Please post some suicide fuel. I wanna feel like shit

Please post some suicide fuel. I wanna feel like shit.

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>Please post some suicide fuel. I wanna feel like shit.
How about the fact that youre a piece of worthless shit who would rather make the same Jack Nicholson thread day after day instead of living life.

Most suiciders are middle aged

Young people have an unknown future to look forwards to, but old people have nothing to look forward for. Their life will be the same as it has been for the last couple decades. Then they can stay home everyday by themselves until they die a couple decades after that.

Yeah, keep on going. Actually I wanted to see things more related to things like this:

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this channel does it for me most of the time, but you only need look at your personal life for the real sui fuel.

absu-tisa-luteably based

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Damn, that hurts user. Guess I should enjoy life now while I can.

>had that dream again that my gf is having someone else, becauae she beoke up with me a week ago
>thought i'll escape robothood by having a girlfriend
>all that just to realise that even after more than two years of relationship, the pain is far greater of losing someone instead of never having them in the first place
I'm a normie by definition, but at the same time too long here to leave. It's 5am in my country and i'm again awake for an hour.

Long Story Short, even if you manage to get a gf at some point, she will leave you someday just because you cannot show her enough love (like in my case)

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Thanks user. Originari comment

> i loved her
> she was tripping


Post redpills and blackpills. I wanna fucking kill myself tonight.

At 12 43. For fucks sake.

I hardly ever crack open my feels folder anymore

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Good Luck user, you're surely the first one with such a condition

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Feeling the worst I have in a long time. I'll bump with some images

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The feel when fembot and have not experienced teenage love.

Posting one of my favourite feely greentexts

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Have you found love since? If not you'll find someone some day and the wait will have been worth it. Same goes for everyone here.

I hope...

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Nice feel, but I don't feel so bad because I kept rejecting and disappointing a girl who was in love with me during all the three years of High School. So I ain't innocent either, and at this point it doesn't even matter, we would have grown old and be 20s by now regardless of what happened in the past and all would be gone anyway.

This korean guy always hits me the hardest.

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Not the "fembot", but it is not the same thing. Teenage love is something that can't be replaced later, it is something unique. Love stops being innocent and starts becoming more of a fucking transaction, one love filled with selfish interests and the like.
Doesn't matter in the end anyway. It is all doomed to fade and wither away. So what's the point in caring? Chill. There is much more in life.

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Why did i open her instagram user, why am i so stupid
I have been feeling great these days, but i had to be damn stupid, and see her photos some minutes ago
She is the love of my life and she doesnt even know that i exist, and even if she knew, that wont change shit because i'm a fucking ugly autistic sperg
Shes enjoying life, shes rich, she has a great family, no problems of any type and here i am posting on fricking r9k
How can a girl be so cute dude? It hurts

Women are devils user.
Become a celibate like me.
Give up the desire for sex and love. It's all just a mental illness.

This is nightmare fuel for me since now I'm begin target by girls around 14~25 just because I'm 32 yo and looks like an artist or something like that.

For all that thinking you do you don't seem to think much do you?

>For all that thinking you do you don't seem to think much do you?
What do you mean?

Any blackpill on women? Anyone?

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My god this hurts. What a good dog..what a lucky man. What a lucky dog
Fuck user i didnt want to feel this way

It's a fucking dog user. Get the fuck over it.

>its the autistic dogs are animals guy
I want to say im shocked to see you here but im not. Sorry that was the feels post that got me and not >tfw no gf posts

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I think the fetishization of teenage love by people who don't know what it was actually like is what is really sad. Not any kind of actual "missing out"

Here's a guy that fucking gets it. Most people have done that, and it hardly does any good in the end. If it raises you any higher, you also fall just as much as you reached.

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>Same goes for everyone here.
A fembot has a definite chance to find love. A robot on the other hand...

make memories while you still can. as a 35+ suicidal addict hermit, it doesnt get any better user.

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>Free will is an inherently incoherent concept, regardless of whether the universe is deterministic or indeterministic. Neither of them give you free will. Both the ancient Greeks and Romans believe in fate for a reason.
>Human thoughts are automatic, not manual.
>Self-reflections are nothing more than guesses the mind becomes compelled to make due to prior causes
>Evolution and determinism explain human behavior better than culture, society or media do.
>People are products of their genes and their environment.
>When most people talk about having children they'll refer to the benefits to the parents, the children themselves are secondary.

I'm 26 and got my gf pregnant in the college.

Now my daughter is 2 years old and I can't find a job so I can marry my gf and live as a family with her and my daughter. I live 1 and a half hours away from them and not being able to see my daughter every day kills me inside.

Most of the days I'm stuck in my bedroom sending my resumee, but no one ever anwser me back. Nothing ever happens. It is like I'm stuck in a loop, the only thing that keeps me alive is the love I have to my daughter. I kinda hate everything in the world besides her

>got my gf pregnant
You've done a terrible thing, I hope you raise your daughter well and have better luck finding a job so that you can fix your colossal fuck up by minimizing the suffering you've forced upon her with existence.

Yeah. It was an accident.

about the job, I live in a 3rd world commie shithole that the only way to not be poor is to study like a motherfucker and work for the government. I really hate this place man

Are you in Georgia?

No. I'm Brazilian.

I'm so sad and fucked up right now that I could write more about how miserable I am feeling in this very moment. But it is kinda hard to put it into words

Where are you applying to? You have to set the bar extremely low. At the moment, you are not above working at a McDonalds.

I'm happy a normie nigger like you is suffering. Hang yourself and your future niggerdick swallowing daughter too

mom just died and the banks kicking me out. probably going to suicide by cop when they come to evict me

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Becom football player xd

Puta que pariu. Sou br tambem. Ta uma bosta recentemente, nao ta?

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Here you go buddy

Is that the best you got?

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The most important thing you can do for the white race, and for yourself, is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by shills on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life

Fuck off back to Jow Forums and never come back.
Fuck you.

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I'm graduated in Accounting (worst decision of my life) and right now I'm doing an English-Portuguese translation course because localizing video games to my language is something I really enjoy doing, but I can't find anything on this field too. I will have to resort to Mcdonalds real soon

it is funny that I'm not even close of being a normie, I used to be ">tfw no gf" 5, 6 years ago and I didn't' change anything about me besides having conversation with girls. But I'm still fat, I still hate most of the women and I play vidya all day

I wish.

Foda parceiro. Nossa geracao esta completamente fodida e sem rumo

Listen BR friend: You need to start from the bottom up. Like women, you need to show you are desired by another. Employability is your foot in the door.
Work at McDo, apply to places, use your degree to get a higher paying job, then apply for the translation job. Getting the job of your dreams for most of us involves a long process.
Don't give it up but realize it takes patience.

Vem de Sao Paulo?

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Nao. Tirei a "sorte" e alem de nascer na bosta do Brasil, nasci em Recife

>Nao. Tirei a "sorte" e alem de nascer na bosta do Brasil, nasci em Recife
Pelo menos voce nao nasceu na India, ou Deus me livre, a Africa. O Brasil e uma bosta mas como eu so fico no PC o dia todo, nao faz muita diferenca pra mim.

Anybody here takes Ritalin to make themselves achieve Euphoria really easily? I do it all the time.

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That's wholesome not suicide fuel

>tfw melhor escolha foi vir morar na Alemanha
so se mudem seus burros, Brasil foi feito para super ricos e super pobres, nao para nos
seus fudidos

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What dog breed is this? I am feelin feels

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Ritalin is for spastic 13 year olds. get a real aderall or vyvanse hook up

that made me feel, thanks user

how convenient, I was just thinking of feels

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vc mora na alemanha? Que cidade porra?
Como vc aprendeu alemao?

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