American Hate Thread

Whenever I see an American attempt to lose weight, I cringe. I can't help laughing at them because it's like watching a dog learn to read. Exercising should be considered cultural appropriation when they do it because it's just not meant for them. They should just stick to the only thing they know and that's spouting inane shit and stuffing burgers into their mouth. Actually, every time an American eats a burger in their life, a tally mark should be tattooed on their arm. As soon as the burger count reaches 8, revoke their status as a human being then send them to the nearest first world country to be chopped up and repurposed

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I am Maericuck and I concur wholeheartedly

>conflating American with 'fat person'
ok, foreigners.

It's not conflating. American and fat are synonymous terms

>Nobody should ever try to better themselves ever

My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I see

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Whenever I see Europeans try to compete in any sport other than the fag sport soccer, I cringe.

You know these digits dont run

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Only Americans. Even in an alternate universe where Americans figure out how to be healthy, then what? They're still American! They are just as worthless as they were when they started. Americans should just give up and hand themselves over to us. We can do much more good in the world using their spare parts.

t. Triggered Amerifats

That's cool. We don't think about you. At all.

You are nothing.

Then why do they run the world

t. upset about being deported

>actually thinking sport matters in any meaningful way!

This is the level of intellect you should leave behind on the playground.

Is there anything more embarrassing than an Ameripoor who thinks he's relevant in any way?

ITT: Angry foreigner realizes that he will never get to live in burgerland and tries to justify his pain by making a burgerland h8 thread

God. Just look at them wriggle around like barn animals. American truly don't age mentally past pre-adolescence. Why do we keep them alive, again? I think their existence is one of constant suffering

>t. deluded Ameripoor who thinks his 3rd world shithole appeals to anyone worth mentioning

It matters when some Europoor from some shit-tier country the size of my living room wants to talk about physical fitness.

>American truly don't age mentally past pre-adolescence.

It's why they genuinely believe dressing like a 12 year old is acceptable as adults


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I know it's difficult being simple, but if you don't have anything intelligent to post, just don't.

You must be one of those people that gets turned on by stirring the pot. Keep stirrin boy, itll get you nowhere. Go outside and have a burger! Oh, wait....

Look down and tell me if you can see the ground

All I see is the seat to my jazzy electric wheel chair

best part about being american is livin rent free in yuro minds

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Why are nonAmericans so obsessed with us?

Asking the real fucking questions

I am a Canadian myself, and I dream every night of a day when Canada will be able to claim Alaska for herself.

Yes, I hate the Americans! I hate the Americans, I hate the Americans! It is a matter of pride for me as a Canadian to hate the Americans.

I guess you could say that they are not my favoUrite neighboUrs.

>tfw American with a BMI of 18.5
What do you have to say about that, yurofag?

unoriginal jealousy

>rent free
how many trillions of dollars did you guys spend on """""""""""""""""defens"""""""""""""""" this year alone?

Someone didn't like his Big Mac.

honestly pissed about. you fags need to pull your own weight. i guess we got money to spend tho.

>Is there anything more embarrassing than an Ameripoor who thinks he's relevant in any way?

Being African

mmmmmm pasta with buttered sage

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>9fag watermark
>cultural appropriation
Shit b8 m8
Newfag op is a newfag

Might be right, originally of course

I'm not american but I really like their culture and historical figures, pretty cool culture desu.

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>imply america has any culture

>tfw American and underweight

Btw OP, the reason so many Americans are fat is partly because shitty food is more easily available. If you are a poor American with little downtime it's cheaper and easier to eat frozen meals and fast food than to cook. Corporations make it really easy for Americans to eat like shit by pushing out tons of dirt cheap food with little nutritional value. Plus our government subsidizes corn but not other healthier crops, so corn syrup is in fucking everything. The majority of amerilards you see are poor people who can't afford to eat right or go to a gym.

I lost 30kg over the course of a single year and I haven't gained back even 1 of them in 5 years because I have some fucking self-control and don't eat myself into heart disease

>Being this bitter
Keep shitposting on this American imageboard on a device created by a company founded in America in-between watching American TV, movies, and porn
Be reminded that most Americans probably don't even know your third-world country exists

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>falling this hard for 9gag-tier bait

People say my home board is the easiest to troll, but robots are so insecure i think this board is.

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>falling for all of these hate threads

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GET the fuck out with this bait Shit ya daft cunt

Go watch soccer