How often do you get drive-by laughed at?

How often do you get drive-by laughed at?

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Never but one time someone leaned out the window and screeched at me I nearly shat myself

Anyone standing on a sidewalk on a Friday or Saturday night will have random, drunk retards yell shit at them as they drive past. It also happens on summer week nights with dipshit high school kids.

One day me and a friend (both underage nerds) were walking home when out of the blue an old latino guy (in his 60's) stopped in the middle of the road just to show us the hot ass hooker he was with for 4 seconds before running away.

Most wtf moment in my life.

I was walking to my car after a Pacers NBA game by myself and this one guy in a group said, "Look at that guy. What the fuck is he doing?" out loud, probably referring to me walking by myself. Luckily for him it was in public or else I might have grabbed his head and slammed it into one of the concrete buildings next to him. I can't stand faggots who only get talkative when they outnumber you.

Sort of like this

maybe 5 times a year. i tend to get out more than your average worthless ugly cretin though.

Unironically a few times.

I am limp due to knee damage and I walk funny, so everytime I come home late from work, a group of normies, mostly women, in a car, coming back or going to a party I presume, shout and laugh at me.

This has happened about 3 or 4 times now.

What is the source of this image?
The original and edited versions of it get posted so often but I've never considered what it's actually from.

Literally happened to me the other day
Happens once a month I would say

I don't go outside so never.

I got drive by spat at once.
But I was carrying my skateboard and it was a gangsta chav in the car... so it makes sense since chavs hate everyone that's not a chav.

It's happened a few times, I got a beer bottle thrown at me once

Jesus dude, how ugly are you that people are driving past and laughing?

Do you need a friend?

once, when i was 14 or 15 and had shoulder-length hair, someone yelled that I should get a haircut.

I think I had something like that happen to me in middle school . Every since then I hated walking outside in my town.

>stop at traffic lights with window down
>3 teenage fucbois pull up beside me in their moms hatchback convertible
>one of shouts out "huehuehue, look at him alone in his car with no friends"
>don't look at them at them praying for the lights turn green so I can make an escape

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I think this is a very-underrated feel guys.

It should belong in future soul-crush threads.

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Hobos get murdered and beaten by normies for being hobos all the time, what makes you think they won't take the chance to mock someone who they perceive is 'off', specially on a vehicle that allows them to not directly engage the people they mock?

>car full of black kids stops by me in parking lot
>ur fuckin ugly lol

>walking down street
>startled, turn, car full of frat boys driving by
>haha he's ugly

I was out walking to the 7/11 at 4:30am the other night and some drunk kids in a car slowed down next to me on the road and tried to get my attention, then one yelled out 'TWEAKER" and they drove off.

To be fair I do look like a drug addict so I wasn't offended.

Someone made ape-noises at me when I was nightwalking once. That scared me.

When i was 17 i trued rushing a fraternity at Alabama and when i was walking on Old Row a bunch of DKEs in a pickup truck drove by me and called me a a fucking nerd. I didnt get a single bid from anywhere so i guess they were right

Someone threw a taco at me from the bed of a truck when i was middle school aged

never because real life isnt a movie. You should try leaving your basement every once in a while user.

terrible bait. As if everyone in this thread is lying. I'm the OP and I've experienced it.

One time a girl asked for my number for another girl

happened to me a few days ago

>out night cycling in country
>get back to town and stop at gas station to get a drink
>car drives by slowly as i get off bike
>chad leans out the window
>drives off

they were just teens dicking around so it didn't really bother me

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pretty often when i go out running

it's likely because i'm a pale skeleton, i have long since stopped giving a fuck though

>car stops by next to me
>asks me for lighter
>tell him that i don't smoke
>"why the fuck don't you, are you not human?"
>then he just drives away

I didn't want to start a fight because he was with his group and you don't wanted to fuck with tinted cars in 3rd world since they usually belong to the government.