Oh wow user-kun you are so edgy and funny tehe shitpost tehe

>Oh wow user-kun you are so edgy and funny tehe shitpost tehe

what do you do?

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>she likes me for my edge
I guess I kick her in the cunt to /really/ get 'er going.

Cut a hole in that plush she got and fuck it Infront of her

Very hot desu

Before this thread dies I've got to say one thing, now that is a real 4/10 none of that bullshit 4/10 shit you seem in the why don't you settle with a X/10 gf threads

Daym roasted sadface owo user

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Genuinely try to get her because nobody thinks anything I do is cool.

I want to marry this cutie

I didn't mean it as an insult, 4/10 is fine in my book


I mean it Roz you have to stop being slutty to everyone except me

I already have a much cuter lolita gf.

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Eyyyyyyyyy kkk I'll think about bruh

I ask my twink why this pig is talking to me

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This is a 4/10
This is a -4/10

I really hate the state of Jow Forums
Why do you reddit nigs and gay cockchasers find an attraction to Jow Forums and Jow Forums?
Is it because they are popular or what?

You gays have your own fuckin board. And you reds have your own fuckin site.

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Is there a bigger redflag in a female than being into "cosplay" culture?

Same, nothing I can do about it though.

I'll be slutty for you user~

Why? Is she gay?

Downvoted t b h

Prove I'm a plebbian

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Cause this is the internet you shitlord

wtf she's a baby in that pic


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I lov ya user son

I want to face fuck you

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssss tenk ya user kun

Dam it's lik lookin into z abbys

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It's my girlfriend so don't even think about it dude


I can't deal with these people, especially when I met a person that went to far and bit her arm and had a grapefruit sized bruise.
Little Hana more like Little Mental Shithead

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seagulls only want chad and will fuck for brand
that said
>tfw no larme or mori gf

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Post your discord again so you can send me private pictures qt

Sry Don deliver jus bcuz ppl ask all z time

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hategrope her in the next dark alley and kiss her goodbye

Um Um user
WY goodbye
Wat do you mean?

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Roz what color are your panties today?

like so we can meet up again, u silly boo

I think
With Bleach stains I don't usually wear my good panties

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssss omg would lov dat

me three, weekly hategrope sessions


But ye wad up

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ask her on how to get a gf

damn bitch got them ugly pancake areolas

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Only when they are hot
They get rock hard when it chillz
Idk I'm a volcel

Thanks for posting Chocola, my waifu. You absolutely ruined her image, though.

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are u op pic? you look smol
nice excuse for deilusional incels

Ey tenk Ye I'm r o z e l l i
, ye idk I guess I don't feel ready to give up meh v card

I just mean real vocel is rare and I know you're memeing.

Either you are asexual, don't have the opportunity or you're scared.
Like you can come again saying you're vocel, I you would't fuck your husbando if he would give you the opportunity.

You are 30 you moron, that pussy has had some serious mileage.

Yeah I mean i don't think I'll day a virgin rly. Not Ace and yea lack of opportunity and fear are reasons as to why I'm celibate rn. Ugh my husbandoz read my feelz post about him hre and told me 'you know it will never happen' but it's kkk he still a senpai

I'm not her, I'm 31

cringe, wew, like a true beta sending a feelz letter to a crush.
also I can't talk for your senpai, bc usually men fuck most opportunities, unless they jus don't find u attractive. Or other reasons, bc nothing like that ever happend to me. Expect that almost ons, but she was all non verbal about it.

Pairneis farmaka i eisai au naturel terma psycho?

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why dont you brush your oily ass hair

sto dialo kwlwnormie

Yeah lel I kno but don't worry I'm z ultimate cuc beta orbiter so I'll b kkk
Meh probz z unattractive part but mainly he is fully extremely emotionally 'taken'
Lel it's kkk I've almost got over him

Eyyyyyyyyy greekfagz generally dislik meh, wadup

It's okay bb you'll find another dick to jump on

ye, you know, you have still time, even if you are already 30. There are a lot of husbandoz out there.

t. ti kaneis

Ugh ye I guess ;~;

>when waifu can't pass out

Borei na sou katsei to goblin ama tin prostateueis sto internet. Oposdipote bes sto discord tis mipws kai sou stelei me DM to roastie tis.

Klaiw malaka

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Weren't ya supposed to be at work rn?

>not lurking @work

Wtf there's no way you're fucking 31

Lelellelw noic
The fact that you ree in all my r9k threads makes me want to never stup shitposting
I can't let dis dread dieYell ya kno

Giati thes na kaneis to board akoma xeirotero? Pare tous orbiters kai trava sto discord i sto /soc/.
De prosfereis tpt sto board culture, ta threads sou einai apla attentionwhoring. Mono oi wraies gkomenes boroun na kanoun attentionwhore, otan to kaneis esi einai apla tragiko.

You should wear more cute clothes like in cause it gets me hard

I'm an orthodox serb and look like pic related
Would you be afraid of me if we met irl?

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I'm never leaving
Ye a lil

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>A 31 year old damaged uggo thinks she is going to be the next ciara.

This board just keeps on giving.

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nah, she's ok. Because it used to be like that back in 2011. I mean she should post less Images of her.

Yaa newfag yaaa

why do you post here, you ugly roasty. gtfo, dont even post tits.
volcel, v card. get real you delusional stacy, youve probably had fucking miles of cock in your sick roast. Go seek attention else where.

>dont even post tits.

She's literally a womanchild, you can't make this shit up

Oh how was it bac then? Yeah I should Ye idea

Ye idk I'm a mature milf

You have really greasy hair. Why dont you give it a wash and atleast attempt to take care of yourself? Disgusting.

Yeah you are, after I impregnate you.

There was tripfags like swami and JLH
Shitposting all day long and triggering robots, but just in an larger extend than u rn.
They never posted pics of themselves, so just rumors, alleged pics, or that both are the same girl or even just one larping robot. Maybe yuki.la still has archives. Everything was also less normalfagging, sad pepe was not evolved yet.

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when people criticize you all you can say is newfag. Go back to where ever shit hole your white trash mom gave birth to you, tumblrina bitch. Stop posting your nasty body. Thread hidden, good fucking riddance.

Even when eeyore, samson and the other tripfags used to attentionwhore 24/7 was the board ever as shit as it is today.

This cunt is faceposting and isnt range banned yet. Meanwhile I go a little overboard about niggerbashing and I get 24hr banned.
I am convinced the janitors are traploving leftypol cucks that want to ruin this place.

Shit man, I got banned for the same thing. This mod is whack.

yeah if i ever see this girl irl wont be nice too bad she probably lives in some backwater state

She is greek. She is not representative of greek chicks. The average greek chick is lightyears prettier, even at 31.

I aggree about her faceposting, she should stop. Guess she's addicted to it.
Also mods changed yeah, and thus the board became more shitty. But at least her triggering robots and the low key shitposting is similar to back then.

Implying anyone wants to fuk you other than the 2 autustic orbiters ITT

agreed. she got the shit end of the stick when it comes to genetics. I just assumed she was living in a trailor.


What is the discord she's posting on?