>actually manage to not spill my spaghetti and talk normally with someone for the first time
>it's a nigger
Actually manage to not spill my spaghetti and talk normally with someone for the first time
Newfag here...thats racist but still happy for you user
hey don't be racist we tolerate all races here
fucking kill yourselves nigger lovers
Ya gotta start low and move up
Jow Forums is leaking again
>reddit spacing
kill yourself too newfag
as a black dude KYS with this shit anytime someone shits on black people on r9k. I dont want or need to be coddled by the faggots on here. pol isnt the only board that doesnt like black people, get it through your thick head.
>xd u use reddit spacings lol wat r u newfag?
fuck off actual newfag
Reddit spacing looks unironically clean desu stfu and stop being a faggot about it.
everyone in 4 chan wants a gf/bf but dosnt want to accept people for who they are
>reddit spacing
this meme sucks you mong
>newfags calling other people newfags
>am newfag
>nobody calls me newfag
>mfw probably gonna get called newfag or gay
>mf i dont care
Good job, keep it up bro
>misspelled "mfw"
nothing worse than fucking up a greentext after admitting you're a newfag
See you losers on the other side
Congrats user, keeping your spaghetti in your pocket is a fucking great first step. Hope that person is cool by you
>newfag quoting newfags calling other people newfags
Wow buddy that's a really cool frog collection you have there how long did I take you to get it
t. oldfag
>newfag pointing out a newfag quoting newfags calling other people newfags
Blacks can be pretty chill and non judgemental. I dont know why you see this negatively
Yeah it's weird when that happens I kinda expect all blacks to be horribly annoying people who hate me for being white but most actually have been really easy to get along with.
Whining about spacing is not a very old maymay. You literally do out yourself as a newfag whenever you say it.
It's bad because I shouldn't be talking to black people. Statistically speaking I just raised my chances of being murdered ten fold