Guys my gf has square hips and she's very insecure about it and I want to help, but I dont know what would help most

Guys my gf has square hips and she's very insecure about it and I want to help, but I dont know what would help most
Its like pic related, but not as severe and there might be a little fat contributing to the square ass image so its not all bad
But how does she get rid of it, should she train glutes only or all of her lower body
Also I assume losing fat would also help

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She should get into better shape by adopting a lifestyle that includes exercise and good nutrition.

That's probably too much to ask since she's retarded enough to date a fucking faggot retard like you, OP. If you're lucky you'll knock this dumb bitch up so you can raise some more shithead kids and continue the cycle while she sucks your willingness to live everyday at as her ass gets more and more disgusting and fat while losing any semblance of aesthetic.

You already know what she needs to do, but you also know that she's weak and unwilling to put in the effort to make things right. Just buy fucking ass implants or something.

Post pics so we can provide genuine advice tailored for her

What kind of lowtest gets attracted to a woman with square hips? Literally goes against our evolution.

You're both probably some losers who deserve each other. Good luck with your shitty lives. Please don't have kids though.

Exactly this. Leave while you can OP. She's not going to change anything, and will start blaming you for her own laziness and insecurity

This, not memeing.
I need to see what it looks like in order to make suggestions on how to fix it

he probably dates her on an intellectual merit you muppet

I dont have a pic with a neutral pose of her because she always poses in a way to make it not seem as bad
The resemblance in pic related is striking, height frame fat distribution, everything

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She's just 21, most girls her age dont have an amazing physique yet

She's got that inbred Mormon girl profile.

At least she's willing to do something about it, I need to know what she should do to make the most of her body

She's probably uneahlthy and is developing an adrenal body type from high insulin resistance due to a high carb diet. She needs to change her lifestyle now or she will look absolutely atrocious after 40. Just look at the gargoyle Hispanic and Asian women in their 40s after a lifestime of high carb.

Just post a pic, crop her face or whatever if you’re cautious.
I can’t see shit on this.
Here’s what I need
>cellulite level
>ass muscle/fat distribution ratio
>weight if possible

I mean even if you post a pic of her in jeans I can do better than a silhouette

You and your trips probably have and prefer the beta 'V' shape. I wouldn't be surprised if you are trying to evolve the human race into a new form of tiny Hank Hill buttcrack creatures.

I can't say enough good things about the benefits of black man's semen for a girls figure. My wife has gone from a size 16 to a size 10 after I started allowing her to fuck black men and eat their spunk.

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Ask her if she's willing to go to the gym/exercise 2-3 times a week for the rest of her life.

I have square hips as well OP. Glutes, thighs, abs for me.

Thats the problem, she doesnt send me any pics which show flaws like most girls
If you cant give tailored advise then what general advice can you give?
She's 1.70m
About 57kg
No cellulite on her ass, just on the side of her legs
General non-trained ass fat-muscle composition

None of this shows in her pics, so I guess tailored advice is out of the question

Heart/pear shape is hands down the best, fight me faggots

Look you fucking imbecile. Show me your gfs ass so I can jack off already

Impregnate her so she blows up, it's as easy as that

Exercising 2-3x a week wont be a problem, she used to work out 3 to 4x a week before she got a full time job
But that has been 2 years ago, so that progress is pretty much gone
Now she's trying to start again

>tfw gf has heart shaped ass

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Romanian deadlifts,lunges, lowbar squat with hip drive, barbell hip thrusts

Can’t really help you without ass pics.
If her ass is non-trained, working on it will help. If I could see it, I’d know what excercises to put it through

You’re also gonna wanna make sure she prioritizes lower body over upper so that her hips seem bigger compared to her shoulders

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Boy you are right on that one, Iv been trying to get a grill fit for 4 years now.

Where to find girls with nice pear shaped asses? Doggystyle with a pear shape ass is like heaven.

pleb taste, round is the true patrician choice

Square ass makes for the best Brapsows when she gets fat..

Impregnating her will geniuenly help.


Get a gf with better hips

lol you're kidding, they eat fat like a motherfucker.

>Implying square hips are bad

Attached: SqaureHipsNB.png (434x482, 299K)

workout dipshit


Squats is literally the only exercise women need

Attached: squats-Abby.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

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At least she’s not Hank Hill mode

Jow Forums