Get elusive "fembot gf"

>get elusive "fembot gf"
>completely apathetic to me at first
>eventually press her into calling me her bf
>keep pressing her to spend more and more time with me
>eventually she becomes obsessed with me and wont leave me alone
>wants to talk all the time, wants to do stuff all the time, makes stuff for me all the time
>sends me cutsey love messages any morning
>has random emotional breakdowns
>during these random emotional breakdowns she is mean to me
>tells me she hates me
>says she has visions of stabbing me
>this goes on for 2 years
>constantly talks about moving in with me
>afraid she is going to show up at my house one day and kill me

is this ok?
is this how girls are supposed to be?

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Don't date BPD girls user, jesus fuck don't do it.

yeah sounds like BPD

she is so cute though

hope you like getting your dick chopped/bitten off

I warned you bro

You should take the time to visit her and take her virginity. This is a great way to ensure she remains attached to you in some way for the rest of her life. Lots of people deny it but a womans first time is something they remember for the rest of their lives. Taking a girls virginity will also ensure an extra level of bonding, to you which allows you to get away with more and decreases the likelihood of her cheating on you.

>OP doesn't realize he's dating a blackman

Hope you enjoy getting fucked prison rape style

Nah it's not really ok. You should try and figure out a way to let her down easy so that she isn't filled with murderous rage. Maybe suggest she cuckold you with some black guy first. Then hope she'll just move onto him after you cut off contact.

why is she like this?

is she just horny? we haven't had sex and she sometimes makes lewd comments at me, but they are sort of subtle.
would having sex with her make it better or worse?

she is virgin but i am not. do you think this is why she is mad?

she won't kill you or hurt you I'm 90% sure of this
friendly reminder women aren't wired to take risks, and female rage is still at a lower tier than male rage, so the chances of her going through with her violent thoughts are slim to none
...does she have big tiddes?

it's just a phase bro. Either deal with it or man up and force her to change

How did you originally meet this """"fembot""""?

>>this goes on for 2 years
>>constantly talks about moving in with me
I fucking hate you faggots here. You deserve her hate if you can't make it work after 2 fucking years. You're all such losers, I can't stand it.

no, they are not very big.

it is hard to take her seriously like you say. she is not very big and wears dumb, cutsey clothing. it is like being threatened by a child. she barely comes up to my chin.

but am i doing something wrong? or are girls just like this?

fembot feels thread
i pretended to be a girl and befriended her for a while then we spoke on voice one day

How the fuck am I supposed to know?
Tell me how to get a fembot to behave like that with me. How aggressive am I supposed to be? How do I force her to come over?

Cute in appearance or just personality?

Depends from person to person but most females like it when their man has experience. It isn't an XP thing, its more of a "other women want him so there must be something good about him." They trust another womans judgement on a mans value and if another woman thought enough of you to have sex with you then you must be decent.

In this sense not having any prior experience would be odd because it implies no other female has seen something "worth it" in you.

Welp you don't like her that much if you're willing to talk about her to strangers?

I know that feel OP. Theres a girl that want to travel overseas to see me and I know I will be fucked up if she does that

in both ways although not always
sometimes she can be very annoying, even though she is usually cute to look at.

yeah girl hormones can manifest into demonic entities

so this is just the natural state of being? this is is a typical relationship?

You'll look really cute too one of these days, with a kitchen knife sticking out of one of your kidneys.

>is she just horny? we haven't had sex
Is this an internet long distance relationship?
Because having a relationship for 2 years, talking about moving together and yet not having sex sounds like...either it's an internet relationship (which never amounts to anything) or she's banging Chad an Tyrone.
Or it's a girl with a feminine penis.

it is an internet relationship.
also, she is the one that talks about moving in. not me.

A question for the people here... Do i sound like bpd too?

Only experience i talk with is a single LDR in my entire life. I'm not as annoying to the point of wanting to do stuff all time, i like my independency too, but i'm always anxious and obsessed about what my (now non-existent) partner is doing or who is he talking to and scared that he may be cheating.

Also i don't get visions of stabbing him, wtf, but i get the extreme emotional breakdowns and think he's acting cold(sometimes when he isn't) because i did something wrong or that he had enough of me and beg him to not cheat on me and just tell me to my face what is wrong so i can fix everything for him, or that he breaks up with me and find someone better but don't hurt me before.

This is annoying and i couldn't help it, so i'm pretty sure is some form of mental illness. But does it sounds like BPD?

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