>Can't fuck a 17 year old in California but can do it in Texas
>Can't fuck a 16 year old in Florida but can do it in Alabama
Why are American consent laws so fucking retarded?
You can still marry 12 year olds in like 20 states.
>Can marry 12 year olds
>Can't fuck 12 year olds however
Burgers are so fucking retarded.
I heard married minors are able to consent though
And that would still be retarded. What's the difference between a married minor and an unmarried one?
Their married status shouldn't determine if they can consent, or not.
They get adult rights like ability to own land, when they marry.
They shouldn't. Marriage doesn't suddenly turn you into an adult.
because we have this thing called 'States'
That's like asking why Germany has different laws than France.
>Mutts thinking their shitty Mcstates are as different from each other as European countries are
California and New York are sovereign states that are mediated by the US Federal Government.
Germany and France are sovereign states that are mediated by the EU.
I'm not sure why you're getting so offended by this simple fact.
It isn't really as strange as it seems. Clearly states aren't as different as two different euro countries, but the states can place their own laws so it will probably be different from others. The same reason germany has laws that differ from france
>The Eu is the same as the US federal government
You're right, the EU is far more imposing.
>yuurofag pedophile is angered and confused by the concept of states' rights
are you telling me I can legally seduce a schoolgirl in japan?
Every prefecture is 18+ if I remember right. So even though the national age of consent is 13, it's 18+ everywhere in Japan.
13 is the minimum, but most prefectures (similar to American counties) set their own age of consent, usually higher.
Just go to Europe or South America, many of their countries have it at 14 or 15 you fucking pedophile subhuman.
Theoretically you could
But could you seduce anyone?
>You're right, the EU is far more imposing.
This is what mutts actually believe.
There are more differences between Massachusetts and Alabama than fucking Denmark and Sweden.
Not him, but do you actually fucking believe having sex with a 17 year old instead of a an 18 year old makes you a pedo? Just because some arbitrary state law said so?
>EU can mandate laws that all its members need to adopt
>States in the US can and DO ignore federal laws (see: All the states that legalized weed, even though federal law says its illegal)
Eurofags always praise the EU for shit like micro-USB, which is a result of how imposing the EU is as a legal body.
>12 in Mexico
dios mio......
Yes, because a 17 year old is a fucking child. Even sex with an 18 or 19 year old can be pedophilia in some cases.
>Even sex with an 18 or 19 year old can be pedophilia in some cases.
Wait wut is this bs?
Why? That's literally retarded.
look at the map
Mexico is mostly yellow
People are allowed to drive and drink at 16 years old. If you're old enough to get shitfaced and drive then you're old enough to fuck.
>words don't mean what they actually mean
>arbitrarily decide a word encompasses everything i want cause reasons
Have you looked at a dictionary to really check into that word you mild retard?
>bu-but it's not pedophilia it's hebephilia XDXDDDDD
>talks about 19 yo being pedophilia
You are a literal retard and no one should listen to you for anything. Fortunately since you are a complete fucktard, there is no risk of anyone giving a flying shit about your opinion in real life.
because America has a lot of leftover puritan and southern baptist morality in its collective culture from most of our history
>sex with an 18 or 19 year old can be pedophilia
u wot
Can't have guns, but allow people who are war hardened, radical, and inbred to come in by the millions... by the way I'm not talking about Americans I'm talking about Muslims ya daft cunts. You say you hate Americans but anytime you're in trouble you come to us. I dare any county to try to protect as many county's as the USA does.
this is obviously bait you fucking brainlets
How come 14 tear olds can have sex with adults in some countries but still can't make porn? I'm not a pedofag but how the fuck is that different?