Please share, how does your cum nuggets look like

Please share, how does your cum nuggets look like.
I've made this two in one month of hard work.

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What the fuck are those and what the fuck is wrong with you

How the fuck do you make a cum nugget?

What the fuck user I never heard of this how did you do this. Fucking digusting.

user, i originally dont originally understand

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>reverse image search
>says it's a mozartkugel
You better be fucking with us

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mom found the cum nuggets. What do i do?

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It is cum nugget. When cum dries out it became this somewhat brownish color. To make a nugget you need to collect your cum for a long period of time.

>To make a nugget you need to collect your cum for a long period of time.
oh please do go on

Mine are lighter.

You won't find this in google.

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For me I make them by taking my semen and microwave it for about 20 seconds. I usually ejaculate in a Tupperware container and every week or every 10 ejaculations I then put it in the microwave. The end result that I seek usually has the consistency of molasses. I then let it sit out in a cool dry place for about two weeks. This hardens it and darkens it to a desired result. While sitting out every day I go in and roll it up into a ball. Can't go too long without rolling or else it will harden into a disc shape like a cookie. I can tell when it's done because it will be in a solid state.

I just wanted to comment what the fuck but this filter wont let me.

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w-w-what does it taste like OP

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you ascended to a whole new level mate


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Um... something for scale, please?

Bitterly salty. Although there is some specific flavor, I can't explain exactly. Like butter or smth.
It's not the biggest I've made. But I ate the previous ones.

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This is very disgusting... why?

Men need to be exterminated holy fuck

Your response to "what are your hobbies" must be very interesting

Put me in the screencap user!! Oregano

This is reason I keep coming to this place. Quality OC, no matter how fucked up it is.

Is this the next "mushroom cum towel?"

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Are you the original cumnugget guy? The one who took pics with that thing on his tongue

Nope. But I used to make those nuggets even before I've found out that story.
I seriously don't understand, why people find it disgusting. It's just cum. Smelly, though.

Yeah, we're going to have to ask you a few questions.

>It's not the biggest I've made
H-how big is the biggest user

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Ah, shame
Also oldfag

Does it smell like rotten fish?

Imagine the smell

I can't show it, so no proofs. But the largest one was like a half of my little finger or even bigger.

No. At least, I am not sure exactly how rotten fish smells like.
Smell is pretty strong, imho reminds potatoes fried with lots of oil. Spoiled potatoes.

somebody get the cross. this is fucking gross

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Nothing is as good as rolling up a cummcnugget every now and then.
Also screencap

Forgot my pic for the screencap I'm retarded

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Dios eat them??

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I'm not putting you in the cap eat a dick

Yo if some faggot is going to screencap this 3/10 thread include me, also pic with nugget on tongue to improve thread from 3/10 to 6/10

Is that a real jizz nugget? Eat one and tell us the flavor

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I already told.
Then give me dubs.

God damn I love Jow Forums. Fuck all the people saying it's dead.

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those are fucking orange chickens from panda express you idiots

Here take these shitty dubs

Okay. Good going user. Together our voice can be heard

>cum nuggets
Please let this be real

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Stuff it inside your ass.
Fucking do it you pussy.

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That is clearly a small piece of general tso's chicken you fucking numbskulls.

Rolling for dubs mlady

Put one on tongue pls OP

Okay lets try this once again

Absolute kek

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rollin rollin rollin rollin rollin rollin what

Rolling for dubs captain

There you go i rolled me a doppel

oh fuck, now im gonna think of cumnuggets whenever i eat tso's. fuck you user.

>this whole thread
pic very much related

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Yeah, yeah. Whatever.
I used to ate them, so it's not a problem.

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The top. wait for it.

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side one. That's when I smack it with the left hand.

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this is wrong. this isnt right. all is not well. this needs to stop.

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>This thread
Fucking kek this is the quality content r9k doesn't deserve

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You're a fucking hero my man.

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Smoke some cum chunks fagget

Nice to see some good content here after a good couple of months, you have my regards. Btw i always imagined them tasting like rasins

side two
little bit more to come

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I'm not a hardcore nuggie collector but I'm doing my best for these threads when they pop up very occasionally.

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Remember God loves you

Is there even an name for what you are

Jizzus loves you too

enough of this place. im going to become one of those "normies" or whatever you call them. later. im out

Okay guys, I am going to sleep. If you have any questions about cum nuggets feel free to ask, but I'll answer only after ~8 hours.

I need to stop lurking here

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>But I ate the previous ones.

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Jesus fucking CHRIST user youre the reason psychotropic drugs exist

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this board needs to be nuked

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Jizz eating user

What the fuck is wrong with you bro why would you collect that.

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I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed of you, you beautiful bastard

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>op finds two tiny pieces of chicken from chinese takeout leftovers
>Jow Forums goes wild

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You aren't the OP. This crime against humanity needs further explanation

Too prevelant. This a militia worse than your average .com chugger

OP have me brain damage

pretty much this, enjoy your orange chicken op

Kek at all the normalfags and underages freaking out. You are awesome. You are what people on this board should aspire to be, as a kind of baseline. May we see your room? You so far seem to be the minimum grossness I expect from every real robot here

buy CONI, faggots

Damn son this is just unholy

y-you ate it?

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Cum nuggets look like the "meatballs" on the Domino's pizza I had earlier. It all makes sense now...

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>do a bunch of homemade caramel using sugar and maybe a bit of starch to make it glisten more
>post an ebig thread about cumnuggets, claim you even eat them
>have no qualms actually posting proof since its actually just shitty candy
>reap (You)'s
I'm not bying your shit OP unless you post full history of making one in pictures.

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This actually made me laugh.


why the fuck would you eat dried up old cum? Is this some kind of obscure fetish?

Hello r*ddit

>user and the cummy nuggets

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More normalfag greentext youtuber bait

God damn thanks for cheering me up with this thread Jow Forums

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sad to see how retarded most of you are. Its clearly orange chicken

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>i ate the previous ones

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