless empathy and would do everything in their power not to make you suffer. i just got out of a messy relationship with an INFJ and she basically did the same thing, all while pretending i was the one infringing on her perfect little egotistical happy
bubble. every ENFJ i've known has been like an INFJ minus all the selfishness, withholding, manipulation, etc. they are not the enemy.

enfjs don't have a petty Fi ego like enfps do

Im not OP. It's the dude that make this thread not me.

Sure, but manipulation is more Fe/Te than Fi/Ti

they manipulate like entps do but in an emotionally invested way instead of a playing both sides for fun way

I only recognize the fourth one, and I agonize over that sometimes.
t. enfp

Huh. I thought devil's advocacy was an Ne thing

Ti gives entps detachment from choosing one side

oh god
nonono dobt make fun of me again
oh thank god

thought it would be an INFP hate thread

pls dont

INFJ (male) here.

The main difference is people obsess over INFJ (female), it's a weird fascination people seem to get which upon not receiving any attention back it either turns into pure hate or suicidal depression but then when they talk to the INFJ (female) they conveniently have no idea. INFJ (male) have a different sort of magnetism, everybody thinks I'm smart but when I tell them how it is instantly I am wrong and they nitpick as to why then after some time has past they realize what I was saying and that I was correct right from the start.

As for women it's just a shit show, nobody would obsess over me like you crazy fucks but I think that's because it's easy just for them to open their legs. I'm not a virgin but I attract sexually aggressive women that feel like they want to rape me, I kind of like it but it's always the wrong one.

It's not a numbers game. We have the armaments and the skills to use them.

hate this so much. talking to my ENFP ex was better than talking to my INFP ex, though. the INFP not only cannot tolerate dissenting opinion, but they take it personally. woe unto he who wishes even to clarify and correct an INFP's opinion in order to help them - guess what? now you think they're stupid and wrong. you've gone and undermined their entire belief system, all to satisfy your own ego. at least with the ENFP i could make objections, even if she didn't listen to a single god damn thing i even said. in one ear and out the other - kind of like their sex lives, if you think about it.

can you explain the male INFJ martyr complex? contrary to my other posts this is not a personal attack. i just want some insight because i've always found a point with male INFJs that i stop gelling with them and begin questioning their reasons for forming friendships at all.

>slaughter our path through endless ISTJ hordes, essentially having the time of our lives until either we or they are all dead
>become mercenaries, the job, and life, we all dream of
I'll choose the former

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your fate has been sealed, then. i will not tell you what could have been, but know that your decision has come with the highest price of all.

We do not need skills to succeed. The sheer volume of them will put an end to you. You lack the manpower and team work

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>be in a long distance relationship
>be surprised when she loses interest in you over a period of YEARS with limited contact
>blame her zodiac sign

Is this a troll thread? You are a fucking moron. Be glad it lasted as long as it did you retard

>he thinks he can defeat the black magic enhanced super demons
INTJs are comparable to INTPs on average and with our numbers we can beat your superior tactics. Worse case scenario us INTJs descend on your INTPs and duel each other until everyone is dead but do not worry- INTJs will win. Might be a Pyrrhic victory but we will take it

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We will fight you in the shadows. All of you will die in your sleep.

>a metric fuck ton of ISTJs stand every watch while three metric fuck tons sleep
Yeah no. And as soon as you start attacking the whole horde wakes up. And then you die

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Reverse psychology, feelings of worthlessness and having everything invalidated. I feel like I'm constantly being put under a microscope, I can fix everybody elses problems but nobody will fix mine etc.

>congregating everyone in one spot for us

Perfect opportunity to use our squad of infp suicide bombers.