Be asian fembot

>be asian fembot
>can't compete with white stacies
>have to wait until they start rotting from 25 onwards to stand a chance
It's not fair

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Go to bed Onions

what do you mean it's not fair. i'm waiting until then to start preying on all the delicious little boys. think of it as an investment

youre right, I see all the attractive tier white guys with the attractive tier stacys. The very few guys that decide to date outside their race are ugly or just average.

Asian fembots > literally anything else

People who think otherwise are dumbasses

all this bait today. But for what reason?

Why not just go up to a random BLACK man and ask him to be your Bf

Asian "fembots" that are completely westernized are complete trash and are lower than a typical white girl. The western asian girl will try her hardest to be the whitest person around and it just makes them gross. I find that 1st, 2nd and sometimes but often not 3rd generation asian girls are okay but after that they're just an ugly white girl.

Asians are attractive because of their cultural traits not their appearance, without the Asian-ness they're just native Americans.

If any asian fembot wants to talk to an avg white guy my discord is asriel the god#0941 and my kik is asriel_the_god

but i don't want to associate with niggers

Im a straight guy but Asian guys are cuter imo

>Asians are attractive because of their cultural traits not their appearance
this is the most beta thing i have ever heard probably in my entire life

Black chicks start their period at like 8 years old these days and have boobs bigger than their heads by the time they're 13. When they're 18 they look like 40 year old women. They do get the benefit that they stay looking like 40 year old women the rest of their lives, so I guess that's something.

pic related, 13 year olds

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Op is neither Asian nor female. Op is just a faggot like every other op.



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Why do you think it is mostly betas that worship asian girls? They want that feminine/art hoe type that can cook.


i guess if you're a normie. my life is going to be exactly the same several years from now if i'm still alive

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>They want that feminine/art hoe type that can cook.

As opposed to what? a masculine/anti art hoe that can't cook? You mean liking modern white women is alpha?

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Its a small difference that is subtle to people that don't particularly care. Asian girls mostly go for a "look cute" style, white girls go for a "look hot" style. It isn't masculine in a traditional sense but it is definitely more aggressive and direct. It isn't alpha to like western style but liking a less aggressive style does imply a certain degree of weakness from a man, some might go as far to say it is pedophilic.

>Asian girls mostly go for a "look cute" style, white girls go for a "look hot" style

i guess this is why I prefer asians then. Hot women get me aroused but I feel like I can only love a "cute" girl.

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I like cute girls over hot girls because I want to protect them ;_; Does that still make me beta?

Also because white girls DO age like sour milk

Tons of guys like asian girls. Just go for one who'll appreciate you.

The style definitely targets a protective instinct which is why it is successful. As I said when this all began however, after a few generations asian girls adopt the western style and once they go there they just look like a white girl but not as attractive because asians are smol and when smol things try and look sexy it comes off as weird.

Also asians aren't as cute, just find a weeb-lite white girl who wants to look cute not sexy

why is race on the forefront of every nonwhite persons mind?

are race issues just jealousy of white people?

But even weeb white girls look like shit after 30. I know an Asian doctoral candidate who I thought was an undergrad. Turns out she was 35. That's a huge advantage over white girls.

White girls can look good after 30, its mostly that darker tones tend to hide imperfections better so white people in general need to be more careful about looking after their skin. It doesn't help that most white girls obsess over getting a tan, abusing drugs, food, alcohol and makeups that ruin a persons skin.

People really underestimate the damage their skin takes from years of abuse, asians try to avoid those types of things because they've been taught for thousands of years that these things will fuck up your skin. These teachings were actually common in the western world until around the 1950s when women started trying to act more like men.

You're gonna look like this when you're 35 too lol
Just look at (((Zuckerberg)))'s wife
I'll take my so-called white "roastie" over your flat chink ass literally any day.

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She looks way older than my mom and my mom is in her 50s

And you're a chink?

My mom is 45 and she looks way younger than that. Shes Asian.

it was hyperbole lol
Personally i don't really find Asians to be all that unattractive. I just prefer women of my own race (White European)

she looks great for being 100 years old

I think it's that tanning more than anything else. In almost every non-white culture, people worked to keep their skin a lighter color because having a tan was a sign of being a low class laborer. All those other cultures still hold this today, and you especially see it in Asia. East Asians (that still adhere at least partially to the culture of their country of origin) wear sunblock even when they don't have a chance of getting sunburn because they don't want to tan and they put those huge reflective visors on when they have to work in the yard. Meanwhile, white girls don't have the implications of sun damage properly impressed upon them when they're kids, and most white people get multiple really bad sunburns from childhood through their teenage years and even into adulthood. Then they go and tan on top of it. They just incinerate all the collagen in their skin. You can especially see it in gingers. If you know a family of gingers and one of them is really into outdoor sports, they're going to look like absolute shit at 30 compared to their siblings.

Why do white women do this to themselves?

I dunno man 39 over there looks pretty hot

>How white WOMEN age

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No clue. I think fair skin looks more attractive on white women even without taking the aging into account. Maybe it was our reversal of the aversion to tanning in other cultures? White people in really northern areas who tanned were rich enough to go on vacations and spend time in more tropical regions? Or maybe they thought it made them more exotic? Who knows? Hopefully the culture changes in the next couple generations.

>TFW hapa fembot
>TFW best of both worlds

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>aging like an asian

In "the next couple generations"?!?!?!?! What does it matter to you? you'll be dead, and we both know you're not having kids.

Lots of dumb stacies tan excessively which in combination with relatively low collagen and melanin content fucks their skin. If you take care of yourself you don't hit the wall so hard. A black, asian, middle eastern, Indian or Hispanic girl who smokes, drinks, eats poorly, or any combination thereof is also going to age like milk.

Specifically, white cuntmunchers.
There are plenty of women who care about their physiques and remain of interest to men (well, men their own age) for a long time. But the woman in Top Gun switched teams and, as they all do, gave up.

Asian chicks are no better than white chicks, I've had plenty of both.
Nigresses might be wife material but they are so fucking ugly and stupid I cant even entertain the idea of fucking one.
Slavic and mediterranean chicks are in my experience the least pozzed at the moment.

As for how they age, I dont do chicks over 24 anyway, they become old hags in my eyes and I hardly register them.

White women are DISGUSTING.
>Breeding with WHITE women

They literally disgust me, when I see a white women in public I feel like vomiting, they all think so highly of themselves yet they are the worst creature to walk this earth

Why do people don't understand that if you eat well, sleep well and do excercise your body will get older in a better way?

This! White women are awful! Get a gook fellow robots!

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>Slavic and mediterranean chicks are in my experience the least pozzed at the moment.
Dont know about mediteranean girls but slavic women are garbage
>man jaws
>biggest coal burners
>materialistic as fuck
>no tits or ass
>age like shit
the only good thing about them is that theyre submissive and dont have modern feminist views like most western women

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I have bedded half a dozen slavic chicks (russia, ukraine, serbia), very feminine features, hardly materialistic(just as much as any other woman, really), average to great tits/ass, pretty dumb but that's every woman, I dont care about how they age. They know their place, they are generally not whores, they like to be dominated in and out of the bedroom and like traditional gender roles for the most part.

>fucked with a foreign stranger
>not whores

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We can only hope to reroll into a better future user. That's what keeps me going.

>dont care about how they age
So you want to wake up at age 40 next to an old witch? At least with asian girls your sex drive will be dead by the time they get ugly

Not him but Slav girls tend to stop caring about looks once they are past a certain age. Its a cultural thing, they aren't expected to be attractive after 35 so they just stop trying. Slav women in western countries try to look good as they age and often manage it because they typically teach their kids not to tan like a pleb Anglo girl.

i want to confess my love for a asian girl from a class.. how do i do it? Do i show her my dick? its like 7 inch just about?

Are you chad? If not you're fucked. Asian girls have even higher standards than white girls, at least for long term relationships. Just being white is good enough to fuck her though

Man..those asian girls are gorgeous. There are almost no asians in my country, let alone girls like that

Asian girls are usually chestlets and have hairy pussies.

you can convince them to shave. they don't do it because their culture doesn't require it. but they'll do it to please you.

Asian girl here, how do I shitpost and get attention like OP?

whats wrong with hairy pussy?