Who else /no poop/ here?

who else /no poop/ here?
>tfw on my 6th day right now

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If you don't make it a month you have to eat it

/no flush/ 10 days strong. Haven't considered /no poop/

I have a stomach condition so I regularly go a week without shitting.
I think I went yesterday so probably won't need to shit again till the weekend since I only eat 1 meal a day.

that.. that doesnt sound healthy user
i usually do poop every 3-4 days

my best streak is 16 so far, but I am getting there
must smell pretty bad user
me too eversince I was a kid

Impressive but you seem to be dodging my command

i usually poop every 1-2 days but sometimes some weird thing happen in my stomach and i end up not pooping for 4-5 days.
but when i poop after holding up for that long, i can even hear the toilet screaming for a bit. not even andy sixx can create a bigger log than me.

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sometimes it hurts a bit when i hold it for long time
but i always poop really fast, one strong push so it's no big deal
I have a special stick to cut my poops into pieces before flushing
otherwise they would clog and flood the toilet

>special stick
it always clog when i hold up for so long. but i just throw some hot water in the toilet and the shit starts to get soft after a while, so it gets pretty easy to flush it down.

it's only destined for cutting my poops, I don't use it for anything else therefore "special"
but if a robber would get into my house
i'd have a nice surprise for him, in form of poison enchanted weapon which only gets stronger with every poop it cuts

me too minus the condition part. I eat more than 3 meals a day and drink a lot of water and shit. Still only shitting once a week

Its been 16 hours since I havent popped

are people really suppose to poop daily?

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user, it's considered normal for a person to poop three times a day.
no idea how but it is

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>no idea how

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poop once a day master race

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ever since I started my diet I can only poop once every two weeks or so. might get some laxatives and completely clean myself out

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30 here, I used to be like you. Let me warn you of the dangers of not pooping every 1-2 days. For the past 6 months I had increasingly awful abdominal pain/bloating, I couldn't even sit and breathe properly. I was in and out of the doctor's office, but the condition kept getting worse. I had bleeding hemerrhoids that weren't responding to any treatment, from creams to stiz baths to using a standing desk. It felt like a golf ball in my anus. I was very gassy, had hard lumps in my rectum, and become convinced I had ass cancer.

It wasn't until I went to a gastrointestinal specialist that he gave me stool softener that my condition improved. It never occurred to me this could've been the problem since my whole life I pooped every 3-6 days. Age really does a number on what your body can handle.

Three times a day is too much dude.


I poop once a week and I don't have any medical conditions so I think everyone is just different in their own unique ways

my black friend says he poops once every hour after 3pm

fucking pooplets in this thread I shit once a day AT LEAST. sometimes 3 shits a day

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Whats the biggest poop you ever had?

I ain't unclogging that shit!

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you probably have ass cancer

>take vyvanse an hour ago
>just now began shitting up a weeks worth of food in nice smooth easy to pass logs
my mind is blown, this is a miracle drug

I shit 3 to 5 times a day. I don't know why, since the poop is normal and it's always a lot.

I've seen this and cum nuggets in one day, I think I might be too normie, but what the fuck

Eat more fruits and vegetables in an original way.

>tfw shit 3x a day
my ass hurts

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joining the club bros