>pic related me irl
I'm going to kill myself soon, what's the most excruciatingly painful way to do it? I want to absolutely punish myself for being born as a mentally ill abomination.
Pic related me irl
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death by cock
immolation is a pretty good way. also maybe sawing off limbs.
I haven't worn a wig yet nor really cross dressed but i get how you feel, being born as a disgusting mentally ill degenerate fucking sucks and every day you feel like absolute garbage just because you exist. But it's still not a reason for you to kill yourself, it's not your fault, you just turned out this way, now try to somehow cope with yourself, you can do it.
but what is it fetish or you a trannie dont understand
at least the artist had a nice sense of self hatred with this poor character
fall to death from extremely high building, or buy parachute jump and just dont open it?
starve pack of dogs and get eaten alive?
also, sauce on pic before you die?
this is just what happens in a feminist society, women think they're worth more than males and males start to believe in the memes and self destruct, women should simply be locked in cages and incels given wives
Friendly reminder that when you're experiencing the lethally excruciating pain you won't be thinking about the punishment, you'll be thinking about survival
The correct answer is fire
incels deserve to suffer, they dont deserve wives
incel = fat acceptance feminist
>incel = fat acceptance feminist
uhmm no sweetie what kind of retard do you have to be to say somethign like that?
so we have two groups of people, both think they are being wrong because other gender is not attrackted to them because of their flaws but they are entitled enough to think someone should overlook them because they see themselves in their own egocentrism as nice people who are treated badly because of some conspiracy or because other gender is indoctrinated to like thin women or chads
where am i wrong?
Just drink yourself to death. A quart of vodka a day it's extremely fun and traumatic for anybody who gives a fuck about you.
Society needs incels to be wagecucks in order to keep society functioning. Therefore it is in society's best interest to subsidize incels with wives (like we have been doing for the past 6k years in Western Civ aka monogamy) so that these men have motivation to work and give back to the society.
Society does not need feminists. Therefore it is in society's best interest to disincentivize feminists by putting them in reeducation camps and forcing them to be with the incels they hate.
Will society enact these changes? Almost certainly not. Therefore our society will be replaced bya stronger society which does enact these changes (Islam, most likely, Nazis somewhat less likely).
he wants to punish himself, not others around him
Look up slow acting poisons.
alright, let me explain something for you, from a guy who lives in post communist country
it is in societies best interest to have all people working and producing, slaving and wagecucking for some vage promise
they did it in socialist countries of visegrad, all women and men worked and earned, kids were taken to pre schools and schools from early age to be indoctrinated, young were motivated to raise families not by cuck and pro family propaganda, but simply by making everything boring and giving cheap shitty housing to young couples
with housing, jobs and nothing to do with scarce contraception, people fucked and bred like crazy
thats the most efficient way to slave populace for ,,society"
God that manga was 10/10
Takatsu should do more gay shit
what manga user?
dont, then everyday you will have the thought of death within your mind but without killing yourself you are refusing your satisfaction which will drive you mad. Of course i'm gonna tell you not to actually kill yourself but if you really do believe it's the only worthwhile thing you have left in life, then do so.
>it is in societies best interest to have all people working and producing
Wrong. It is in society's best interest to have all men working and producing. Women should be raising children and engaging in cottage industry (which is a type of working and producing, granted, but it's not the same as making powerpoints in an HR department 10 hours a day).
Takatsu S Wa Fragile
i already explain, women can work, if you have institutions raising children in their stead, easier to indoctrinate future generations that way and more efficient
you made this one pervert very happy anons
Are you the guy who took LSD and then listened to sissy hypnosis?
drink some sort of acid
you can buy shit like that in every store that also sells stuff for your garden and shit like that
The most painful way is to livestream it and cope with ur anxiety and shame that everyone will see how pathethic you are and killed urself.
But that's dystopian. Why would you want to remove children from their mothers? Not to mention the negative psychological effects being raised in a creche has on children. Better for women to focus on raising their own children themselves as this will produce higher-quality and more independent citizens.
but ideal society is dystopian
feminism may be cancer, but disregarding marital life as something thats proped only because of society is illogical, because society would prop most effective way
im not saying that i agree with what i described, its just that you have wrong image about what is effective and proped because society wants it to
marital life and ,,cucking" as you put it its proped because people want to be moral busy bodies
it has nothing to do with how effective society is, because there are more effective ways