I've run into a problem that I've never had before - How do I get a girl to LOSE interest in me? she is:

I've run into a problem that I've never had before - How do I get a girl to LOSE interest in me? she is:
>annoying as fuck
>has no real interests
>is completely unmotivated
>in her defense, has nice tits
>has a really ugly face
>and to top it all off, she's a foot shorter than me(she's 160cm and I'm 193cm)

I don't want to be a dick about it, but how do I steer the conversation to get her to stop thinking about me?

also she is NOT the girl in pic related, though I do know her too

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whats her vsco

Text her nonstop, acting like a beta, apologize for everything, and bring up mental health issues. Basically, act thirsty as fuck.
That or just tell her you're not interested.

Literally just be boring. Works within 3 days everytime

I'm gonna go with the second
I won't tell you but here's another pic, I go to uni with her as well

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Are you fucking her?
If not, is her interest in you platonic?

Also - How can I play this off if I'm going for one of her friends?
The other girl is a lot smarter, in a better major, our families live 15 mins apart(keep in mind I'm a rising college sophomore), and she's cute as fuck. Having the opposite problem with her though.

nigga just tell us the link we not gonna doxx u with im trying to see some latina ass

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I was very very very very drunk when we did fuck and I'm honestly not sure what her condition was at the time, but apparently she mustve fucking loved it because she cant get me out of her head

keep in mind I've NEVER had this problem before


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god dammit alright

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What the fuck is a VSCO?

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Constantly ask about her friend and it'll turn her off right quick.

Now THIS is a good idea. But that could also potentially turn the friend off as well seeing as I'm shafting the other girl in the process.They're not GREAT friends but they're fairly close. Also friend #2(The one I'm going after) is a lot less of a partier and therefore much less of a hoe

i want to cum deep in her ass

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tell her youre gay or justsay shes ugly as shit. preferably both

this was probably a bad idea

oh, a couple of other semi important points about this:
>i run a business that is fairly successful, and plan to drop out after next year, like it's doing that well
>I'm 193cm(6'4") and this bitch is 5'3
>I have a really weird accent as I grew up between zimbabwe and zambia
>I go to a top 5, hell a top 3 party school

dude she's not ugly at all, you're just gay my nigga, go for it

Oh I remember you now

Youre the Rhodesian user who thinks very highly of himself

I would suggest to ask the orbiter girl for the friend's number. One sentence is enough to ruin her.

>Hey, you know your friend Stacy? How could we never hang out with her? I'd like to meet her.
