Attached: IMG_4320.jpg (640x806, 142K)

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Why isn't there more retard on girl porn? I'd love to see a hot girl being fucked by some mongo

This, i think the ugly fat neckbeard fucking hot chicks in hentai got me into it

Attached: 1529502295940.jpg (334x321, 32K)

I think they get the less retarded Down syndrome dudes to do tard on girl porn. Or they get some guy to larp.

Pics like this make me think we should euthanize literal retarded babies the moment they're born. Who wants to go through life constantly being pitied and not being able to understand the world around you? If a god-like being asked you to choose between dying or becoming a mentally retarded, physically damaged, ugly version of yourself that can't even wipe your own ass, most people would choose to die.

Its all that roll of the dice. Either born retarded incel pitied by the females or born high iq chad who get mad poon.

Did the autist/downy who posted today that said it was illegal to breed if you're autistic/downy true?

It's amusing how hard she's trying to hide her disgust. You can see it in her eyes and that forced smile.

iirc downies arent able to reproduce at all.

Did God intend for downies to be infertile?

look at the size of that one on the right

Attached: image.jpg (650x456, 37K)

What is up with the tard on the right? He's fucking gigantic, his head must be the size of a watermelon.

>leans into the camera
>hurr durr why is his head so big in this picture???

Op here
Her insta is gabmperez if yall want fap material.

You want me to fap.. to that?

You're literally just jealous because the tards in the pic are banging a hottie

Also inb4 people claim these two tards aren't necessarily banging the female.

Keep coping losers.

There are tons of retards and physically deformed dudes banging hot or at least average women. You literally just need confidence, bro, that's it. Pic related is Sean Stephenson and his wife. If you can't get this you're just admitting that you're too lazy to compete with a midget in a wheelchair, because he proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that, yes, midgets in wheelchairs with ogre-tier facial aesthetics can get laid.

The only question is why your sorry ass isn't

(more proof that sean slays can be found at the link below)

Attached: sean stephenson.jpg (634x423, 87K)

Tard on the right must have ungodly strength. Absolute unit.

Theres other pictures on there without the tards faggot.

absolute fuckin unit on the right. probably dominates in the tard ring

That bitch is ugly. Had much better than that