Hey what up can you post some more suicide fuel webms and images?
Hey what up can you post some more suicide fuel webms and images?
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I have some some her here posting
>LOL Just be good looking like him!
I hate women and I vote for their disempowerment whenever I can.
kys myself kys myself kys kyts
Are you an NTR fag or are you looking to push yourself over the edge?
This pic makes me so sad somehow
There is a better version with a long haired kid. Does anyone have that one?
this one gets me even though it is porn
white roasties do nothing for me, but cute asian women get me down
gotta post the classic
What's so awful about that picture that makes you spite it?
It's just two attractive people who are attracted to each other. So what?
And you don't need to be good-looking to get a nice looking GF/wife. Case in point: I'm a ghoul and I'm married to a pretty woman. Just be yourself.
What a pathetic retard holy shit. If a bitch does that to me I tell her to fuck off.
this is so stupid
you aren't entitled to a set of universal human experiences, because they don't exist and you are more complex than that. There's a kinda pleasure in the self annihilation of telling yourself it's too late but it helps noone
That's some cute ass shit desu senpai
I'm not complex
ai uehara?
I'm the only one that is already 100% okay his prospect of live his entire life and single? I'm okay with the fact I will live alone after my parents die and the only thing that makes me concerned is the fact I need be always in shape to be a fit old man that not is just a cripple grampa. I'm only scared of be schizophrenic like my mother and the amount of stress and emotional damage I've already taken in life can make schizophrenic like her. If you have parents with schizophrenia you have about 17% more chances of be schizophrenic than people of healthy parents, also, if you add the stress and other emotional damages I have 30% of be schizophrenic on the next 30 year of my life.
Women and love are just for normalfags.
Tell me which is better: the story provided in that image, or living out your young life without any form of sexual or romantic affection when you desperately want it. Give your honest opinion, because I find it hard to consider them equal.
Not 100% there yet but its my goal. Could you give me some tips on how to achieve it?
It's not a webm, but this video is pure suicide fuel. Seriously, have the patience to give it a watch and tell me your blood doesn't boil.
You need to appreciate that experience for what it was. It could have been a lot better and it could have been a lot worse, either way it contributed to who you are today.
I've seen this before
haha keep telling yourself that
I'm not though I'm simple and boring
This always makes me depressed for some reason
but I dont like who I am today
I wish I was somebody else entirely
He is going home
Why the fuck do guys like Asian chicks so fucking much with their ayy lmao features. I bet many of you virgins never saw them without make up, then you'd know what I mean.
A roastie is being picky caught on video. Anything new?
>liking feet is bad
>but i really want someone to choke me
fucking roasties
this is the most beautiful thing there is...
yeah MAn I see girl do that I tell her FUC OFF
I don't like the one i am today. I am not the one i was supposed to be.
please please more!
>change my values
She only mentioned things relating to sex and sexual attraction. What a dumb fucking bitch and I bet this dumb whore is still finding top tier men who use her as a cum rag.Either way thats what she wants, she wants to be degraded like the whore she is. The only problem is that she thiks shes classy when she obviously isnt
looks like two limp fish tied together with hair, beginning to rot
haha yeah sure, dude
I'll join you on the other side any day now. This lack of female intimacy will be the death of me.
If only i had the original audio
How is it suicide fuel? It's just a bitch being honest about being a bitch, which should make it easier for you to filter bitches like she is. All of them should be that honest.
It just makes me lose faith in women caring about anything beyond the most shallow shit.
Get a job, any job, find hobbies different to just play games, a hobby that you have interest on it and start doing it. I started learn and that made me see the world differently, I really enjoy it, also, I started timidly sculpting since is really fun. What is really paramount is not compare yourself with normies since we are really different of them and compare yourselves with normies mean unnecessary suffering.
I also keep myself from unnecessary social situation and we confronted by normies with the classic "why you don't talk?" I say that I'm good with people and feel better not talking to anyone and staying alone if is possible.
Normies are absolutely allergic to sincerity and when I'm loud and clear to make them leave me alone they usually leave me alone.
Women are a just different matter, I just tell them that is not safe to them be around me because I'm a absolutely a fucked up idiot that will make them angry since I'm dense as fuck, ignorant, stupid and don't have patience to female mood swings. After I then say that if they keep annoying me I just tell the to fuck off, don't make eye contact and not talk to them anymore.
That audio is kinda hot tbqh
Good women don't get popular in YouTube videos. Chances are if a video is centered around a woman, she's a cunt.
Just don't go for western women in general. Plenty of decent ones out there.
say no more user originallo
Whether or not he knows it, that penguin marches to his death.
Hahah yeah bro I'd tell that bitch to FUCC OFF
I'm so glad I never even bothered. There was never a fight to win, it was an execution waiting to happen.
the two guys who left at the beginning are based af
>a friend invites me to try a dating experiment
>why not
>enter and sit in a circle with 19 other guys
> see a roastie getting showered with compliments for a 6/10 picture
>who wouldn't wanna date this
>see a guy get up
>oh shit that was an option ?
>get up and leave
,Goddamn you sound like such an autist
>lol bro just be yourself girls love a good personality
This is my personal favorite gif.
alpha as fuck bro! fist bump!
Its all over for us bros, theres no way to make up for lost time.
I'm really a highly functional autistic, I know my condition, and don't hide of other people and live my life the way I want. I live a life of solitude, socially acceptable hobbies, without normie dramas and I enjoy my peaceful life.
idek what that is
I recognize a person, what else is there?
That's cool of you, good for you man
Why tf did I come to this thread? Now I'm just sad. Why do I come to this board? Ffs
>ywn be the qt female to brighten up your friends life and show him that life is worth living
Why the hell would you ask a girl to prom who had a boyfriend?
thankyou for the emotional reassurance
to be so disconnected from real life that you idolize petty teenage relationships. you fucking manchildren
Now I'm curious about it... Who she was?
Orbiter fags fuck off
Go to your own shitty threads
Feels weird to relate to this feel.
I thought I did until I foolishly tried to talk to women again. For some reason I thought it may be different now than it was back in my teens. Now I feel terrible again. Just liek in my teens. Stay strong buddy. I was never happier than when I decided to live as a monk myself.
oh dear, six months to turn things around boys
Why are girls so mean anons?
That's a real girl, right?
This one gets me so hard in the feels man. I will never have this, and it sucks so hard man.
If you were her boyfriend you'd wish she was shutting other guys down this hard
They've been coddled by society and raised to believe that they're princesses. They see things they dislike and they use the influence that is inherent to them to get rid of whatever dissatisfies them. Our very existence fills them with disgust and anger thus they seek to get rid of us.
did you guys know that when they picked her up they heard a sloshing sound and she ripped apart, the impact liquefied all her insides so when they picked her up she broke apart.
*sluuuuuuurp* that's pretty neat
>caring this much about muh dick
it's about missing out on love for the entirety of your youth. of fitting in, of being cared about, of having that validation from the opposite gender that you actually exist and matter and are a worthwhile human being to be around. to have missed love and never experience it, ever.
how is that hard to understand?
>You arent entitled
Oh my god shut the fuck up
You aren't tho
What you guys always fail to grasp is that those teenage relationships were the building blocks to everything that came later. Yes, they were stupid in the grand scheme of things, but they were the stair steps to adult relationships. There is a phenomenon is psychology called the "critical period", where you have a brief window to develops a skill or you're at a permanent disadvantage. It applies to everything from language acquisition to interpersonal relationships. If you didn't figure out how to interact with girls 14-18 you're pretty much fucked for life.
I think it's because Asian girls act really feminine. It's still degenerate though.
I dont care. What makes you think that telling someone they arent entitled to something will help? Do you honestly believe they dont know that they dont deserve something they havent worked for? I also dislike whining but those three words strung together piss me off so much cause it sounds so pretentious.
also there's been studies done that prove that prolonged isolation, especially during adolescence, does actual damage to your brain that is irreparable
Dumb condescending normie platitudes make me understand why people snap and shoot up their school
Get fucked
what was this video> it is removed
Hey ding dong no one thinks they're entitled to anything. Obviously there are a few low iq exceptions.
birthday posts are always the most depressing
Why are asian people so cringey fuck
"you're going to be single for a while"
based black man
This is now a sad cat thread post sad cats
they really are
I've got one and she always wants to do cringey cute stuff.
Like, every second restaurant we go to she asks the waiter to take our photo. Unsa na fuck?
more like why are do they all look like mannequins, shits eerie
Good point. I had never thought this way.
westernised asian girls are the biggest fucking thots lol
She looks hapa tho. It's those white genes that are multiplying her whoredoms.
if women behaves like that, throw food, chocolate or wine at her
80 percent of time works, if not, she is mean bitch anyway