Handwriting is the mirror of your soul <3

So, how about you share your soul ITT?

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Other urls found in this thread:


*posts his kyoot n femmy handwriting which makes everyone awww and UwU and OwO their faces out :3 ^_^*

that's my actual handwriting though
I never got told it looked gay sigh

>tfw my handwriting is shit

My handwriting genuinely looks like comic sans.

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I can't decipher my own handwriting half the time, every teacher told me it's the worst he has ever seen :c

too much embellishment ?

Attached: 7HKw5At.jpg (2988x5312, 931K)

>tfw people bully me for writing like computer text

My handwriting is shit and I can't do cursive.

What does my soul look like?

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I know this feel, user. It's like my hands aren't designed to use a pencil at all. The I actually want to do botanical art and draw realistic plants but it's almost impossible

What's your secret? Where did you learn to do it like that?

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Gaybot here.
Your handwriting makes me want to suck your dick because of how pretty it is. So its gay in the sense that it elevates the odds that a homo will suck you off.

>What does your soul look like
like this senpai

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What if i dont have a soul?

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Random drivel
Plus I'm not fancy like you guys ;_;

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Very nice handwriting user.
Here's mine.

Attached: IMG_20180620_225838303~2.jpg (4160x3120, 1.34M)

Originally woopsies

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Lmao why the fuck would you want to write well. Nobody cares

When you're ugly you try to make everything that's in your control beautiful to compensate.
t. person who writes well

I want to see you all fancy handwriters take several pages of notes when following a lecture.
It would be interesting to see whether you are fast enough to keep and and whether you have enough stamina to write consistently in this fancy way.

oregano originally

As you can see I am ugly in the inside as well.

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this was deleted when I posted it earlier in this thread. I know the header says /lit/ 6/20 because they have a handwriting thread going as well, but it is mine.

Attached: flipped.jpg (3024x4032, 1.88M)

user thats very hard to read

do you think I give a fuck

Also I wrote a shit load of essays in more-or-less this script throughout university and none of them were ever marked down or returned for being illegible.

Attached: flipped2.jpg (3024x4032, 1.7M)

they can use handwriting to identify you, fools. welcome to the NSA's graphology database senpai
yo ain't adding my handwriting to yo database cia niggers

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>writing anything incriminating with your handwriting

type it on a typewriter/computer and trace it retard

damn, all my plans of handwriting letters to my fellow conspirators against the government gone just like that.

Should I actually kill myself

Since I started writing it has just got worse and worse my r's look like c's and none of my letters are even similar sizes

I can barely keep the words on lined paper

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they can get samples of handwriting from schools, colleges, signatures and match it to the sample you just supplied their graphology database

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Is it true that burgers can't do/don't learn cursive?

Post comic sans handwriting. NOW.That's clean af I low it sigh
I wish I could be that consistent, post computer text handwriting user!
It looks genuine uwu
to write like a gay dude? some years of practice while having to write anyways cause of school. I really like having a pretty handwriting though ^^
I'm not gay but I'm extremely flattered and actually blushing irl
Looks like you kind of "Let go" of yourself and don't really care about anything anymore...that's the kind of vibe I guess
it looks kinda cute desu, like a child's (in a good way tho)
I like it, it actually makes me think of some medieval times
something like this, or having to do with elevation of self or something
I see nothing ugly on that inside buddy!
Might be hard to read but it's very cool imo, very reminiscent of 1900 novels.
I wish I was as cool as you guys, my handwriting may just be a bit too banal siigh

I want someone to exchange letters with. I'll write you little stories, and you can send me little stories in response. It'll be nice user. Apologies for mediocre handwriting.

Attached: Handwriting.jpg (1328x746, 94K)

I wonder as well. Perhaps we could use saying where we're from ITT? Would make it more interesting maybe!

cursive writing was required for me in elementary school but was phased out by the time I hit middle school. It is no longer being taught in most major school districts, because it is viewed as a handicap for lower income students that already have literacy issues. It is only still mandatory at private schools and small wealthy school districts.

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Perhaps you just need to put some order in your life buddy ^^
It's very obvious that was written with passion.
>apologies for mediocre handwriting
don't even try saying that, it looks good and even if it didn't that's nothing to be sorry for
also do you mean exchanging letters literally or just via pic?

>it is viewed as a handicap for lower income students that already have literacy issues
Fucking what

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Here's a passage from a handwriting thread here five years ago, I don't think mine has changed much since.

Attached: handwriting.jpg (639x868, 75K)

If I atleast did a nice signature I wouldn't be that bothered

My writing will remain awful I think

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Does indeed sound like a lot of bullshit.
Cursive is not only way better looking, but also makes for faster hand writing and better handling in general. I also think I might've read something about its correlation with the growth of certain brain areas but this I'm not very sure about honestly.
You need to be at peace in life, user...
at least that's what I would say from pic related

>fucking what
If Juan, Cletus, and Tyrone have a hard time reading printed english (either print handwriting or literal printed material), if they can literally barely read or write even up to their teenage years, as is that case at many US schools in bad areas, then introducing cursive just complicates matters.

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>Does indeed sound like a lot of bullshit.
are you saying the reasoning is bullshit or are you suggesting I literally made this up?

if i saw you write like this i wouldve kicked your ass

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Either. It would better sending letters, having them physically in your hand. I understand the apprehension though.

I'll try my hand at this.


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my soul is anxious and scribbles a lot to save time

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Why do my hands do this to me

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Back from when my net worth was $73k.


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Go ahead. try it.

> tfw no egf

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Pic related
The reasoning of course ^^
That's some damn fine handwriting user!
Also you're edgy and maybe a bit arrogant, but that's justified cause it looks so good haha
It's cute though, looks like a girl's
Also you don't wanna see my handwriting when I don't give a damn believe me haha~
It doesn't look as bad as you thought, simple souled user-kun
That is indeed the handwriting of someone who keeps a paper with all of his personal accounting I'd say!
user wtf is that
It's scary

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Also please pardon me if there are some imperfections in my handwriting, haven't been doing it for the past few weeks

you're welcome NSA


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oh god it's so pretty I could cry

you should try writing with more space between the letters.

th... thank you! now im gonna cry ;~;

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i like your W. the rest i do better :P

Say that to my face fucker and not online and lets see what happens.

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i guess it doesnt matter these days. personaly i enjoyed writting. and as hard as you might believe, i did get tons of attention from girls just because of my writting. well im also 6,2 but im pretty sure they weren't corrupted bitches back then.

I think you might be correct good sir!
share moreeeee

Can relate, a lot of girls really love good handwriting

u used ink, all i have at hand is a sharpie :(
fountain pen is the way to go.
god i miss writting now.

You might be surprised to know that I usually write somewhat better with shitty bic pens than I do with my fountain pen. It flows a bit too quick for me and has a very large stroke that I have to balance by trying to be as light as I can owo

just for you, user :3

(i really hope you know the reference btw)

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no bully please. or maybe just a little but not a lot.

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Thanks user, I really appreciate it
I failed you in acknowledging the reference...you could address me to it though ;w;
Why would I bully you? It's amazing to see someone use a flat nib (am I right?) ^^

it's the spider song from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia which is a comfy show in my opinion ^w^

italic 1.5 4 lyfe

Oh I see-
Being the Pizzalander that I am, I'm not familiar with many American shows really
I can make an exception if that one is good maybe though
also if you wanna drop some contact I'd be glad, I feel like I'd regret it if I didn't ask

If that's the outcome you can very much do it 4lyfe fren ~

Flux Underscore#4698 if you have discord, I suppose

I got spurs.

Orijingle orijangle

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i just found a photo i already had of something i have written

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Adderall I think has ruined my life. It's not the drugs fault entirely. It's all my fault. I do remember I used to be happy tho

I wish I wasn't so fucking antisocial. Adderall sucks for being normal. It makes you a robot for real

Can't you write anymore due to that?
Regardless I don't know how stuff went for you, and you probably have a share of responsibility for what may have happened
Just beating yourself up for it ain't gonna do it, you need to get back on track buddy
I wish I could hear wedding bells for myself one day sigh
It's so...peaceful, harmonious I would dare to say. Do you still write like that?

niggers can't into cracker runes

Good one, user

its a nice hokuto no ken meme

aw come on user, please add me :

Gimme a sec I was phoneposting ;w;

Free bank pen... I have it too

>Free bank pen... I have it too
Is that why he doesn't have a soul?

hows this desu

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I hope mine doesn't come off as too strange. My cursive isn't standard.

Attached: handwriting.jpg (1632x1224, 468K)

Fuck phones

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Literally had to go up to whoever had my shit and point some words out because they couldn't read it. Make of it what you will.

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Gomenasai do san!

Fucks sake I don't know why it flipped.

didn't feel like writing anything original, so here's some of my old homework.

Attached: 6.jpg (1462x1932, 198K)

Context: This is just some weapon ideas I had for a grapple gun game were you just try to shoot each other with derpy weapons while grappling around in massive rooms with no floor. It's kinda like the grapple mode in TF2.
I like to think it's pretty typical of my handwriting.

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My soul on dirty A4

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How bad is my soul?

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Too bad unicode isn't accepted here.
You have nice handwriting.
What does your cursive look like?
You have old-fashioned handwriting.
I like your notepad.
Keep your paper clean!
Your handwriting is perfect the way it is.

Attached: daijoubu.jpg (1632x1224, 456K)

>Unreadable fucking garbage
I have experience with retards

facebook com/photo.php?fbid=1757205464327782
cool photo OP

You don't have to tell me, I know it's messy.

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God damnit with these stupid pictures not rotating correctly

I write every day. Not always because I have to, but always because I like writing.

judge my soul

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>not having 10 unique hand writing fonts

Its not that hard, just start writing some letters backwards and strangely and shit. They will never know. This thread alone has given me many ideas of how to fool the police already.

>that writing
You're too pure for this board.