The ultimate joy in life

The ultimate joy in life.
That you will never get to experience.

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If you fuck your pregnant wife are you technically fucking your unborn child?

do you know anything about anatomy

But would you technically be fucking your unborn child? Not literally but technically.

If a pregnant woman goes swimming, is she technically a human submarine?
t. My 13 year old sister

penis goes in vagoo. vagoo is connected to uterus where baby grows. they are separated by cervix. cervix is too small for penis to fit through and most penises are too small to get there anyway

Yes. That's why gay guys exist. Because they come into contact with a penis even before they leave their mother's vagina.

have you made her into a human submarine yet?

That's cute. Did you fuck her yet?

>tfw you will never be pregnant orange

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>tfw will never be held down and forcefully impregnated by qt bf against my wishes
>will never wake up every morning to having my tits milked
Still hate and don't want kids but I do want to get pregnant, or at least the hormone driven portion of my brain does. Kids are shitty though. If it was like the old times where the kid is handed off to a wet nurse after birth and then sent to study abroad, not returning until age 18, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Life is too short to spend being up to my wrists in someone else's shit.

You're right, it's horrible
>you will never be a japanese anime girl

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this is a regret I will have

i will never get to heavily impregnate a stacie

Let me get you pregnant

Nigger, you underage, no experience having, unwashed, anime watching weeb, moron. Obviously you've never once had the pregnancy scare. That shit feels like the end of the world.

Your a fucking disgusting nigger. I want a wife, I want to get her pregnant, I want children, I want to raise my children. Nothing would make me happier in life.

Man you fantasizing, completely out-of-touch with reality, gay, manga reading, thinking hentai is fucking reality, tiny brain, effeminate manbaby, nintendo fan imbecile... You sound like both a retard AND a woman. You think the reality of starting a family is going to be anything like that drawing? You still haven't even figured out that women aren't fantasy creature you think they are. I wish I could throw a rock right at your faggot face.

Good. I hate kids. It's like having outstanding debt for 18 years, longer if it's fucked up.

>wanting children
I actually can't understand it. Is it some normie feeling I just don't have? Kids are just shitheads that end up permanently taking away any time to yourself only to end up being ungrateful for it. Raising a child sound like hell, I'd NEVER want it even if I did get a gf.

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Assuming you stick around to raise it. Ditching the girl is always an option. Hell, if you're black it's basically expected of you at this point.

Reproduction is immortality. Your kid is literally (half) you.

No it's not, I am not my kid. My kid is their own person. More importantly why would something like that even matter?

people think having half copy of themselves is worth all the pain, annoyance and suffering and money drain because they are afraid to die and then they die anyway

no it isnt, no one will remember you anyway and your genes will be dispersed by the time your grandkids have kids

do you remember your great grand parent? do you think he is immortal because you are alive you sorry piece of shit?

>love hearts only around female
What did the artist mean by this?

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It's the weeb fantasy which is why the image has to be drawn (by a man, mind you) in order to exist. The weeb imagines having some lobotomized human female that is madly in love with him at all times, having his babied and being his personal property and faithful little pet wife that somehow has no knowledge of anything else in the world but him.

>why does staying alive matter
That's kind of the point of the game.

>do you remember your great grand parent?
>do you think he is immortal because you are alive you sorry piece of shit?

I masturbate imagining having loving sex with my pregnant waifu every single night. Every. Single. Night.

do not female fantasies work in similar way?

guy who loves female, despite all her imperfections, when she cheats, he forgives, when she breaks up and get burned by chads, he returns to her, always support her, financially and emotionaly no matter how despicable of a person she is?

women and men have more in common than they acknowledge

>point of the game
What are you saying? What's the point? To pretend to live on through a child that very likely will end up being nothing like you?

>What are you saying? What's the point?
To stay alive. You are your genes, your body is just the carrier. Your family tree is a single being that can live indefinitely if properly cared for.

,,>do you think he is immortal because you are alive you sorry piece of shit?

yeah? and how? what is similar about you, your goals, dreams, personalities apart from some not so resembling physical traits that you can see even in complete strangers?

>what is similar about you, your goals, dreams, personalities
I don't know, I never met him. Why?

I really don't think women have fantasies about anything other than them being the center of attention at all times. They probably fantasize about having a man with shitloads of money and all other women being jealous of them and not a whole lot else.

No, because the unborn child would be separated by the cervix, which seals itself up during pregnancy.
Think of it as knocking on a door that says "do not enter". You never really entered since the door is still closed, and the person on the inside remains uncontacted.
I don't think a lot of dicks are even big enough to jostle the unborn baby around too much while fucking anyway.

This is the dumbest shit I've read all day. If you genuinely think your entire person amounts to genes that honestly just sounds absolutely pathetic. My family tree isn't a fucking single being, I'm nothing like my parents, and my parents are hardly like theirs, and so on. Even if you reproduce YOU still die, you don't stay immortal you retard. You die and then no one remembers you after some time.

confirmed for not having children

>If you genuinely think your entire person amounts to genes that honestly just sounds absolutely pathetic.
Okay. I disagree.

doesnt that involve things i told you? being center of envy and attention? having it all? but at the same time if you dont get it you get jelauous and distribute blame to everyone but you and your own incapability?

thats the same thing men you described do and want, being essentially gods for their women and being envied by other men

women want the same

Alright, well at least I know now that people who obsess so hard over having kids are just people who's lives have nothing else going for them and use it as a means to feel like they have any importance. Thanks for this enlightening conversation.

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You one of those male feminists or something? The hell are you talking about

>I know now that people who obsess so hard over having kids are just people who's lives have nothing else going for them
You don't know that though, you just made it up.

>animal thinks it isn't an animal
how cute
>i'm nothing like my parents, i swear!
absolutely adorable
>dude like nothing matters bro *smokes joint* dont u kno about nihilism?
i can't handle this much cuteness
you're adorable little girl but you have to be 18 or older to post on Jow Forums

>The weeb imagines having some lobotomized human female that is madly in love with him at all times, having his babied and being his personal property and faithful little pet wife that somehow has no knowledge of anything else in the world but him
sounds perfect


>muh animal instincts! humans r animals too!!
how cute
>children are somehow automatically like their parents on anything outside of physical appearance
absolutely adorable
>I can't handle the truth so I'll just call it nihilism
i can't handle this much cuteness
you're adorable little girl but you have to be 18 or older to post on Jow Forums

fuck no, i just think both incels and feminist are pathethic excuse makers not willing to challenge their own weakness but most importantly, their ego, so they want to stomp their feet nad scream at world that world is wrong, not them

>le ebin blank slate meme
Go back to the 19th century please, we know about genes now.

"Ego" isn't a real thing, Freud was a crackpot cokehead Jew.

>genes genes genes
>literally no other proof of anything I've refuted
>still only refers to physical qualities
>still doesn't mean you somehow live forever because you fucking don't
Begone caveman

>n-no humans aren't animals i swear!
how cute
>he thinks children don't automatically adopt a combination of personality traits from their parents
absolutely adorable
>*takes a fat bong rip* ugh like d00d u don't even understand that everything is meaingless -_-
i can't handle this much cuteness
you're adorable little girl but you have to be 18 or older to post on Jow Forums

he was probably many times smarter than you though, Einstein was also a jew, you just seem like a fucking retard

>still only refers to physical qualities
As opposed to what? Metaphysical qualities? Supernatural qualities? Are you a spooky ghost?

>still doesn't mean you somehow live forever because you fucking don't
You (your genes) do live forever, altered in ways you (your person) choose through mate selection. Not sure how this is hard to understand.

>The ultimate joy in life is bringing in something to an existence where it will suffer and cause suffering
I wish we could realize why procreation is not good and stop this cycle of despair.

That's true, but the point is that fantasy itself is retarded. This board is the perfect example. Most people here have fantasized about such an unrealistic image of women for so long that they can't cope with how people actually are in reality to the point where they have spent years feeding themselves nothing but the most negative stories possible to reinforce the exact opposite of their fantasies. If women are not like in my gay ass moe mangas, then they must be the exact opposite.
Now it's true, roasties do exist and tons of men get cucked hard by avarious bitches, but reality is far more balanced than the picture painted on r9k. I'm pretty convinced there is a direct correlation with the stupid ass gay fantasy expectations that robots have and their abyssmal opinion of actual real women. It's pretty common to react in absolute anger towards dissapointed expectations and to go on to hate its source.
I know because I've gone through the same period. As a teenager I was in love with faggoty japanese anime romance and dreamed oh so hard about meeting my perfect uguu princess who is humble, reserved and madly in love with me. Then I became an adult and my vision of women got its ass kicked, then I was extremely bitter, then grew up and realised my bitter perception of women was as retardedly fake as my original idolization of them.
TL;DR stop living in your fucking animes and see that shit is much less gay than you think it is. Women will never be perfect, but it doesn't mean that everyone of them will destroy you.

im not refering to ego in freudian way, im refering to it as its commonly understood in general populace

feeling of self importance and having expectations that world will acknowledge that importance regarless of your effort

Antinatalism is the thinking man's life philosophy

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Exerting your will on the world is a noble ambition. I fail to see the problem with "ego", and I think most of its detractors are nu-buddhist nihilists.

that is my point, and every gender has its own echo chambers

incels have robot

feminist fat acceptance have tumblr

egomaniak chads have their gym douchebag friends

roasties have instagram and their chick golddigger girlfriends at hipster caffes

>humans are animals
Okay, guess it's alright to eat each other then too right? We are animals after all.
>adopt a combination of personality traits from their parents
Very loosely sure? That doesn't mean you'll end up being like them automatically.
I'm still laughing that you somehow think I'm in any way talking about nihilism. Are you this afraid of accepting that you'll die? I'm not saying nothing matters I'm saying you won't be immortalized by having a kid because come 50 years no one is going to remember you. If you can't deal with that fact seek help.

I refuse to play the game if I can't win the perfect prize

Yet that genes that produce antinatalists won't survive longer than a generation. Who will be the thinking men in 100 years?

Then congratulations, you have 0 reasons to be mad!!!! Be at peace.

>Okay, guess it's alright to eat each other then too right? We are animals after all.
Where did this come from? Do you think you can just extrapolate to the moon and expect people to make sense of it? Are you low-IQ?

*snap* yep, that's going in the cringe compilation
come back in 6 years when you're old enough to post here

ego is positive only if its backed by action and capability and achievment

if ego is inflated but not backed by those things its negative and completely despicable, hence why modern feminist and incels are frowned upon

Ego is universally positive. It shows a will to live, and a will to dominate. Even if the capability isn't there, I respect the ambition.

it can be argued that its not product of base inteligence ( iq ) or genetic aversity to children

if its product of society its not inherited but aquired through empirism either personal or from third and second parties

so it doesnt need genetics or reproduction to maintain and spread itself, its idea after all

empty ambition producing resentment is not same as healthy ambition producing motivation

So essentially antinatalism is memetic HIV.

I don't care if it's healthy, I respect the ambition. It shows vitality.

I am mad because the game is rigged

in a sense that it behaves like virus, yes, but that can be said about every idea, good and bad that ever spread

you dont seem to understand

ambition producing results, the one producing motivation and is backed by results should be respected and encouraged

the one that only hinders ones persona, makes him resentfull and blind to his own flaws and is not backed by results, should be eradicated

let me put it this way, masturbating is healthy, masturbating all the time and being addicted to it is not

healthy masturbation will release pressure and increase productivity

masturbation addiction will hinder it

You don't seem to understand that I understand you, I just disagree.
>ambition producing results, the one producing motivation and is backed by results
>the one that only hinders ones persona, makes him resentfull and blind to his own flaws and is not backed by results
I think both of these are good. I respect both.

>You don't seem to understand that I understand you, I just disagree.

sorry about that

>I think both of these are good. I respect both.

please explain why? i fail to understand how second instance can be good

The world is currently lacking in ambition and vitality. I support any ambition, even if it's for the wrong reason and ends up making people upset. It makes the world more exciting.

If you think of the world like a play, right now we have lots of background characters. You want people to be protagonists only. I want people to be protagonists and antagonists. Which seems like more fun?

you are describing empossible world

if everybody is antagonist and protagonist, then nobody is

you know rick and morty? that citadel episode? every rick is protagonist, but when everybody is, nobody is protagonist

Let's try it and see what happens.

Life is rigged my nigga. Deal with it.

but arent we seeing it already? bunch of entitled feminists, butthurt incels, everybody thinking their opressed because their dreams dont come true with no effort? people unable to handle defeat because they are ,,chosen one" and shouldnt be possible to be defeated?

Yes, and I love it. It's the best entertainment in the history of the world.

oh i see, well, from that kind of standpoint, yeah, its hilarious, would lie if i told you i didnt enjoy it myself

was debating more of a pragmatic right or wrong thing

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Pregnancy is my fetish. It's like femininity at it's most perfect. It's so fucking hot.

Why would you imagine anything else in a fantasy? You are lacking the real positives in a real relationship so you focus on the positives because it is easier to call forth the positive emotions from that. Come on man it's not that hard to understand.

you sound like you'd be a really great girlfriend, totally self-centered

Bro, come on. Fantasizing is one thing but expecting reality to be that way is delusional idiocy.

I don't expect it to be that way but there are definitely moments like that in some people's lives.

who here /wrong/

thank you for the reminder you fucking asshole

>The ultimate joy in life.
What is? Being a cuck and raising another man's child?

>If you fuck your pregnant wife are you technically fucking your unborn child?

technically, yes

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>That's cute. Did you fuck her yet?

Fucked her raw

haha, take a look at this group of incel losers over here. Having kids is so gross, children are the worst ugh. Thankfully my bf got a vasectomy so we don't have to worry about that, it's so great. We have all the time in the world to enjoy ourselves, do what we want, we travel a lot, we're always on the look out for a great place to have breakfast(he's paying). We can enjoy our hobbies to the fullest, we both game. In fact, this is a funny story, the other night we were playing fortnite together, and one of our friends in VC was talking about how ever since his kid was born, he didn't have the time to enjoy the things he loves, like his funko pop collection, so my snarky wit kicks in, I smirk, and my bf immediately knows I'm about to drop some fire, I tell him that I'd rather have an abortion than giving up playing videogames every night, my bf burst out laughing and quicky brings the convo back on point, we had such a great night. Anyway, yeah, kids are just disgusting, I'm not doing any of that shit.

>my bf immediately knows I'm about to drop some fire, I tell him that I'd rather have an abortion than giving up playing videogames every night

haha based!

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Why did you put this much effort into a shitpost.

also kids aren't disgusting, people who have kids are disgusting. Though people who choose to have kids or abstain from having kids because of how either option will benefit them both deserve no respect. No one should create new people but that's because it introduces life to experience an existence of suffering. Procreation is the root of all evils and the root of all vessels who can experience and cause those evils.

I think it's cruel to force existence on something, especially in this day and age. It's guaranteed suffering. I'd only have a kid if I could supply them with the very best. I don't really see how people don't at least take this into account before having one without being able to properly provide for the child.

Also feet

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Getting a girl pregnant is the ultimate form of domination. She'll become more dependant you, her tits will get bigger, she might get hornier, rounder, less mobile... Etc.

>I'd only have a kid if I could supply them with the very best.
I still wouldn't because I'm not clairvoyant, I can't go "whoopsies" if my child has a terrible disease or becomes a sadistic degenerate that makes life hell for others, even if I created him with the best of intentions and the best of means I would still be at fault by not realizing that was always a possibility. More over, regardless of how fucked up it is to play dice with existence, everyone suffers, everyone causes suffering, it's wrong to inflict that on something that didn't have to be brought into misery.

I don't even think parenthood is evil or bad if it doesn't involve procreation, more people should be adopting children.

saw same image before
finds same image
prob gonna fap
( yes i know " -3-" is normie trash, sue me )

Not wanting to have children because you are bringing them into a world where suffering is inevitable is dumb Imo. My hopes is that just like me my child will accept the problems that being alive comes with, embrace them, and be able to be thankful for the life he has.

You bitch I just lost the game two minutes ago