
I don't care about the wrong image, I need to escape the other thread edition

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1st for filters

Spiderman 2 > Spiderman 1 > Spiderman 3
(The Raimi movies of course)

Right my dick ain't gonna suck itself.

dubtrack = paedo ring

simple as

i only suck for money lod

Spiderman 3 has the scene where smug Peter Parker walks down the street so that automatically wins.


Are Lee getting a bit philosophical.

The dubtrack thing was pretty fun the few times I was on but I must sleep now. That doc we watched was hilarious

Counting down the days lid, should be paid beginning of next month. Only thing that'll make it worth it

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i honestly don't know people are to vlog in public places

na night ziggeh, see ya in the mornin' pal 50

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Salty you got banned 48yo

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yer mums knickers = smelly

I tell you one thing lads, the idea of everything I long for being an unfulfilling let down which doesnt solve my unhappiness is a scary one

i'll suck for drugs lad

Is the radio on yet?

Any plans for monies also what doc?



you colossal cunt

what do you think of these babies

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Can't say cunt on the radio dude.

almost as good as these

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Just went on dubtrack and theyre talking about cuckoldry and black cock. Weird af

Plan for monies is save as much of it as I can, might be having to pay deposit+agency fees+overlapping rent soon so I'm going to get shafted. Will be nice if I get my own place though

This doc, I thought you were there that night

Crona is a normie and HATES when other trips receive positive attention. It's a blow to his massive ego and he's always posting user trying to undermine other trips.

Looking forward to the radio desu

Please be nice to one another, we're all in misery


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Keep enough to buy a radio.

yeah i was there 2. very strange, but the discussion was about yer mum and her kinks

haha but seriously, why were you talking about cp and cuckoldry?

What time is the radio on at?

call in to voice your complaint today

thought it was black cock and cuckoldry. keep up with yer own lies user

Sounds like a kewl radio show.

I once lurked a thread about some user that sucked off his dealer for weed and fapped to it

24 hours, non stop

Was doing it in the last thread against death chan and zeus. Such a vicious, nasty individual.

wew some sad cunts are really doing their best to derail the thread tonight

funny how they're wasting their time and /britfeel/ will always persevere

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High as fuck lads, how you lot doing x

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very nice. in fact no, proper nice/10

Hard core RADIO!

reminds me of the guy posting in here about thinking his dealer fancied him

I hope Crona finds inner peace. Bless up in this thread.

I'm actually kidding, but I would love to have gay sex at least once while i had smoked weed

Get it on the radio dude.

does doesn't it.

FM/AM all frequencies open

What buying or renting?
I missed those mental people docs, I can't watch them desu

nice to have some positivity in this thread eh lid

We should start having a midnight wank. Everyone on britfeel should have a wank at midnight, it would be a laugh.

Radiotastic radio fans!

poofter lad pls

dubtrack is cancer. the thread always goes to shit when they are shilling

gonna have a nice shower tomorrow morning, hope my clothes are dry

48 year old seether

that's very much gay, user

Don't lie lad, you would trade for cheeky blowies

No dubtrack, just Tamla & Trojan on the Radio

Isn't that a tad gay?

i was calling the seething user out, first he said you was on about black cock, then said CP.
thanks you get eh

Renting a flat mate. Might have to house share for a short while, will see. Could make 'posting from my rented flat in __' posts but I don't want to give away my location

Why can't you watch them? It's not so much laughing at them, they're an interesting bunch. This is one of my favourite documentaries, bunch of weird and crazy people in Florida.
pic related, not a gopher

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Well, I would but only because I love weed more.

>Just had an over 2 hour long nap
Very nice.
you are a home of sexual

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Death Chan is involved in Dubtrack. Say no more

you are as gay as the day is Iong

I dont think Ive ever seen a really big dick in person. Certainly not erect one.

I want to see one. Maybe give it a little lick too. No homo

Punting review from my rented flat on the yellow brick estate in Peckham coming right up

>Why can't you watch them?
I don't know they just make me feel bad man, poor sods

Out of about 10 guys I had sex with my life in was maybe top 3 sadly

There is nothing gay about having a midnight wank with the lads, you insecure poofters. Real straight men wank and bum each other because they are so sure of their sexuality that they can do it with out feeling any homo lust.

I'm the most intelligent poster ITT

He's also involved in the radio. Maybe he's undercover

aIri blatantly homo user

Jokes on you, I'd fuck men because I'm bent haha
spitroasting honk when

Radiolutely pube

If this is Goose I finished Dubliners the other day. Thought The Dead was slightly overrated but maybe people hyped it up too much for me. Top stories were Araby, Eveline, A Little Cloud, A Painful Case, Counterparts and The Dead. Got The Book Of Disquiet by Pessoa next, would like to try Ulysses but I want to read The Odyssey first

How's Snow whatever coming along?

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one of my mates flashes his dong all the time and its quite big, bigger than mine for sure

that lie might have worked on SP but we're not falling for it saggers

the traffic will cause gaytube to crash

I mean it's no different to being on /britfeel/ tbqh

Went to London for a train change and had to go through the tube today. 0/10 would not recommend

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This is Sagiri
Don't know about the stuff you're on but I was getting back into the second half of March of the Ten Thousand on the train/tube today which was pretty sweet.
It's getting into some juicy tactical bits at the moment.

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How was the photo shoot ladd

Might actually quit drinking m8s

Just use a tripcode you sad cunt so I can filter you.

Lass* sorry autocorect

was you meeting your nignog bf?

Sorry lid, these filenames with silly letters and numbers are throwing me off.
Never heard of that but just looked it up, is that the one by Xenophon

fuck off

Not really. The docs feel like you're outside looking in, while with britfeel you're apart of it

>tfw I had my first night sober for the first time in a few months

I was completely fine but I only did it because I had no drink. If I can get drink, I will.

>take cocaine/stimulants
>drink a fuck load
>have a dreadful comedown where i think I'm dying
>repeat the next night
So, this is the power of addiction.

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Pretty easy mistake these days.

>Could have walked past the resident ""tranny"" (female)
Literally why would I
It's alright lad.
Indeed it is, bought and read it ages ago but life got very busy so I've not had the time or the will to get past half way, so now I'm going through it again.
>what did he mean by this

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anyone else here with /fuckedteeth/? theres no way in hell im gonna make it in this life

Thinking about a Louis Theroux britfeel documentary now. He'd probably be disgusted.

I had to stop coke and mandy because of that, I would go a whole day or more recovering and feeling like total shit

Is honk actually a twink or is it a meme?

>Literally why would I

not him but tbf you're a pseud trip

It should be a radio documentary