Anyone here likes muffy? What do you like about her?
New muffy thread
I, for one would gladly fuck Muffy.
Muffy is NOT for lewd.
Anyone want to help crowdfund my idea to clone her and make government mandated GFs for robots?
>tfw I kidnap a bunch of government mandated Muffy's and have sex with 10 of them at the same time.
Would she be dominant or submissive I can't tell
sunny drew a pic of franz hugging agatha and muffy and now muffy is saying its cute! wtf is with this fucking nazi larper franz! cant he just leave already for fuck sake
here is the large image that sunny drew
I want that faggot to leave my wife alone.
>t. franz humblebragging
uwu laddy lu
That image is misrepresenting my waifu! She clearly has a cute flat chest.
How can Muffy be so perfect?
Franz must feel so great today! I feel great too. I feel great for him! Everything is just fucking great!
Can you fags stop lying to yourselves about Muffy not being in love with Franz now
does any of you talk to her regularly?
if so, mind sharing some proof that is not what has been posted already?
>muffy posting less and less no time
>franz says he cant run the board anymore no time
so do you think hes moving to the states or is she moving to the ukraine
In reality muffy is probably quite large... Maybe a C cup or best case scenario on the larger side of B
How do you figure? She looks flat in all of her pictures.
Maybe one of us who is close to her should ask her. It's not a lewd question, anyway.
I want to suck on Muffy's milkies.
yeah, lets also ask her if she lets her bush grow, totally not lewd
That's kinda lewd, unlike asking her about her bra size.
Ask her what kind of panties she wears while you're at it.
They're frilly, she showed me them.
She doesn't wear a bra because she's flat.
She's not totally flat though, she has cute A-cups and pink nipples.
Pink nipples are a given, just look at her cute milky skin.
How much for Muffy's virginity?
a vodka bottle beat you to it already
God she looks so cute and perfect in that picture. It's her best picture IMO. I wish she would post more photos where she's not wearing any makeup and lolita attire. Someone should convince her to do it.
Me too, it's like waking up with her.
where did u find this pic? dont remember it on insta
It's a old pic from her story
it's from a story she deleted
/agatha/ has a bunch of her pics
checked there multiple times and all the pics that have been posted there have been posted here too
that pic was posted on there you can tell by the file name
so what? it was posted here multiple times too, what you said made it sound like /agatha/ has some exclusive pics or whatever
does she really believe in auras and chakras and stuff? lol. fucking stupid
no i didnt i said it like it has a bunch of pics so if you are missing one check it out you fucking mong
Her innocence is what makes her appealing.
This but she probably doesn't believe in that stuff, she was just making fun of that lefty autist complaining about racism and homophobia (when she has displayed no signs of either.)
muffy's cute but her taste in jojo husbandos is appalling.
he's joining the army to fight the Russians
Muffy needs to be beheaded in public, kill yourself orbiter retards
>tfw no repressed lewd muffy gf
>orbiters are idiots and should die
>lets bash the subject they orbit
nice fucked up logic there
Muffy is different from other girls in that she actively enables her orbiters.
I honestly can't think of any girls orbited here that didn't enable their orbiters besides Agatha
That's only because she's too kind and empathetic for her own good.
>ciara scams and sends nudes and helps gathering other girls nudes
>sunny posted and still posts here at times
>a whole discord server was made around orbiting girls and most of the orbited girls are in it and glad to be orbited
>muffy replies to curiouscat questions and IG dms
al of them enable their orbiters
if anything, muffy enables them less then other girls
Is Franz a Chad? Why does Muffy crave his cock so much?
She's only humoring him because she's too nice for her own good. She told me that when we were cuddling.
I'd chop off a leg for a chance to cuddle with her desu. I bet her hair smells nice.
>a whole discord server was made around orbiting girls and most of the orbited girls are in it and glad to be orbited
this is truly the most pathetic thing.
were you really not aware of the existence of the sheep village?
Not him but I wasn't. It's weird but dedicated.
I don't follow discord, too drama fueled for me.
she legitimately looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome
no need to follow discord, it's been the central topic of this whole orbiting deal for a few months here on r9k
So do people just wait for their chance to get to talk to one of them on there?
Maybe I'm just getting too old, but what the fuck.
Guys, I think Muffy is cute.. CUTE!
Every time I see a picture of her I'm filled with the desire to impregnate her
>people just wait for their chance to get to talk to one of them on there?
more like people regularly talk to them there, it's a group chat and all, most of the girls who are in the server are as active as the orbiters
Why do you assume she wants to be impregnated?
What she wants doesn't matter
It doesn't matter if she wants it or not, it's what she needs.
Everytime I see a picture of her I'm filled with the desire to destory her. The world's too ugly for her to be in it. Somebody needs to crush her head so it looks as hideous as everything else
Muffy a qt!
she's already a 4/10 cmon bruh
And the world's a negative four out of ten. Someone needs to just curbstomp her head into the pavement
I'd rather just make a ton of cute babies with her
I'm sick of people saying she's 4/10. In reality, she's a 11/10.
I'm attracted to girls who look like hey are dying of AIDS and Muffy hits that bell hard.
I just want to fuck her near lifeless body for days
pls gib infp muffy gf
Thats not the good infp gf one
The other one is closer to Muffy's personality though
She looks pretty saltless.
Well is the better infp personality
>no one posted the new crispy yet
Get that spic dyke out of the Muffy thread
Hot, that's how I would like to fuck her.
>posting a 1/10
Get out of my Muffy thread
what bands does a girl like her listen to?
>what bands does a girl like her listen to?
Pic related.
>Pic related.
forgot the pic
the only good one there is bjork
Was about to say this, it's the only one i listen to
>the only good one there is bjork
garbage taste