Things only fembots will understand
>Knowing not even a robot will date you because you're fat even though technically you're just chubby
>you will get offers up the wazoo and either reject or ignore them
Men should be women :^}
>not understanding the pressures of literally only being something to look at and no male actually caring for intelligence
>TFW guys get angry at you when you say you will only date a virgin even though I am a virgin.
If I got a fat gf I would feel the need to help her lose weight because I'm an active person so we can be active together. But I read too many stories of how IMMEDIATELY after becoming fit the girl leaves the man who helped her achieve her new body. Leaves him for Chad.
This is what puts me off of getting a fat gf. It doesn't work, it's voluntary cuckery.
I'm currently dating a 'chubby' chick
...and we're both virgins (24yo)
Things only fembots will understand
>easily go on tinder and find a guy to buy you a free dinner
>easily can get a beta robot who will pay for anything you need
>going on threads to complain you can't have a robot bf but is really just picky and looking for Chad
>Talking for ages on tinder with boy thinking you are smart, funny, adorable and an absolute catch
>Go on first date, ghosted and never hear from them again after because you look fatter IRL
Honestly I think robots cannot conceive of a genuinely ugly woman or a woman who gets rejected frequently
You know it's actually sort of the opposite, if you go outside and go to a supermarket almost every female over the age of about 16 has a potbelly and is clearly chubby, if not fat. I can only fear for the size of fembots who don't leave the house.
This is in the UK so unless all the women in the UK are now Fembots something aint right. So unless you're a whale or a skelly I think you've got a normie figure
>tfw no plump gf
My only real gf was a chubster and I loved her to death
Then she broke my heart ;_;
How did she break it user, did she sit on it?
Fat people are disgusting and deserve rejection.
She walked past it and the vibrations in the floor caused it to explode out his chest
You got a sensible chuckle from me chap.
No, and if they honestly believe that they're delusional. Plenty of robots would date chubby girls, fembots just don't want robots. They want chad. That's a fact.
I am a thicc hispanic girl and all I want is a cute skelly white bf but all the white men on this board just want a white gf and most of you think I'm disgusting for not being sticc.
>you think I'm disgusting for not being sticc.
how ironic
You must've missed the thicc latina girl worship threads that are posted at least once a week, retard.
You listen to shitposting aspies, they're not completely representative of how the entire board thinks.
Fuck you anyways, you wouldn't want to talk to me or give me a chance.
Poor lad, as much as I'm inlove with chubby/fat fembots making fun of them is irresistible and I can't help but laugh. This fetish is suffering
Any chance that Welsh chick is in here?
I think they secretly like it though
I'm and I used to make fun of her for being fat before we started dating. She actually went on a diet and went from landwhale tier to qt chubby and I fell for her.
>chubby is a technical term
Only fembots know this:
>tfw everyone is nice to you
>tfw life is so easy it's boring and pointless
>tfw you want to get high and do dangerous things
>tfw you've fucked all your friends
>tfw you can't stop cheating
>tfw monogamy is oppression!
Fuck I just want to kiss her stomach and make her food and worship her ahhhhh why are chubby girls so cute
It's more like that she will find a million things that stop her from losing weight all while she keeps snacking and eating junk food. Women don't like being confronted with their fat bellies. She will turn it around on you and paint you as the evil man.
I hope she didnt break your heart too badly and hope you find another qt.
I'll test your advice after i've finished my gap year since I have literally 0 contact with any girls outside of facebook and randomly messaging old chubby acquaintances from my school telling them if they got fat and hurling abuse at them if they have become doesn't seem the best of ideas. I'm 21 bmi so i'm as average as it gets so I dont bother with trying to meet fembots since I'll just knock down my confidence since i'm nothing special but I always get baited by the qt fat anime thumbnails so i come in these threads anyway.
You girls reject all social outcast/autistic even knowing that 75% of all guys here would date a fat girl. I know a lot of fat girls that have absurdly high standards to men despise be fat and knowing that almost all men despise fat women and use them only as secret sexual toys for when they cant get anything better to fuck.
some fembot wants to send me a pic of how "ugly" she is? I rate
There's also plenty of guys who actually fetishize chubby girls
No one fetishize chubby guys especially ones with smallish dicks
Thanks bro, it was like 9 years ago when I was in high school kek. I was totally fucked up for a while after the break though. Dated for 4 years so that's to be expected. I met a nice fembot though so maybe I have something there, maybe.
You gotta be jokingly mean about it though, just poke fun at them I guess. Her name was Jennifer and I used to call her "Jenny Craig" after the diet program ahahahaha
But I like chubby girls, a girl I met on here said she was fat and she was like barely chubby
This is my ideal right here. Something about this level of fatness makes me want to procreate.
I am currently dating a girl who weighs 265lbs at 5'4, don't give up hope fembots
I am 5'2 and 225 lbs. I am fat as shit. I am trying to lose weight currently but working and school is really killing me.
HNNNNNGGGGG. That's really fucking hot.
Following up. Where are you located? I will treat you like a queen.
how is that hot?? i am disgusting.
I am in the US.
You are not. You also seem to have your life semi together, at least. You're probably a real fucking catch. I'm in the US as well.
Why the fuck are you here? Please fuck off.
Umm sweaty... how is work and school an excuse? How did you end up that way, nearly everyone does those two same things and aren't like you
How can one user be so wrong in one post?
If loving big girls is wrong, I don't want to be right.
How hard is it to not be a fat fuck? Don't stuff your face with burgers and muffins.
You're a woman, this is your one job. Except not really because there's still guys who will still date fatties
To all the chubby fembots here, what's your actual bmi? Are you really just chubby or are you fat and calling yourself chubby so you can feel better? No hate, serious question
I'm in a LDR(we fucked) with a (now) obese robot(failed stacy/thot). I love her.
>32 bmi
I don't lie to myself and call myself chubby though
Plenty of guys would date you if you let them sculpt you into the object if their desire.
Would you be interested in going on a date at the gym?
Nice. Bra size?
Things only fembots will understand
>Rejecting all the ugly creeps and hoping for Mr. Right :)
38H, originallyposted
Jesus Christ. Fucking great. Hip size?
Can we just make this a fat thread?
>being the only adult female virgin that you have ever met irl
I've failed where even the ugliest and stupidest of women have succeeded. I wish I were dead.
lalala I'm posting stuff
36, and its distributed terribly. I have fucking thin arms and legs.
yes continue user
lalala fuck a sheep
Please let me squish your belly until I cum inside you.
My bmi is 28. I'm too fat for everyone on the board, they call me a landwhale.
Not need, baby.
I will run out eventually
my post will never be original
moving on to some videos
Sure thing, Im free until Sunday
Obviously I'm just being lewd, but I'd love to get to that point one day. What happens Sunday?
exploding with fat
There is a superior form of enbiggenment.
if a woman can't be obese, she should at least try to be overweight
I don't mean to be rude, but that's the least sexy death by snusnu I've ever seen.
>Having more than 2 guys cum inside you in the same day
lol wrong thread breh, start a bodybuilding/ripped girls one
also one of the sexiest things about fat women is it's something they can feel ashamed about. And that's just hot
Its my alone time when I sit in the dark and masturbate to a clearly bizarre kink, even for here.
everyone is entitled to their opinion
I for one can't live in a world without fat women
the user we deserve
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was too low in content (9.82% content).
Interesting. Care to share more information? I'm genuinely curious.
no such thing as fembots
you don't deserve my content you filthy degenerate, but I appreciate that someone appreciates it
Leg casts, lower limb amputees, limping and crutches.
fat thighs, the gift we don't deserve
the truest sign of high estrogen
Wow. I'm not disgusted, but very surprised. I'm sorry, I have both of my legs. I do slightly Iimp sometimes though.
faux pregnancy
Yea I showed a nude to a robot from here and I'm 140 lbs at 5'5 and he said I looked like I weight over 300.... So..... Yea I feel you.
>Only fembots know this
Nigger i've done all these things and im a guy
Tell me more. Why?
what a nasty fat bitch, shouldn't even be allowed to have sex
I would love this if he's willing to be kept in a chastity device till I achieve my perfect body.
Bad knee and ankle. Plus I walk 5 miles on concrete every day at work. I also have a bad wrist, but that doesn't do anything for you.
what about a little belly?
I had a guy call me a hamplanet when I said I have a 26 BMI
Let me colonize your planet.
I enjoyed this information. Its a hard life, the entire industry for Abasiophilia/Acrotomophilia is geared towards men so theres very few videos of casted men/amputees etc.
don't worry, he's just trying to talk dirty with you
there's this fat chick I liked, bmi about 45, and I always wanted to call her names because that would turn me on, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings
Have any of you ever gained weight deliberately?
I'd be fucking honored if you thought about my knee giving out while pleasuring your beautiful self Sunday.
>you'll still get dated even though you're fat, probably by a skinnier guy
>fat guys have to lose weight first
I'm a guy and I'm trying to right now. A lot of women have expressed interest in me in the past, and I didn't really care for it to be honest. If I got fat and women didn't like me anymore I don't think I would miss it
I can't post myself, but here's what I'd like to look like instead