Take this test and tell me what you got


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>You do not suffer from social anxiety.

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No need to take the test.
I don't have social anxiety... I just get anxiety/panic attacks when starting a new job.
I'm afraid of change.

74. A lot better than before though.

generalized anxiety or chronic depression


>You have severe social phobia
I don't even have enough to get into the very severe club. I'm a failure at everything. Haha

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Oh, and just so others know...
43(fear) + 43(avoidance) = 86
Didn't even try to make them match up or anything, it just happened.

Probably like +/-10 since I've never been in some of those situations and can't really relate

7. not too shabby, kinda wish it was lower though to be honest.

116. How do I fix a lifetime of social isolation?

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124 lmao

'not original' fuck off kike

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Anything below 95 needs to leave

No, you need to leave, if that's what you're good at. Us "severe anxiety" Chads rule this heap

s-sorry chad. I didn't mean to offend.

>54(fear) + 64(avoidance) = 118
>You have very severe social anxiety.

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104, "very severe social anxiety"
Have no idea why though I generally tend to keep to myself when in public and don't talk to others much.

pic related. not really all that scared of social interaction per se, i just fucking hate it and avoid it often

Like a 34, probably because I have done my best to kill of my anxiety by pretending I dont care. Would probably be higher if I actually had to live through the situations.
I still blush when I'm the centre of attention though. I hate it but I cant seem to do anything about it. Help.

user, you didn't post anything.

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actually forgot the pic. fucking brainlet over here ignore this reply.
please no bully

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103 nigga
What items did you guys put "Severe-Usually" for?

How do I even socialize? I never talk to anyone but I really want to be normal I don't want to die alone but I'm so afraid of fucking everything up

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>very severe social phobia
I am very paranoid when out in public and around other people but I think this test just over exaggerated everything.

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To be honest, I'm fine with people equal or inferior to me in the social scale, I can be pretty bossy to salesmen, attendants, etc; towards co-workers and classmates things go more into the meh side of the equation, I simply don't care, but around women, or superiors, bullets are sweated profusely. Ever speaking to a woman in fact, frightens me; I don't know how to deal with them at all, old ladies, mostly ok, but woman of my sale age, terror. Teenager girls? Fucking hell on earth.

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>44(fear) + 48(avoidance) = 92
>You have severe social anxiety.

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