Fembot Stats Thread:

hey fembots I'm just curious how all of you are doing in other parts of the world this is me:
>24 Columbia
> 40 kg 155 cm
>2 degrees no job
>No husband or children
>I am absolutely miserable. I want to have my own family now as I am getting old but I have no money and no way to get out of this shithole. I hate living.
here's a template, I guess:
>age and location
>height and weight
>occupation/financial status
>are you in a relationship/have kids yet?
>are you happy with your life right now?

I hope some of you are succeeding and are happy

Attached: failure.jpg (600x767, 147K)

Other urls found in this thread:


would you be my colombian gf?

I don't want to give exacts, but here's some info
>Average height, fat
>going into sophomore year of college
>No relationship (also I don't plan on having kids)
>Sort of, although I'm a bit bored and want to go back to school already

>19 Germany
>NEET/Living with middle income parents
>No and no
I hope some of you are succeeding and are happy
Thanks fellow femanon

childfree whores please go

Are you the qt german from last thread? I wanted to post discord, but mods purged it

Hey fellow fembot! Just an fyi, there ARE NO FUCKING FEMBOTS

>Canada 20
>160 cm
>47 kg
>I'm out of work but sweet neet bucks
>life is okay

>161 cm
>49-52 kg
>In 7th grade
>No relationship,got friendzoned recently
>i don't know,kind meh

Fembots dont exist normalniggers. Go off yourself

Are you the violin girl?

I almost married a leaf. We were both 23, I had a house, two cars, and multiple degrees living life like a champ and she left me for a 17 year old. I gave up on Leafs after that.

Yes I am the german from last thread though I am not qt. I was just scared to post my discord

This is mine then.

I'm leaving leafland soon for the liberated state of Oregon

let me give you my cock leafem

I don't want to harass you, but would you actually add me if I posted mine?

Why would you go to Oregon? It isn't much better than Canada at all. Also how are you going to Immigrate? My Ex fiance was going to do the K1 Visa process we had a lawyer hired and stuff before she left me. But because we never got married she never moved to the states.

Portland is a sanctuary city and I have friends I will be staying with

I despise you shitlib cancers. Please Trump do what needs to be done and execute border hoppers on sight.

illegal Canadian Immigrant? Shit now I have seen and heard everything. Kinda sad my fiance and I never thought of that. Do you have any real plans for once you arrive? Going to try to get a job and stuff or going to keep the NEET life?

Do you have kik or email though canuck?

NEET life for a while, I make some money online so i'll be helping my friends pay for stuff with that, a lot of people forget about the sanctuary city thing though.
Nope sorry.

Do you have discord then? Something please

What do you do online for money? My ex fiance was an artist and that is the only place she got money (besides me)

let me date you and give you special canadian treatment

It's nothing bad, but i'd rather not get into it i guess sorry.
I'm moving in with a ex girlfriend in Oregon and we're going to try and reignite the flame sorry
I do, but why do you want to talk so bad user?

>18, South Florida
>173 cm, 55 kg
>middle class student, about to start university
>never been in a relationship
>I've had depression since I was 13, get frequent panic attacks, and recently got generalized anxiety (these things run in my family, I am not self-diagnosing)

tag was meant for

eh well as long as the work isn't illegal it makes sense.

As for that other user he wants to give you his D that is why most of the men on this damn board speak to fembots is they are lonely and ANY female they can potentially try to plow online they will.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really really fucking hate everything about the Canadian girl.

>19 usa
>128 lbs 5 ft 0 in
>just lost my job so neet but starting school again in august so im excited
>been in relationship for 2 years, we eventually want to get married and have children
>finally got rid of my depression and now im happier than ever

I get confused because if I don't point out I'm
a lesbian they flirt with me and eventually call me out for not telling them sooner and if I say it off the start I get told to stop signally my sexuality.
Pretty annoying
Yeah dude that's cool

Good on ya hope you and your BF have a good future together.

>been in relationship for 2 years, we eventually want to get married and have children
Not a fembot

because you're a girl with a roboattitude

Next thing you'll tell im not a robot because I've had a girlfriend for 5 years and we own a house together.

Cuban detected

thanks user, i hope so too
cant prevent me from posting anyway, fag

What part of Germany are you from fembot?

>age and location
20, USA
>height and weight
5ft 98lbs
>occupation/financial status
Continuing school in August, poorfag
>are you in a relationship/have kids yet?
Lol no
>are you happy with your life right now?
Working on it

what's your major familam?

>Graduate student but nearly done with studies. Been offered a job for September.
>N-not sure. The job is with a respected company but it's based in an area I don't really like and the work isn't something I'm very passionate about. Also worried about finding a mate I can build a life when I'm an overweight passive not-into-raceplay negress, I don't care about vidya/anime/other orbiter-magnet hobbies, and my ovaries are approaching their use-by date.

Be my fat negress

>age and location
21 usa
>height and weight
average height, average weight
>occupation/financial status
retail manager, pretty poor though
>are you in a relationship/have kids yet?
currently single but I want kids
>are you happy with your life right now?
it isn't really going anywhere...

>retail manager,
How long did it take to get that position?

Accounting familam

Want to be an actuary?

about a year. I got it quite easily but I wish I hadn't because I do more work and more hours for barely any more money...

Do you ever look for other jobs in retail?

So this is what terry meant. Portland is complete trash youtube.com/watch?v=Ej6kbckMgzk

Not like I was going to try but at least have the dignity of saying you're a femanon not a fembot

You aren't

>Not a robot
Good one.

>There's only one woman in Germany.

>>age and location
21 US
>>height and weight
5'4 124
>occupation/financial status
NEET/trust fund babby
>>are you in a relationship/have kids yet?
Nope/I wish
>>are you happy with your life right now?
No, being single isn't fun.

I am considering it, but am I ambitious enough?

She posted the same stats, ya fucktard.

Post favorite movies please

Please support me financially so I can be a musician.

I don't femanon, are you?

>18, hell
>5'1'', 130 lbs

Attached: senpai.png (1056x592, 658K)

Why? Literally nothing I posted is remotely interesting.
Hobbies aren't meant to be careers user.

But perhaps what I've asked you to post will turn out to be interesting.

I'd like it to be, but I'm too tired from working my own job. I'd love to be able to give it a true shot. It would only be temporary, unless I had some success. I know I probably won't.

I'm really bored

age and location
>height and weight
47kg, 157 cm
>occupation/financial status
Part time with kids after school. It's summer vacation so it's more of a daycare thing now
I live with my parents, so middle class
>are you in a relationship/have kids yet?
Bf of 8 months, probably gonna start on kids at like 24-25
>are you happy with your life right now?
For the first time, yea actually I can say I am

Forgot age and location, whoops
20 US

Fuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckoff please fuckoff

what are your hours at work?

Doubt it, not into movies anyway.
Post your music?

i hate you fucking women so fucking much you fucking normies I want you to feel this torture but I know it's all futile.

i'll never be a good husband or bf or fuckbuddy, why was I born?

Attached: Deztib3UcAALEGA.jpg (500x501, 41K)

I have never even managed to record a song. I have stuff written, just not recorded.

What are you into then? Hobbies? Interests?

>women who post here and are in a relationship
why the fuck are you even here if not to pick one of us as your bf
just fuck off roasties

Unironically kill yourself, bro.

>cake, burger
>115 lbs, C cup, 5'3", extremely pretty blonde, usually mistaken for a high schooler
>no bf by choice, 2D only
>2 degrees, gainfully employed, can make 75k after 2-3 years XP
>multiple side hustles that bring in even extra money, one might bring in 3k/month
>study daily, spend day at work listening to audiobooks and educating myself
>talented artist, have been paid for it
>have a beautiful apartment in a decent sized city
>none of this is even a larp
Two years ago I was unemployed, poorfag, miserable, spaghetti, and struggling to pay rent. Just worked on self improvement every single day and still am. Once you get the momentum going it doesn't stop. I will realize all of my ambitions. I've been toying with the idea of becoming an english teacher in a year or two and landing a qt japanese husband, preferably younger than me. I want to live in Tokyo with a cute husband and fuck his nutsack dry every night.

>the absolute state of men
who hurt you?

Attached: 8291_a1.png (1000x636, 328K)

nah, i'll live

Attached: seth-rogen-3.jpg (300x300, 21K)

>by choice
reee i hate ricecooker whores ;_;

i never said i was a fembot though i just replied to the op for fun

women are complete fucking scum

women are privileged sacks of shit who should be put in cages and forced to be incel slaves

obvious narcissist and attention whore using self improvement as a way to brag

you are a sad abomination of a man and should be killed to prevent any more resources from being wasted on you


>tfw no angry robot incel to make me his slave

This cc attempt at feminized memes is unsightly, to be honest.

>tfw no femanon whore to make my property

I don't want your nasty ugly roast beef fish market smellign pussy you nasty "femanon"

yeah I never liked it, and when I expressed my opinion on cc they called me a man kek. The girl's eyes look puffy and the unnecessary wrinkles on her face make her look ugly. The lizard or whatever it is looks fine I guess but I've seen better designs.

all of you fembots are ugly rejects with subpar boyfriends your lives are jokes you stupid parasites

Mmm, tell me more daddy

you're so nasty that if you met up with a robot your rank pussy would have the same effect as an exit bag

>narcissist and attention whore
Absolutely. This is the only place I can talk about myself because IRL the holy rule is "thou shalt not brag".
*shrug* asians are qt and japanese are epitome of qt3.141592. I don't care about tiny dicks. All the best fucks I've had have been asians because they work their ass off to please you, a white goddess. At the end of the day it isn't the size of the meat they shove in you, it's how much and how well you get off.
How can white men even compete? Asians are qt, have nice hair, qt twink bodies with smooth bellies, and higher test than white numales, plus they dress nicely and hold respectable jobs. I love the rice. I'll just go there to teach english, marry some qt nip, get my residence permit through marriage, and fulfill my weeb dreams by living in a shoebox in Tokyo.

fuck off obnoxius race traitor normalfag
you make this board worse than anyone else here

Ehhhhhh~~~? I post here all the time, and no one knows I'm a girl unless I tell them. Hahaha.

>slightly short
>social autist but can hold somewhat of a conversation
>like vidya, reading, and posting on Jow Forums
>never had a gf
>laid back
Any fembots want a bf?

Anyone whose had sex, posts actions in asterisks, and anyone that is a race traitor is a normalfag. Fuck off cancer


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MTF? This reads like tranny shit

No, I'm a female(female), I'm being (mostly) sarcastic