
Can't believe you let the thread die you absolute pillocks edition

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there was nothing to say. I'd rather it die than chat shit for no reason


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Blimey lads, nightguard faltering

>tfw you get that creeping wave of anxiety from nowhere
need valium desu

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What you eating for breakfast then lads

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didn't fancy the oatmeal today so I had a couple of tuna sandwiches. Was nice

Not sure. I am running late for work so l might not have any :(

>Akon to build new city in Senegal with own currency called AKoin

was going to have my special chocolate weetabix my mum gets me but there's none left :(

Where you guys at?
/essex/ here. fucking sucks.

Porridge for me lad.

I'm too scared of getting doxxed to say

/surrey/ lad
absolutely boiling at the moment, can you believe were gonna get up to 28 on monday and tuesday

>Where you guys at?
also surrey

Becoming increasingly aware of the impact biology has on my life. I'm worried lads. Tell me it will all be ok.

tfw taking a big morning poo feels better than a fap

I like it here

boo fucking hoo. It was 33 out today and i was outside working. sweated my balls off but only cause i was fucking moving.
gonna get up to 40 this summer. Not a britbong, but stop your whining.

>Not a britbong

Essex. Brentwood specifically.

Yeah but you're used to that sort of weather. You're acclimatised. So stop your whining and leave /britfeel/

try and make me. britains my ancestrial land and ill fucking take it back from you limey bastards who are allergic to the sun.

probably not as humid as it gets here.

No, but its a dry heat. doesnt matter when its 40 C and even the breeze is oppressively hot
Also i used to live in a rain forest and its both hotter and more humid.

a lot of my family lives in south africa, i know about the heat. ive been to malaysia and it was hot and humid there too. dry heat is more bearable. in england our homes stay hotter for longer, our clothes are made for colder weather. just because you have heat too doesnt mean im not allowed to complain when i start sweating in bed

don't worry m8. We're all anonymous here. No IDs, no namefags and no tripfags. Got as much chance of being doxxed as you have being caught for hate speech here. Absolutely zero unless you post all your details in one post.

Had about 2 hours sleep, so plan to power through it with a fuck ton of pasta and cheese. Weird for breakfast but woke up craving it

you shouldnt be sweating in bed from 28 degree weather. no matter how humid it is. get an AC. Ive lived in a rainforest and the humidity does cling to you especially at 34-35 degrees. Dry desert heat is worse though at 40 degrees. When your are in direct sun and not moving at all, the sun literally hurts.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about mate.
>get AC
>shouldn't be sweating at 28
Just leave Jesus.

its not even 28 yet, its like 12 outside, i just have a warm duvet.

What's it like in essex? All I can think of is roaming muslim chav gangs

You shouldn't 28 C is fair fucking weather. go out for a fucking swim lad. Its humid out. Ive lived in a fucking rain forest. I know humidty. Ive lived in Minus 50. and plus 40. stop being a baby.

>how I am is how everyone else is
get over yourself mate, nice humble brag but not sure why you think anyone would be impressed by how not-sweaty you are in humid weather. Just comes across as quite insecure if anything.

Shit it's my mum's birthday on monday

>go out for a fucking swim
where? in the local (heated) swimming pool which is a good few miles away? definitely not in our back gardens since we only have this weather for like 3 weeks of the year.

were not gonna buy fucking AC units when most of the year im freezing cold. its a waste of money and space. and even if i had one its noisy and i cant sleep with them on.

clear out our thread if you just want to argue with us on things you dont understand, because it is a unique part of living in britain.

bait. Its not a humble brag. thats just the tempiture where i live. Im saying thats fair weather, enjoy it. People literally die of heat or lack of water in hotter regions. You are probably a pasty fuck.

>Im saying thats fair weather, enjoy it.
Totally subjective and everyone has different opinions on this, saying 'enjoy it' is pantsu on head retarded as some people just don't enjoy it. What's so hard to get? Get over yourself.
>You are probably a pasty fuck.
Yeah pasty as shit my dude but you don't see me projecting that onto you saying
>dude staying in doors with the blinds close is fair weather, enjoy it. Stop being a baby
because that would be ridiculous.

if its 28 degrees out they wont be heating the pool.
Its a few miles away. so walk or drive there. There are no bodies of water near you? You cant go soak your feet somewhere? You sound like an insufferable cunt. Get a fucking fan. Not AC then.

Was no milk in the fridge so I used soya milk instead for my cup of tea
Absolute piss.

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>You sound like an insufferable cunt.
Lad you're the one being insufferable here, just pipe down.

says you are freezing for most of the year. have mild weather for 3 weeks. Cant enjoy it. Says im insufferable. Same type of person that bitches about the fucking cold. Yeah, ill pipe down now. Britains not my ancestral land, im actually a scott. fug this shit.

gotta get myself in the shower lods

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Make sure it's a cold one.
They make you feel great

>thinks everyone needs the same opinion on weather
>thinks not liking the heat makes someone insuferable
>comes to a /britfeel/ thread to tell people how wrong they are
>stop liking what I don't like
Lad, come on.

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wearing my abercrombie and fitch jeans
feeling very flash

A cold one? A COLD ONE?
You are insufferable. The only way to enjoy a shower is a hot shower, stop being a baby. It's a nice shower, enjoy it. fug this shit

i never said i cant enjoy it, which is why youre such an idiot. i just said
>can you believe its going to be 28
but you went and acted like i was crying about it. its an inconvenience sure, but thats all

I will have a cold one at the end of my hot shower, I don't feel as clean after just a cold shower

>wearing jeans indoors

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No one likes the heat, myself included. may day to day responsibilities mean i have to tolerate it. Its gonna be 34 out today. gonna go catch sum fish and swim in the river lads. and cool down and enjoy some simple things in life.

Lads, the user posting about it got me thinking; should I try to fix my phimosis dick?

>tfw thought I had a free house then I hear someone moving about the house
fuck SAKE

Alright lad but you're telling other people how to live their life and it's just lame. You do you; fish and swim and make a fucking mud hut in 60.C heat for all I care, it's all good. Just don't come to a thread full of pasty white brit lads and complain that they're not some asbestos-skinned types, live and let live you spanner.
I'm enjoying the simple things too mate; I'm sat in my basement eating tendies and getting upset on the internet. Leave us be you daft cunt

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>you do you
simple as.

hey unless this is you
some people cant enjoy it, if it isnt you then my mistake, sure. The only point i was trying to make is that it can always be hotter. it gets to 40 degrees here. in india it gets to 50. Yeah some people dont like the heat its subjective, but if you cant and dont want to enjoy tje weather, then dont, be miserable. what do i care?

>people in africa are starving stop saying youre hungry

>what do i care?
Evidently plenty as you're still here shitposting about it rather than hunting a deer with your hand crafted spears.

are you mongs still prattling on about the weather?

you the lad who got upset at me using that the other day? You do you lad and I'll do me no need for this shade

i was typing this out you posted that, so we came to a consensus. If someone is gonna get angry, gonna reply for the (yous)

ready to smash your cunts in

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simple as.

does asmr make anyone else feel viscerally disturbed? like i cant listen to it
i feel like if you enjoy someone talking to you you cant be a robot

Haha remember when Jow Forums autist weirdos bullied her off the internet?

do you not listen to podcasts or youtube videos where they talk to the camera?

strawman in an originally way.

Got myself a pair of Levi's the other day
Really nice clothing sales on atm lads

>nostalgic tunes
>my teen perfumes
sit tight lads today will be interesting

It's not though, you said
>you can't be unhappy with the heat because it's hotter elsewhere
which is comparable to
>you can't be hungry because there's people who are hungrier

it was meant to be this - youtube.com/watch?v=tK0Fm76op14
i wanted to larp as a hard man

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if the posty doesn't bring my *parcel* blood will be spilt.

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*rips open your package*
*throws into the trash bin*
t. posty

Made a salami and fried onion panini for breakfast

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*picks package out of bin*
*dusts it off*
*delicately repacks it*
*leaves it on anons doorstep with a kiss*

*tiptoe round*
*carefully unwrap parcel and take a small bit of it's "contents"
*carefully rewrap*
*go home and enjoy "contents"*

Proper happy with life lods, not fucked in the head or nuttin hahahah

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*runs over your pet cat and lobs it over your fence*

*watches from a bush*
What a sneak thief. I'll be sure to tell user about this.

>order late last week
>sent out monday
>1st class
>not here
not a laughing matter boys.

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except in my post where i agreed heat is subjective and how you feel about it is like every other concept, feeling or opinion. If you want to have a negative stand point do, if not then dont. Just trying to encourage some people to enjoy the sunshine. If ya wanna eat yer tendies in the basement, have at it. Personally im going to enjoy a bev and soak my feet in a river somewhere today. maybe take a dip

Please make my feet wet.

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Stella mein kampf and foreign fags.
Interesting mix.

We found out where tilde works and where ebin lives

what edition of MK is that lad? Mine is a neo-nazi White Wolf one with a gushing intro and fawning photos

on the prowl since len died?

Nah to be fair the basement tendies was just memeing, I actually plan to go out on a hike today and soak in the sun. Live in the countryside and nice weather is nice.
Just didn't like you kicking off at frens for something so petty lad. Thought we'd moved on from this desu

Keep getting horrible dreams where I get doxxed on here. I swear to god if I ever get doxxed I'll fight every one of yous.

i had a dream last night about the girl I have been talking to recently

Saw jurassic world but fell asleep half an hour into it. Woke up at the end and some edgy kid released the dinosaurs. Was it any good lads?

golden virginia my mannn

No on here would do anything. If they dont have the guts to confront a tranny at work they wont mess with you

It's was entertaining although a bit daft. I dont think movies about dinsaurs should be treated like high art anyway

how would an user here get doxxed
surely that could only happen if you were mentioning personal details about yourself like a retard

I doubt you're interesting enough to be doxxed

you say that but bait poster got doxxed somehow so I guess it does happen

not sure man, it's a hardback(?) off of amazon, also had a paperback one where it's just him with a red tint, loved that one desu

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tell us more about your beliefs and plans for the future anons

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how the fuck did he do that?

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No idea but it's floating around some discord servers