>walk into your bathroom
>see this
wat do, whiteboi?
Walk into your bathroom
360 degree turn then walk away
>360 degree turn
you'd be walking into them you fucking idiot
Cringe because that's the gayest shit I've ever seen irl
ask for sauce and attempt to hide erection
lmao 360??? have u never been in a maths class... that's literally doing a circle and then walking into them lmao jesus Jow Forums is full of retards s2g
Join them because it's manly as fuck and I'm black myself
close the door and leave them alone
i can piss in bottles
He'd be facing them but he still can walk away retard
>Join them because it's manly as fuck
oreganoli this
no, he cant, dumbass
My girly penis gets super erect and i take it up my feminine ass while sucking on those hughe black nipples HNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Maybe you couldn't because you love sucking black cocks but it's not impossible.
>That 22 year old boomer that doesn't get a simple meme
You'd shoot yourself? As expected from a pussy mayoboi.
found the newfag
why do they always make it so obvious?
Do black guys like rimjobs?
Thats exactly what he meant. Black man ass a best
made my day desu.. lol
ur such an imbecile.
Why do black bois have such sexy butts?
fight 3 black midgets in my tiny bathroom
Where is the stoppan powah?
Get d/\ fuck outta here
yell at my roommate to throw out his wii and xbox to stop all these gayniggaz from coming into the house
then i start talking about that pee ess triple
You really didn't get the joke? Like at all? Did you ever get a hint that he was joking or... No? So you didn't.. ? Oh ok.... Yeah, ok.... Oh... Oh..
You're a fat loser.
I'd shoot them since the dirty niggers were probably gonna rob me.
wow, just wow, fuck off
Why? So you can keep getting baited like the faggot you are?
trolls trolling trolls
Im starting to think that this reply is part of the meme
>tfw no clover gf
>tfw I'm not the only one
Get on my knees and sniff/rim their assholes and play with their balls.
ask them do they like to play texas holdem and monopoly
hey newfag, now fuck off
i don't get it. isn't he right?
shoot the homeinvaders, if any survive, flog them to death and bury them in cotton field
That's the meme shit head it means he wants to join in you brainlet
Get my gun and execute the niggers for trespassing. Fortress laws baby
>TFW you don't get sarcasm
"Who the fucking fuck are you fags and why are you in the cumcorner"
>not turning 180 degrees and moon walking into them
>"cum ovr here whit boi"