/ffp/ - Fat fitness positivity thread

I know, we have a lot of threads for skinny people or bodybuilders and even the annoying fat hate threads. So let us have a fitness friendly but also fat friendly thread for the fit but fat Jow Forumsitzens.

Here we aim to get as strong, fast etc. as possible but no intentional weight loss should be discussed.

Let this be the first of it's kind and a safe place for us to discuss people like us and our struggles and victories.

I will introduce myself first, I'm Katie. Currently 380lbs and proud.
I'm the fittest I've ever been and recovering from a previous eating disorder.
I like swimming because its a sport not catered to thin people and it shows that us fat people can be good at sports too.

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Sage goes in all fields lads

You don't have to post here. I don't tell you have to gain weight so don't try to influence me into losing weight.

Yes, that is why all the Olympic swimmers are fat lard butter golems. Fuck off, Katie. Fuck off and KYS.

>don't try to influence me into losing weight.
Then get off the fitness and health board.

Where did I say that they can't? All I said that it's an even ground so fat people can be as good as thin people. Never said one or another is better.

Fat and thin is equal.

I am still into fitness, thank you very much.
I just eat more when I workout.

I basically treat myself after every swim/gym session so I don't lose weight although I work out.
It motivates me to work out = allowing myself to eat what I want

If you are fat, you are not fit or healthy. This is 100% true in all cases. The best you can be is strong.

Why don't you just lose weight?

took the bait

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But I enjoy these baits.

>So let us have a fitness friendly but also fat friendly thread for the fit but fat Jow Forumsitzens.
This is where you fucked up

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I got tested for diabetes, my heart got tested and allergies.
All fine.
I am healthy and I am fit. I can outrun my mom and dad and my little sister.

>fitness friendly but also fat friendly
pick one and only one

You're a fat piece of shit and that's all you'll ever be.

Again, if you are overweight, you are not healthy, even if you don't have diabetes yet. You are not fit, even if you can outrun other fat pigs.

Why don't you just lose weight?

Please stop replying to this thread if you are not interested. I don't post in other threads either. Just ignore it and let us have our own space.

No. Go to /fat/, read the sticky, and sort your shit out. This is a board for fitness and health, not gluttony and sloth.

Losing weight is not that easy. My metabolism is pretty slow. I'm not saying losing weight is impossible for me but I have to eat around 1000 calories for that to happen and that's already my breakfast. I can't starve for the entire day.

I'd rather be fat and happy.

/fat/ isn't for people who don't want to lose weight.

Its called /plg/ you dumb bitch

>1000 calories for breakfast
Jesus Christ what the fuck? How can you eat like this? You are a disgusting pig and you will die many years earlier than you would if you had a healthy lifestyle. Just get yourself to a healthy weight, even if I hate you I don't want you to suffer like this.

i hope you stay fat and die

At 380 lbs you can eat like a pig and still lose weight. Except that you eat like two pigs.

Exactly. They are trying to be fit and healthy, that's why they get to be on the fitness and health board. Your other options as a lardass are /fast/ or fucking off.

This is now a bait meme thread.

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1000 calories is not a lot. I am pretty healthy for you guys' standards.

I eat
4 eggs= roughly 450 calories
red beans salad = roughly 550calories

It's a lot of protein. I don't eat bread mostly.
But I'm still hungry after that.
Ideal breakfast would be at least 10 eggs with the beans.

>I'd rather be fat and happy.
If you were happy, you wouldn't be on Jow Forums or Jow Forums in general. You might be 'glad', but happiness comes from satisfaction, and no one is satisfied with being fat. People settle for being fat, but you're never truly satisfied with it.
You might convince yourself you are satisfied but the moment you strip down and look into a mirror that lie starts to crumble.
Now to put things in perspective, you're an unsatisfied delusional fat fuck and your complete lack of self-worth led you trying to find validation for your delusion rather than having to put in any modicum of effort to get even the slightest bit closer to satisfaction and happiness but at least some part of you wants to improve hence why you're on Jow Forums.
And you know what's the best part? This whole post of yours is bait, you don't give a fuck about exercise and only came to Jow Forums to stir up shit, but my description of you is still completely accurate.

>I basically treat myself after every swim/gym session so I don't lose weight although I work out.
>It motivates me to work out = allowing myself to eat what I want

even if you burn it all and are at a perfect equilibrium of in/out

having that constant truckload of fat/sugar running through your arteries will harden your arteries
the weight will take it's toll on your joints and spine

>I am pretty healthy for you guys' standards.
Guess what, pig? You aren't. You are fat.
>1000 calories is not a lot
1000 calories is a lot. It only feels like a tiny bit because you're used to stuffing yourself all the time like the fat piece of shit you are. Beans are also pretty calorie dense. There's a guide to weight loss in the sticky, fucking read it. There are several threads to help you.

tldr Eat less, you human garbage.

I know it's accurate but like I said my option of ignoring what you just said and continue doing it is better than having to suffer through starvation and bad feelings. Thinness doesn't magically make you happy.
I'd rather be as (un)happy as right now and enjoy the food I eat. SOmething to look forward to and funnily I still get enough good looking guys on Tinder to sleep with me :)

Katie is a cute girl. Katherine is an average female. You may call yourself KATHUNKARATHAHOLYFUCKERINE or longer.

You guys are obsessed with hardening your body, so what?
And my joints and spine is fine, I'm 26 years old.

But I am still hungry. Even if you consider me fat. I still feel hungry
And how is 4 eggs and a salad a lot? lol

Alright guys, you can stop. It's always worth trying to help someone, but there's not chance this isn't bait anymore.

>I am still hungry
So? You aren't going to die. At 380lb you can fast for 6 months easily. That's actually one of your options.
>And how is 4 eggs and a salad a lot?
4 eggs is a lot unless you're bulking. A 550 calorie salad is not a salad, it's just a bowl of beans.

It's not bait you ******. I wanted a serious thread but you invaded it.
Just leave if you are so annoyed. God.

>And how is 4 eggs and a salad a lot?
Nigger wtf? That's 2 whole fucking breakfasts mate.

ding dong the witch is dead, down the well, off to hell

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But I will lose all my muscle if I fast. I got quite a lot muscle.
Also do you literally think 4 eggs are a lot? One egg is like swallowing once.
Calorie-wise it's a lot but does it really make you full? Interesting. Well I have a larger stomach genetically and because I am a bigger girl now.

Post body if you're serious.

Guys, this thread has already been declared a bait meme thread. Why are you still responding to the OP as if he was a real person, instead of posting bait memes?

Run your hand through your pussy, along your undercarriage and up through your butt crack and smell it and tell me you're happy. Go on, I'll wait.
Anyone got a deck of cards?

This is the dumbest post I've read all day, and I've been in this fucking thread. I hope you're baiting for your sake, it's sad to see someone die 30+ years before they had to.

This is Jow Forums and 10 people already told me I'm trash and I should kill myself. I won't post it here but you seem nice. If you have Snapchat I will send it to you

Because it's funny to be mean but we don't want to hurt a real person's feelings.

Hey now, 1000 calorie meal isn't that bad if you're doing OMAD or IF.

fucking lol, try tumblr or facebook instead

look if you're happy with yourself you're happy with yourself - cool.

if you want to smoke - go smoke.
if you want to eat cake - go eat cake.
if you want to be vegan and fit - be vegan and fit.

but unless you're built like the mountain, you will never make me pretend that 180kg is normal and healthy

Post body or this is a bait thread.

>I got quite a lot of muscle.
Post body. I don't believe you for a fucking minute.
>One egg is like swallowing once.
Then make a bloody omelet.
You can make the same amount of food into what feels like a bigger meal just by cooking it.
>Calorie-wise it's a lot but does it really make you full?
Calorie wise a pack of crisps is worth 3 steaks, but 3 steaks is going to fill you up much better. Yet you choose to eat the metaphorical crisps.
See your fucking eggs for example, you can fill two plates with 4 eggs worth of scrambled eggs, much more filling that way and yet you don't even consider it you just eat more and more like a retarded animal.

at 380 lbs you could eat 1000 cals for breakfast, 1000 cals for lunch, and 1000 cals for supper and STILL lose weight, even without exercising.

you aren't counting right.

I'm sorry, but are you actually retarded? This is Jow Forums; it's essence is gaining muscle mass.

"I don't tell you to gain weight"

Wow fuck you must be in a fat coma. The entire board is about bettering yourself and gaining muscle mass you silly sow.

Please end yourself and film it so we may know "what might happen when you encounter a fat".


I'm already on both but facebook is not the place to post this and on tumblr it's just the same people. I wanted a new perspective, new people and anonymity.

I get checkups every 6 months and I'm healthy so far... you're factually wrong.

I've been going to the gym and swimming for 3 years so obviously I build a bit of muscle.
So if eggs are so bad and make you fat quick why is everoyne here eating them? Even people who try to lose weight?

I don't think so. I snack a bit here and ther ebut it can't possibly be more than 500 calories max.

Why are thinspo and steroid threads allowed then? Why are fat people discriminated against? I do more workouts than those people.

Correct. We talk a lot of shit but we really are a supportive community, giving each other advice on how to get fit.

But that's not what this thread is. There's no possible way the OP can be real. His (yes, his) story is just too implausible and stupid. Nobody could be this ignorant. This is OBVIOUSLY a bait/troll thread, just on the basis of how perfectly it goes against everything this board stands for.

post body

post body

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post body

Stop bumping the thread

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post body

healthy people don't get checkups every 6 months

Please just stop posting in this thread if you don't believe me or you're against the idea... please

I am already sad today and you guys are making me really sad.
Not blaming you but please leave me alone and let me meet new people in peace

Fuck off, dumbass

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It's just the same people telling me to kill myself and posting the meme/bait pictures. I'm not respond to myself. I wanted a serious response.

post body

1000 calories is half the total daily intake for a male of normal weight and lightly active lifestyle, you stupid cow

post body

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What do you guys get from being so f***ing rude to me? I did nothing to you guys. You could just ignor ethe thread and let it die if you weren't interested.

You probably scared our people who think/are like me away with the bullying.

"I do more workouts than 'those people'"

Holy shit you're hilarious in the fat-th-degree.

You know damn well know you don't measure up to the man (and I use that term sparingly for you) in the mirror. What EXACTLY are you going to do about bettering yourself mate?

Listen man; your body is open to some ideas, which one are you going to listen to?

And don't fuck this up like you've done for the past 25 years. D O S O M E T H I N G!

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420 lbs healthy man here

I'm quite healthy, can bench four of my skinny friends at once (two on each side) and I agree with OP feeling the right to more food after a workout.

Niggerfaggot you're on Jow Forums.

it posts body on the thread or it gets the sage again

420lbs 6'9" ayylmao

post scratchnsniff.com link to your pussy odor pls

Need I remind you it's fat? Something like 80% of obese fat women have prolapsed vaginas.

I implore you to sound more fat;

Go on; please lead us unto your fatness zir.