Why do I love 14yos SO GODDAMN MUCH?

Why do I love 14yos SO GODDAMN MUCH?

Should I talk to a therapist about it or would I be arrested?

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I like kids because its funny to talk to something so innocent.
But a lot of them are shit heads who I avoid at all cost.
Are you some pedo OP?

how bout keep your degenerate thoughts to yourself and try to stay away from kids

how old are you? Its less weird if you are under 18 but then again you seem like a sweaty neckbeard...

I'm not a pedo, but I love seeing cute girls wearing cute clothes. Cute!

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Talk to a therapist. You won't be arrested unless you've already tried to molest one, in which case you have much bigger things to worry about.

>talking to therapist about pedo problems
dont be retarded OP, your life will be ruined

Nah, it's like talking to someone who has homicidal thoughts. They won't arrest you or anything, unless they think that you're actually right about to do it.

Well he shouldn't be posting here if he's under 18

Anyway, I can appreciate 14 year olds too.
They might sorta look up to you even though you've done nothing to earn it.

Whatever you do OP do not tell anyone about it. Whatever age bracket you like and whether you act on it or not goes right out the window. As soon as you admit to someone you like 14yo's they will associate you as a kiddie rapist and your life will be ruined. No good can come of it

>>But a lot of them are shit heads who I avoid at all cost.
I live in an apartment complex where the kids are rude little fucks. They are always shouting and always screaming. Just last night one was jumping on one of the garage roofs. I told him to be careful because the roofs on them are not exactly the strongest and he told me to fuck off, and that was coming from a kid aged around 8

dude I posted here when I was 11 its not hard to fit in with the autists

just wait the 4 years bro no big deal

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Never fucking talk about anything, especially something illegal with your therapist.
Therapists are a meme, they can't help anything that isn't a basic normie "problem" and even if they know how to help they won't, at least not fully beacuse it's more profitable to keep you coming back.
In case of illegal shit they aren't there for acceptance or help, they're there so you will let your guard down so they can report you to the police, especially when it comes to pedophilia since normies are so obsessed with sex they can't even grasp an idea of someone being able to keep their dick in their pants or out of their pussy.

Never fucking ever trust another human being with your problems ESPECIALLY therapists.

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>check thread
>14 replies


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>Never fucking ever trust another human being with your problems ESPECIALLY therapists.
He's trusting us is he not?

you trashbags aren't human beings

I upvote this.
Therapists aren't your friend.
Unless you have a private one, but I'm sure you can't afford that.

but then they wont be 14yo anymore

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Fuck you, so I don't fuck whores, that doesn't make me any less human.

I used to love them do much
I imagined how they would have the mind of a child but their bodies are starting to develop with a few adult features
But i was wrong
I befriended some 13 yos in facebook and after a few days they confessed how degenerate they were
Some girl used to hang out with weed smokers and saw them jerking off she told me "i have seen a lot of penises"
Apparently some of the guys have asked her to help them
Too bad i stopped talking to her because that was some creepy shit i didn't want yo get involved with

They grow up so fast.....

When i talked to mine, i never got in trouble talking about illegal things i've done in the past.

I think it's only if you tell them you plan to harm someone or something that they will be forced to call the police or w/e.

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Felt really bad for that shit and jealous
Imagine how many penises she fucking touched
She was a bit stupid but it seems they are taking advantage of her and she doesn't realize it
Probably all the girls are like that nowadays she seemed sweet and innocent and liked k pop amd that shit i tought she would be a nerdy kinda girl

Attraction to children is not illegal, you fucking retard. OP will not get into trouble for talking about it unless he's actually committed a crime

Damn. The stupid girls that get taken advantage of are just the saddest fucking thing, and at that age...
If I had a sweet little girl for myself, I'd treat her the way she deserves.

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14yo girls dont exist anymore.

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If that's the average 14 year old of today, then please just kill me.

I'm 33, and I had the chance to tongue kiss a 16 year old earlier.

God help me, I turned her down. I like NOT being in jail, OK?

I'm into fit muscular girls and there aren't many underage girls who fall into that category.