Im a trap and I want to become a submissive cock hungry housewife for a man but I dont want a man with autistic or...

Im a trap and I want to become a submissive cock hungry housewife for a man but I dont want a man with autistic or retarded political views such as communism or anarcho capitalism, I want my bf to agree with most of my political & philosophical opinions but I also know that being a trap means im taking the role of a woman which is a submisive one, so im not sure if I can tell my bf what to believe?
Do I have to give up my ideas to become a good submissive trap or do I just need to submit sexually?

Attached: t67g8jx.jpg (500x675, 100K)

>I dont want a man with autistic or retarded political views such as anarcho capitalism
I'm out of here. Sorry, but the only good traps are antraps

i dont give a fuck about politics i just want some rural land, small house and a small amount of crops with some livestock. definitely could use a housewife.

I uses to be ancap but I realized its a joke of an ideology.
How do you plan on efficiently protecting private property without goverment?Sounds like somethind id enjoy desu

>definitely could use a housewife.
*house huband

tfw no fashy trap housewife

With private security. Goverment is the biggest violator of private property, retard.

i wish i didn't know this feel
3d women are just so terrible
but it's biologically impossible to save the white race with a trap wife
my brain and my dick are fighting again

>Im a trap and I want to become a submissive cock hungry housewife for a man but I dont want a man with autistic or retarded political views such as communism or anarcho capitalism, I want my bf to agree with most of my political & philosophical opinions but I also know that being a trap means im taking the role of a woman which is a submisive one, so im not sure if I can tell my bf what to believe?
>Do I have to give up my ideas to become a good submissive trap or do I just need to submit sexually?
Choose me desu

You're not a trap and you probably copied and pasted this from somewhere. Fuck off.

Post your original legs pls

Sorry, but you're a faggot. Die.

*has been behind you this entire time*
*blocks your path with the tip of my wakizashi*
You're being too noisy. Can'tcha see I'm trying to read?

Attached: Wandering Feel.png (781x910, 153K)

I too, want to be a loving submissive housewife(male) for someone since I can't satisfy a woman with my small dick. but i'm a small asian chubby manlet though.

pictures or fake

Attached: inspiration.png (473x582, 645K)

But why, Im still useful as a housewife(male) and Im also willing to just be a concubine

>but i'm a small asian chubby manlet though.
these make decent traps t b h

Im a small skinny hispanic

What are your political & religious beliefs?

Goverment doesnt automatically mean evil communist , minarchism, classical liberalism, neoclassical liberalism, & ordoliberalism are all systems which suupport & defend private property

>What are your political & religious beliefs?
Hindutva 2bh

You should get an indian gf then

> communism or anarcho capitalism

Those things don't mean no government though???????

But I do kind of relate to your post I'm a non binary AFAB dom and I really want a submissive virgin guy who's nervous and cute, but NOT these pol types that litter places like this. I want him to actually be cable of empathy, creativity, and intelligence.

I dont agree with ancaps because I support capitalism with social safety nets and because anarchy is impossible.
I also dont agree with communism because even though I have empathy Im still more egoistic than egalitarian

I live in Ohio if interested. Von#7777

>trap pick one

Where are you from user? What about a libertarian leaning paleo-conservative constitutionalist? I would date a trap if cute enough.

give me your discord slut

Hey OP, do you mind if I take your brain dead posts to write a satirical comedy bit?

Whats your age & location?
Im 19 & from nevada
Sure, do it

sheittt I was just in Nevada that sucks
24, D.C.
post kik if you have I guess?

oops replied to myself I'm retarded

add me on discord I'm going to bed

And that enough Jow Forums for today

You don't have to be submissive outside of the bed tho don't sexualize the whole relationship since most people nowadays don't do the "wife agrees with anything"... So if you want to you don't have to have the same ideology but something slightly different since that could provide both common ground and discussion topics.