/r9gay/ - #348

No more tripfags edition.

Avatarfags are STRICTLY BANNED.

Previous thread -

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Other urls found in this thread:


Am I tripfag or not?

fair warning: if these threads get nixed, I'm gonna do some severely antisocial shit
also I hope we managed to trap the trugay mascbro in the burning wreckage of that last one


Mods please don't move the thread just because you hate nap

my bf will never talk to me i want to kill myself

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It's just Nap. They can't ban him so they just fuck everything up for the rest of us. Just fucking let him be.

All you need to do is tell grandpa to uplift that silly rule, okay?
That solves the problem.
Besides they are paying you for taking care of me, right? Right?

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you should look at the deletion logs sometime
there's TONS of shit that makes no sense, like you'll see threads where it's just a wojak and something like "I'm sad" and it's deleted for some reason
I think that either Hiro cheaped out and hired pinoys like every other Big Content Site or they're trying to pivot Jow Forums away from depresso city (lmao, though)

it's as if the mods are saying "homosexual males cannot be robots"


A literal fucking edgy teen
With a literal fucking botnet
Is able to get rid of well established generals
And a whole country
One fucking nappy boi
Against 10 paid trained modgoloids
One fucking nappy boi


that's dumb
as a """"longtime lurker"""" and someone with an ounce of sense, I will tell you this: the mods' saving grace is that they're very much part of the sorta pre-SJW geek culture thing. That does not fit with their beliefs as I know them.

They just fucking hate Nap. It's so fucking bad. They're going to kill our thread as soon as he posts again. Going to the most extreme lengths just so he can't do what he likes doing and fucking everything up in the process. I don't feel like it's needed. It's pointless. Give up and move on.

And he's not even trying
Just being a bored highschool boi
Against 10 mods



>been reporting the obvious ban evader who is banned on all boards
>i get banned instead every time
>now weeks later they take action

It's amazing what one determined retard can do. I've single single-handedly stopped a freight train before. A tremendous colossus carrying millions of dollars of cargo. All because I decided to sneak on board and stow away. They sat out in the dark for four hours, stopped dead, because they couldn't find me.

Better to purge the cancer, honestly. Get rid of him. The general will be shit as long as he's here. I'll take a few days on /trash/ if that's what it takes to make him stop.

Mods can I ask you to just let him be?
Don't ban him, you see what it leads to. Just let him be and he'll relax.

It's not going to stop. It's just going to fuck it all up for the rest of us.

no, fuck it up

You know I can be nice, just don't stir up a hornets' nest, okie dokie?

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Goodbye thread. Cya in the next one boys.

a guy added me from a steam friend thread 3 years ago who was named nap
he asked me to call him degrading names and then gifted me sega all stars racing
then he deleted me and i never saw him again

Yeah but here we gave him that name, unless he's a fucking time traveller because that wouldn't surprise me

Nah. I named him Nap. He's not AP and always sleepy. It's a double pun.

WARNING. This post will break Jow Forums global rule 8.

>Complaining about Jow Forums (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.

Because of that, you are well within your rights to report this post, and mods are well within their rights to delete it and maybe even ban me.
Now lets begin. FUCK YOU MODS. I'm not gay. Gays are disgusting. But don't you fucking dare move these threads to /trash/.
All the gay will then spill to other r9k threads and the depressed gay robots lose their sense of community which is probably the only thing that is keeping some of them alive.
So fuck you. There is nothing wrong with having a gay general on r9k. Just like there is nothing wrong with having a brit general.
If you think for one second you're doing anyone a favor by moving or deleting these threads you're wrong.
In fact, your decision may very well effect real people with real issues and real lives out there.
Now go ahead and report this post so mods see it.

Usually* sleepy.
Sometimes he's manic like that one night he'd been evading for hours until mods gave up.

WE gave him nothing. I do something once and then try a social experiment and all you fucked sperg out immediately and now it's a meme. No fucking stealing, nigger.

I lurk these threads sometimes but never posted. Has anyone actually found a bf? Are there many UK/Euro posters? Does anyone else like /cm/ a lot?

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your hearts in the right place but these threads aren't being moved because they're gay. it's because of one blue furryposter

Yep so it's just Nap ay. He's just not doing what they want so they fuck us all. Sad state of affairs this is.

the REAL straight ally

bless you, principled faghater
thank you for not trying to subvert the Jow Forums institution

Yeah whatever bitchboi, it doesn't matter how and why he's called that

>remaking a moved thread
??? are you new
ban this retard

kill yourself retard these threads are a blight

You're a good guy, user. Thank you.

I had a brief thing with a guy from here once but it fell apart because of my autism. I'm a UK poster, and who doesn't like /cm/?

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Didn't juan get ghosted today?
Can we try to get him to lure nap away so they both leave?

60% of this thread is UK as of the last polling here.
Based as fuck, thank you.
This is like watching farmers try to take on a 1st world army and winning

you're a blight. this place is not magically going to become politics-random by their absence

didn't juan's post get deleted before the thread was moved, if it was deleted he might have been banned

It matters! You're just regurgitating the worst fucking meme to ever hit Jow Forums. Why do you even want that?
I think they may have entered discussion with Nap in order to come to some sort of agreement.
He's not posting, they're not raping us with knives (yet).
Yeah. They're never leaving though. They found the place they like and will stay here indefinitely until they decide to leave on their own terms.

you guys are fucking cancer


hope some of you reading this post succumb to suicide, i'm so sick of all the fucking prison gay losers and attention whores

He wont get banned. He's only using a trip, only posts anime pictures, he's not an avatarfag. I wonder if they mods get really upset because someone reports them every time they post? and it just completely fills up all their shit. Interdesting.

okay dude
Take your anger out on us, it's okay.

Nap has been here just for a week, there's a high chance we can get him to leave peacefully somehow. We just need to figure out what he wants, he's been here in a gay general for a while since he's familiar with stuff so maybe he's just lonely?

you're probably used to that from your childhood, hope you had a shitty one with lots of agony and regret

people like you are the reason everyone hates gays

maybe he posted the same character with his posts? just saw that his post was deleted before the thread was moved

if i wanted j.d. muscle sadomasochists i'd do meth and break a mirror with my face
that's not how i'm tryna be

Thank god juan can't evade like nap does

>thats not how im tryna be
Kill yourself man.

tired: cuteposters are prison gay
wired: mascfags aren't gay they're the same thing as whatever gg allin was

Nobody here does that? From what I see everybody here is very very self-aware about their highly less-than-cute appearance and don't try to persuade people otherwise

what, did he get banned?

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ah that's great, all my friends live so far away, I wouldn't want a morethanfriend to be far too

I wasn't sure if people want cm type things or if the thread is more like soc. How did your tism effect things?

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>i just came with a cute boy

Not with that personality. He's a total machiavellian. He just wants to watch the world burn. Personality disorders pretty commonly leave a person feeling lonely.
Maybe the mods just threw in a two-for-one for us? I mean, they can't ban Nap but they can easily ban Kronie, right?
Not trying to be a cunt, where's the anger coming from?
cya later idiot :^) Learn 2 read

What song are you currently listening to?

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>responds with a 20 iq twitter meme after being told to kill himself for talking like a nigger

Aren't you friends with him? his post did get deleted, you can ask him

Think Jow Forums has a complete ban on selfies or whatever.
Stop it idiot, you'll get banned and our new thread nuked.

Mods are gangbanging nap's boipuccy rn as we speak

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Reading is hard, read it to me.
Hell no he hates me more than anyone else in here. He would gladly go out of his way to make things miserable for me.

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two-for-one Wednesday special, maybe kronie will get a couple stolen phones from his cousins?

Wh-what am I doing...


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He's got ADD, he'll stop when he gets bored.
>/r9gay/ - #348 Anonymous
> No more tripfags edition.
> Tripfags are STRICTLY BANNED.

At least read the very start of the fucking thread.

Wait, what? Why does he hate you? i thought you had him on discord

Yup, juan got banned

Machiavellian doesn't mean you want to kill everyone or something. Quit it with this fucking meme.

I hope we get to see the moneyshot in high definition. I'd pay for that shit dude

To pull a number out of my ass, like 80% of us either want a /cm/ bf or to be the /cm/ bf.
I basically just became overwhelmed by my insecurity over struggling to hold conversations and interact with him.

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KEK hard
I'm kinda pissed because EP must have got banned as well. Which is fucking annoying because he's using the trip correctly as well.
No shit. He's just here to fucking things up. He's a bored kid.

my tastes are good, yours are shit

im so insecure :(((( im mysterious :/// i just want a bf...


but /cm/ is just anime posting.

Rip Kroni...

It's not fair, bros...

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>He's got ADD, he'll stop when he gets bored.
Yeah he totally does, that's why he had been fucking with mods for 5 hours straight with no breaks yesterday.
He was just memeing, he's smart.

He's in the same channel, I don't have him added.

He thinks I'm cancer because I'm friendly with people, and because I'm gay.

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I think Nap is cute.

Why do the mods hate him so much?

Why'd the previous get delet already? Had some shit I had to read in there

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dude im a clumsy and confused smol bean hehe dude weed

Literally what do you want me to say, user? I'm a mentally ill robot and pretending I don't have issues isn't going to do me any good.

And who wouldn't be an anime boy, given the choice?

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this is not the place for jack london machismo bullshit

Mordy. My arms. Right now.

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fuck you, i hope your life is filled with misery
no idea what that means

Stop acting like Jackson please.

It's Nap.
Yeah sure but I always expected /cm/ to have actual real boys.

Hmmm. Well, okay user.

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Hey tripfags you better step carefully unless you have guns like nap.

hmm... well... okay... hehe im so cute


that was the last one cry baby

>they banned him again
Fuck fuck fuck, why won't they listen?
Let's hope he doesn't see.

just report every time they post

I haven't been banned in like 4 years, I'm probably fine.


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it means that if you cut off my cuteboy supply i'll take you to shitsville

*Hits you*

Do you have a beef with that artist or something, user?

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Not in the thread created by a mod that says
>Tripfags are STRICTLY BANNED.
>Avatarfags are STRICTLY BANNED.
It's coming user.