Is having a smol sub-100lbs gf you can pick up like a toy as fun as I imagine it to be?

Is having a smol sub-100lbs gf you can pick up like a toy as fun as I imagine it to be?

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You're probably a pedo, sorry

t. american
yes it is, the sex is wild

You gotta be able to do 225 ohp. For your 200 pound qt3.14

Yes. My gf is 5'0, 100lbs. She keeps telling me that i could kill her if i want to but i keep saying "bitch just use a knife when i'm sleeping??"

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My gf is asian 5'4" and 100 lbs.

Pros: You'll feel manlier, shell need you to open jars and shit all the time. you can carry her around easier, youll always be grabbing things of the top of cupboards for her. And sex is great because shell always be tight.

Cons: People give you judging stares, especially if your huge. On average, tiny breasts. They literally have no strength so where its fun to help them youll be doing it allll the time.

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I’m 6’3 210 and I have two 5 foot 100 pound fuck toys and yes it’s amazing. They’re pussies are super tight and it’s fun to throw them around and make them fro what you want. Nothing gets me harder than being dominant over a tiny little fuck toy.

Small breasts on a tiny frame still look good though. It’s all about proportions.

> smol

True, but when your hands are huge it doesn't make a difference.


My GF is 5'6" 190 pounds with all her weight in her ass and legs. I like that I can be insanely rough and throw her into shit and she just takes it. Pretty sure I'd kill a 100 pound girl. I'm a 6'2" 230 pound 10% BF /fraud/ though.

if you lift every girl is a toy you can throw around you twink

>sub 100lb
Do you even lift?
140-160 5'2-5'6 is prime

smol breasts

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100lb girl has less inertia so she will be less injured by being thrown

Been all over the map with the ladies. Having a tiny tight bodied gf is pretty cool, but I have a gf right now who's fairly tall, smaller but firm and ridiculously sensitive tits, and a fat ass and legs for days. My new preferred.

Not fitness related

We broke my new bedframe in my new house the first night lmao.

My last gf was 4'7 and chinese, felt weird but empowering having people (mostly roasties) scowl at me for being with such a tiny girl. She was also a super freak

>Little 100lbs girl in relationship with muscular chad Jow Forumsizens
>not fitness or lifting related

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