Who here a /cancer/ bro?

Who here a /cancer/ bro?

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Fuck you, there's nothing wrong with using your phone to browse.

It's comfortable and easy and I can do it all day long, even through classes.

newfag here, you kids are fucking young

Oldfag here, I post from my phone 90% of the time. I started browsing this place when I was 11 however.

Oldfag here. Me and my boy candle jack are going to kick your a-

proud to say I'm an oldfag despite barely coming august 2006

I was 12 when I started so I think cancer is a perfect way to put it

Holy shit I haven't heard about candle jack in ye-

I'm from early 2015, oldfag here.

Proofread your post before you make it, samefag

I can tell it's you on both posts by the way you ended it.

Original fag
I really need a life
This place is so bad

This has got to be bait. If not I'll explain, the posters that understand the joke end their sentence prematurely and add a hyphen to imply they were cut off from finishing what they were trying to say. This is implying that the devious devil "Candle Jack" has caught them before they could finish what they were saying.

Why is corrupted troll face 2010 when it was a forced meme no one liked?

It should be costanza because that was 10,000 times more popular

candle jack was th-

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What year was it that the homepage had the "Can you smell what the rock is cooking?" meme. I was on Jow Forums way before that, but that's the oldest thing I still remember, besides candlejack. That meme was gr-

The fact that it's easy and you can do it through classes is exactly why it's horrible.

I am your host the man they call ghost

I was fucking 15 man, where did the time go.

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"Originalfag" but not really an originalfag here, the site had already been around for a few months and had an established culture when I found it.

don't bother, he's probably 15

children are so disgusting these days they literally have to tune out even when surrounded by other people

>tfw cancer
>been here for 7 years
why does time have move so quickly?

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How do you find something so obscure at that point?

>being this fucking autistic
even if you didn't understand the candle jack reference surely you could use basic inference skills to figure this one out

1/10 garbage tier bait

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Somebody mentioned it on another forum I was a regular on at the time. It was right after Jow Forums's first extended outage and they made a "hey guys, Jow Forums is back!" thread. It was still .net back then too, it went down again a few months later and came back as .org.

Unironically a phoneposter that started coming here 2 weeks ago. I've been visiting from time to time since 2008 ish but never posted

I lurked from newfag to cancer years. Didn't post regularly until 2013

>2015 is normalfag
id rather be anything else but that. and it's only that one year too. fuck
sucks being late to the party

/lurker/ tier. Doesn't make you a phoneposter

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I mean I'm on my phone right now. I embrace my own cancerousness

First visited in 2004/5. Regularly visited after 2006. Never posted on Jow Forums until the last few weeks.

I'm a newfag lurker but cancer poster
the majority of my activity is concentrated in the reddit/unhappy frogue era

borderline newfag/cancer. coming to this website was one of my biggest mistakes

old fag here
2005 represent

It's funny that DESU is the pic for oldfag, because in those days posting it would always result in people calling you a newfag.

Originalfag here. First came to Jow Forums when I was 14. I'm now 29.

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newfags/oldfags weren't distinguished until 2008~

29 here as well. Started lurking when I was 16.

Nah, it was more like 2006, started when the whole Gaia "invasion" happened and Jow Forums got its first major wave of new posters. It was also assumed at that time that anybody saying "newfag" was in fact also a newfag.

It's kind of funny in retrospect how bad we thought that period was, and it didn't come anywhere close to holding a candle to how fucked up Jow Forums is now and how far it's gotten from the tone and attitude it had in the early days.

It doesn't have a hyphen you re


Altho I was aware of Jow Forums in 2003 I didn't start posting regularly until 2005

Reichan is still #1 waifu

Man, I haven't thought of OMG TEH REI in years.

Cancer reporting.
Either r9k has a shitload (comparatively) of oldfags/originalfags or youre all liars.

Stop posting this chart fag. no one agrees with it they only respond to it.
ppl who used Jow Forums for over a decade are not newfags.

>People that have used Jow Forums for over a decade end up on r9k

Why is this a surprise to you or anyone for that matter? This place warps a persons mind to an extreme degree.

Makes sense I guess. Many boards have gone to shit moreso than even here, plus theres all the 30+ threads.

I'd guess that a lot migrated from /b/ when Jow Forums first came out and stayed there. Insert that saying about the frog that boils slowly because I don't know it.

I'd be right on the oldfag/newfag border
I'm only 23 though

>started posting in 2006
>right before I graduated high school
>thought the concept of being stuck here forever was just people joking
>12 years pass
>still haven't left

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Knew about this site since 2005 when people were talking about it on totse. Got confused by the interface and left right away. Came back in 2007 when bored and having seen posts about the Habbo raids. set up multiple instances, with color coded afros and macros to block entire rooms at the press of a button.

I remember people saying that and not understanding why it was a bad thing. I like here.

Fucking hell are you literally me? This is me to a T.

I've escaped for years at a time. I think I will again tomorrow.

I guess that's why our mascot is a frog. Interesting synchronicity

surprisingly pretty common, i graduated in 2009 although i took breaks, i've somehow found myself back here, yeesh

You're not actually here. You're home, viewing this in a web browser on your computer. Only a normie thinks pulling a site is them going to it.

>that feel when you've spent half your life on this site

Desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu

When I first loaded /b/, I saw walls of desu spam and ASCII pears and that's why I continued browsing.

>they literally dont get it
user i have to assume the shit is bait. the little cunts can use "know your meme" for everything now, but its ok because maybe candlejack isnt on ther-
>started in 2005 personally

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Newfag though at that age I really shouldn't have been browsing 21 now tho

I've been here in and out since I was 20 in late 2003.
TFW there is a thread for us 30 plusers.

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2005 reporting in

The ride never ends

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I only started coming to this site because of Boxxy.

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Newfag was being used well after 2009, cancer well after 2012...

you forgot the 9GAG/tumblr/Habbo/etc defectors, /b/ronies, candy-asses, MILHOUSE meta forced meme unforce enforcers, encyclopedia dramatitards, and a billion other categories in this shitstain timeline you put up.

Jow Forums's archive is expansive enough for someone to emulate the behavior of a user in any given year.

tripfag! sage goes in all fields!

Why is everyone talking about a dead meme like candlejack? It's not like he re-

speak for yourself champ

I literally dont even remember when I started coming here

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newfag here


I was a gaiafag. Feels weird knowing there are probably severely underaged bans here about the same age I was when I started lurking who weren't even born back then.

Do you remember who owns the sky?

>tfw newfag who only comes back when he sees something funny one r/Jow Forums

>they literally have to tune out even when surrounded by other people
Do you even realize that people want rest maybe? Fucking boomer

rest when you're literally in class?


Ye? What is weird about wanting rest every now and then?

I'm depressed to be a Newfag

Been lurking Jow Forums since around 2011, this is only like my 10th post in all that time though.

>Thought about her and other's
>Probably mothers, have had long term BFs
>I'm 28 and had nothing
I came here a month before the fox story.

Late '09
I've spent almost 10 fucking years on this site

You probably got told off by some teen on his phone and now youre venting like a retard.
Kys unironic boomer.

Also you can take shits and shitpost simultaneously, amazing technology if you ask me

I remember going on Jow Forums once back in like 06/07.

Started properly lurking when I was about 12. 20 now, almost 21.

I first visited in '07. Made my first post in '11. Occasionally stole memes in '12-'15. Now regular shitposter as of January.

>Being elitist about a weeb image board filled with pictures of trannies

It's all they have, so let them enjoy it.

I'm plebbit stage

I straddle the line between Oldfag and Newfag. Late 2006 is when i first browsed /b/, early 2007 is when i first started browsing /v/ (during an exodus of /b/fags caused by stricter rules and moderation)

>I started browsing this place when I was 11 however.
That's sad :/\

Border between Oldfag and Newfag

/cancer/ here. i tried leaving back in 2014. you never escape this place

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Technically a 2011 cancer, but that was back when I was afraid to come here, like some big scary hacker was gonna come kill me. Now I just hope someone does

Started using Jow Forums in 2012. I think it fucked up my life

>that 2013 oldfag who thinks raids were cool

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2013fag reporting in, m8s.

>tfw you will never be rid of the reddit, normalfag and phoneposter teenagers who worship "fembots"

It feels weird knowing you guys are almost as old as me now, and that there's no difference between us in the eyes of people who were in elementary school when that was all going down.

Turns on a dime, macross zero style.

Wait...you're not dead?

Started in late 2006. 2012 is the last period from which I have good memories of this place.

>tfw cancer /v/tard

I miss /v/ - The Vidya.

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Been on Jow Forums since 2006. It's nowhere near what it was back then. Jow Forums became mainstream and now it's fucking dogshit. 70% of comments are made by moralfags and normalfags who don't understand the original chan culture. I don't really know why I still bother with this piece of shit of a website. This was the only place I belonged to, a place for misfits and social rejects. Now it's become another part of real life.

The original culture was posting stupid and edgy shit because it was funny. It wasn't your stupid tfw no gf hugbox.