>post YFW millions of people who've been stockpiling guns in case of government atrocities did nothing as Donald Trump opened concentration camps for children.
Post YFW millions of people who've been stockpiling guns in case of government atrocities did nothing as Donald Trump...
Meh who cares, don't be illegal then
It doesn't matter if it happens to brown people
Why bother shooting the children if they're already locked up in a camp? Seems like a waste of ammo desu.
What a pathetic play in emotions. Too bad that is what this hit peice is about. It's all about making him look bad. Thats all it's honestly about. Also,go b8 somewhere else faggot.
>mfw these dipshits think it's "just gonna be for darkies"
>Trump locks up children 20 at a time in cages
>including young children
>Seperates them from their parents
>"You know who the real bad guys are? The guys playing on our emotions by pointing this out"
The absolute state of Jow Forums.
illiegal immigrants arent people, so no one cares
>Ad hominem attack
Guess who's points is null/void? Yours buddy.
Trump and Jeff are gonna take little tour stops at their kiddie koncentration camps to get sucked off by the immigrant children to teach them how not to be gay in the USA. Its so obvious since hes been fucking ivanka since she could walk
You are a literal brainlet.
It starts off with the immigrants. Then it's anyone the republicunts deem undesirable. Non whites entirely. People who jaywalk. Queers, etc etc. If you lock people up just for being a certain ethnicity or sexuality, you are literally a fascist. If a family from fucking Sweden didn't have the proper papers came to America, do you think they'd get locked up in cages? No.
These aren't people who broke through the border. These are people who were seeking asylum, you dumb fucking cunt.
I sincerely doubt they can do anything about the subhuman problem in 56% land but by all means give it your best shot.
>you're wrong because you insulted me! you big meanie!
>Implying being fascist is bad
>Thinking I care wether a faggot or a nonwhite or a lawbreaker is locked up
Ha. Hahahaha. Hahahaha. Only reason you are bitching is because you are one of those things. So which is it? Are you gay,nonwhite,or a criminal?
The kind of people who say they own guns so they can stand up to the government would only do so if the government wanted to take their guns
There is literally nothing else they would stand up to, because there is literally nothing else they care about
That's funny, last I heard, the legislative branch creates the laws.
Also, last I heard, Trump signed an executive order stopping kids and parents from being separated.
Of course, that runs contrary to the law signed under the Clinton administration in 1997 that separated children from families in the first place.
Ethier you argue right or you don't argue at all.using le funni image doesn't prove anything. It just shows how immature you are.
Americans only keep guns incase a nigger tries to break into their bedroom to steal their $20 Dale Earndhart urinal cake collection. Americans have no idea how their government works, they do whatever the glowy box tells them
We live in a society where it's illegal to shoot foreign invaders on sight. When did we become so weak?
If you think the fascists won't come for you one day, you're wrong.
>haha I'm glad they're locking up that group, they're scum
Where do you think you are? If you're posting on r9k, at some point, your life has gone down the drain. The same people who put immigrant kids into cages look at you and think you're also a drain on society.
Donald Trump does not see a difference between you and the immigrant kids he put into cages. If he could get away with it, he'd lock you up too. Because you're filth and a waste of time. Immigrant kids are just kids who've been dragged here by someone. To lock them up is cruel and inhumane.
>foreign invaders
If you want to shoot them, join the military faggot. There's loads more dangerous than six year olds Trump wants to sell for parts to his homo buddy Vlad
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the immigrants, and I did not speak out
Because I was not an immigrant.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they stopped coming for people, because pretty much most problems had been solved
>They're not going to gas the leeches and betamales to purify the white race
How delusional can you be
The military doesn't let you shoot beaners you aloof brony.
>Projecting this hard
Ok well it was nice talking to you but I am not gonna sit here and listen to your problems. Hope this little excursion from Reddit bares great promise. Bye. :)
Dumb fucks like you will get gassed too, you mongoloid.
>no job
>no partner
>probably lives in mommy's house
>$36 to your name
>spends all day playing video games
why do you fucks idolize the nazis so much? Do you realize they thought people like you were literal subhuman? They're not going to stop at jews or gays or brown people. They're going to keep going until there's nothing left. You will be herded into a boxcar with 100 other people, then you will be gassed or shot or hung. But hey, at least Jow Forums got their meme President.
liberals ignore that the policy was actually started under Obama
when these "camps" existed under obama
when the illegals held in the "camps" aren't citizens and therefore have no rights we must honor outside of basic international conduct (which isn't much if you're not a soldier)
when the people stockpiling guns mostly support Trump
when America has had legitimate concentration camps for the Japanese with conditions way worse but now anyone can use a big word like racist, camps, or rape to mean whatever the hell the want
are you a normie or what dude
Why does this read like "aha I'm totes better than you"
Wish they wouldn't be separated. They should all go back together
You perform behaviors that make you a subhuman piece of garbage to the fascists. It's not a personal attack for me to tell you that. That's just a fact.
T. angry wog subhuman
dont you retards wanna die anyways? you should be glad if they want to put you out of your misery
You just described pol in a nutshell. Anyway he did not use as hominem, he pointed out that your take on this is ridiculous.
Those guns are intended to be used AGAINST shitskins, you moron.