/LDG/ - the "i meant to post at 12:00 but played to much HOI4 and lost track of time" edition
the ultimate escapism
>today's message
>can't remember your dreams?
Had a good dream last night? post yours ITT
>reality checks
only useful right when you wake up and right
when you go to bed otherwise don't bother
>When are the REM cycles?
although cycles -> CAN VARY
/LDG/ lucid dreaming general
Other urls found in this thread:
Also still answer this strawpoll from last thread need replies to get a good time of when /LDG/ should be posted
i don't get dreams, what can you do for me
realized i was lucid dreaming and told the people in the dream that it was a dream. they said we know now shut up. they kept trying to keep me from mentioning it was a dream
what means
I don't care about Lucid dream or that shit but Yuri get me so hard I love Yuri she's my gf
>3 replies in under 5 minutes of posting
i think i know what times im posting /LDG/ now
>no dreams
look at the OP son i got somthing for you
yeah peopl in dream can be really weird it is a fun experiment sometimes
MASS bump for more (you) ' s
Every time I realize I am dreaming I wake up, even if it is something like 4 AM in the middle of deep sleep, if I realize that I am dreaming, I will wake up, I can't really explain why either.
how fast do you wake up is it instant or slowly can you do anything in the time in between? do you have any overwhelming emotions once becoming lucid? what way do you become lucid?
I had a dream where the sky was cloudy and all I saw were planes on fire falling from the sky
It was an alien invasion of vegetable like creatures
I ran and hid but was killed
I was then revived/mind instantly transferred to someone who was alive
>only useful right when you wake up and right when you go to bed otherwise don't bother
whoa whoa, what? doing it every time you wake up and go to bed, that makes sense. but not doing it at any other time? i'm new to lucid dreaming so I can't speak much to which methods work or not, but aren't you supposed to become more aware of how waking life differs from your dreams? isn't that the whole point making a habit of frequent reality-checking? to make a habit that carries into your dreams?
I've lucid dreamed two times in my life
>Dream 1
I had Danny Phantom's powers and flew over my city, everything (buildings and roads) had a neon lighting to it, then I flew to the languages school were I assisted to learn english at the time, went through the walls like a ghost and fucked my thicc teacher.
>Dream 2
I was in middle school again, I was in the middle of a class when I realized it was a dream, stood up and went and kissed my oneitis, she didn't react at all and kept writing or whatever. Then I exited the classroom and started running stupidly fast everywhere, it was fun.
That was almost two years ago, haven't been able to have another one since
Instant, no time at all to react, no overwhelming emotions, probably because I don't have time to even realize what's going on before it happens, it is purely random when it happens, every attempt that I have tried to lucid dream intentionally has been unsuccessful.
I once had a dream like that, it was depressing and painful, just like middle school.
I remember having one where my alarm-clock went off for school and everyone turned to me and said "Awwww...."
jesus fucking christ is this shit hard. i've managed to become lucid a handful of times but i almost always wake up instantly, and when I don't I can't control anything, and it's like as soon as I think of something like "I hope this doesn't happen" or "I hope this stays the way it is" the exact opposite always happens. i realize this isn't supposed to be easy, but... fuck.
Even in your dreams everybody hates you, man that's rough.
i had a lucid dream during a nap today, but i tried to open my eyes too hard and i opened them irl and woke up
I posted earlier today, so maybe some of you saw it.. but i dreamed i was at the SF international airport waiting.. not sure what for, and it was boring as hell. Then i realised it was a dream and i walked up to a chinese family and basically mouth raped their small daughter. It felt great in dream but when i woke up i felt like a disgusting monster...
very bizarre guilty feeling all that morning. Fucking disgusted with myself...
ohh well its just a dream though.. but mann.... wtf
Fuck I gave up on trying to lucid dream a few years ago, I guess ill start trying again.
>tfw finally lucid dream and turn to Kaz saying "Kept you waiting, huh?"
Cool interesting
user, you got discord? I want to ask you some questions about lucid dreaming.
i had a period of lucid dreams where the moment i became lucid every person in the dream would become still and just silently stare at me without breaking eye contact as I moved around
needless to say it wasn't very pleasant, especially when one of the dreams this happened in was where i was in the middle of a busy shopping street packed with people
imagine all this background noise and then suddenly everything just goes dead quiet and you have 100 of statue like people all looking at you like owls
Fuck man that sounds really scary, but for some reason I would like to experience that
user you are discouraging me
same shit dude. got promised "instantly makes everything feel 100% real" but that doesn't happen and I always just fall out of it after a few seconds anyway so I can't even practice. a lot of times it feels like I'm stuck in slow motion until I wake up too
fuck, never done anything that bad but half-lucid me is a crazy son of a bitch too. dont even have a noncon thing while awake unless i'm tf'd into a wolfman
I really like the idea of these threads, keep it going op!
Are there any supplements that I can take to up my chances? I think that I remember iodine or zinc being good for having crazy dreams....
> HoI4
Lucid kys urself
>will never be able to lucid dream
>will never hug her again