Why haven't you fulfilled your moral obligation to bring children into the world, you lazy shit?
Why haven't you fulfilled your moral obligation to bring children into the world, you lazy shit?
children are overrated
No female wants my seed that's why. They just want to fuck chad all day long.
>Selfishness is bad
Fuck off roastie
I'm already a demon OP
Even if I was morally obligated, I wouldn't do it
I just don't care
I just don't have the desire to have a kid. They take away time from everything else in your life and cost a shit ton of money.
>he has no real arguments against a pessimist's anti-natalism and resorts to ad hominem
Nice b8
To be honest tho, I'd be a bad parent
Yes, because believing the world to be a world of pain and not bringing children into the world based on that, is really a "warm and fuzzy feeling"
Having children is selfish, because there are already homeless children in need. But people don't do that because "muh genes", which is pretty egotistical.
Why do I have a moral obligation towards society? I already pay taxes and help people for a living. What would shitting out some kids accomplish?
Yeah, because what the world REALLY needs right now is more fucking people. Maybe if we make enough, all of our problems will be solved! Fucking dumbshit...
because having a child is the mosts selfish thing you can do
also kids suck
I was thinking of adopting. Those kids could use a home
Because no woman has filled her moral obligation to take my dick
lol at the idea that having children is some moral obligation. fuck off, grandpa
I already had a bunch, I'm good.
> 7.5 billion people
> this idiot wants more defective robots
i just don't care and i assume i would be a bad father
If I can't take care of myself, how am I supposed to take care of a kid
I would also be a shitty father, I hate kids
Also I think it's selfish to bring in a child to world. I wish I was aborted
its not like ugly manlets have a choice, user.
>moral obligation
Excuse me, what?
I'm not a childown.
>selfish choice
>moral obligations
>to family and society
i don't even like stirner but BOY IS OP A SPOOKED MOTHERFUCKER
>moral obligations to society
stirnirism just seems like conservatism
Becouc it's not an obligation, I can do whatever I want with my life.
I think you're just spooked, user
probably because a woman isn't obligated to make babby with me
it's very much apolitical
moral obligations to do what, pay old people's pensions for ruining the housing market while knowing their choices will make me work til I'm dead? Fuck off
Because no woman will consent to intercourse with me
>moral obligation
Because the pajeets are doing it way better than the rest of the world. No need to overpopulate it any more than it already is
>muh society '
>muh obligations
if you are a normie capable of geting a gf/wife not having children is a great mistake but your arguments are fucking shit.
politcs are a spook user
I dont care what your fat boomer ass thinks about my priorities in life
No children keeps the cooter tight and the belly flat. Now why in Gods name would I sacrifice my gfs body just for some gross parasite?
So I'm obligated to bring a child in the world, but women aren't obligated to let me do the thing that's required to bring a child into the world?
How does that make any sense?
Her tits get bigger
So does the rest of her.
Your mother should have unironically killed atleast one of her parasites.
fuck you op.
there are way too many people on earth, at this point we should start killing each other off so we dont drown in our own piss.
Can't find a female of the species to breed with
>Implying bringing people into this cruel sad world so they can suffer along with me ISN'T the selfish thing I could do
The most selfish thing you can do is to force life onto someone without consent.
How should I justify having brought my offspring into existence, only to suffer and die without ever achieving anything that would make life preferable to nonexistence.
im black, can't dilute the genepool
>Bringing a child into this evil, sadistic world we live in
>Creating a lifetime of suffering just because you want to virtue signal how mature you are or live vicariously through a helpless, naive child
>Contributing another person to the nwo's wage slave and debt system
>Paying a quarter million out of pocket to send your kid through communist training camp
This planet is a sinking ship. Don't bother trying to save it. Nigger savages will take over and burn everything to the ground anyways.
Careful, now, buddy. Don't cut yourself on all that edge.
Why should I feel in anyway obligated to keep up a society I seen crumbling and failing and that I by now only want to see burn?
There is so much wrong with this line of thinking. Where to begin.
>selfishness is bad
only people who unironically use the word "selfish" are selfish assholes who want to convince you to sacrifice for their benefit. Funny how that works
>moral obligation
I have a moral obligation not to rape murder or violate anyones private property. And I guess pay taxes and follow laws and shit Where does it say I have a moral obligation to create more humans?
>literally being a nigger is fufilling your moral imperative
Apparently if I pump a roast I have fufilled some bullshit moral quota. But no one said I had to be around to raise the kid lol.
>imagine thinking my shitty autismo robot genes should be replicated
Yeah no there is a reason robots cant get laid. Its natures way of saying dont breed
Make babies.
What's more greedy than forcing life onto someone against their will for your own selfish purposes?
Why? I legitimaty dont see the point
Also Im pretty sure the only way I can make babies is through donating sperm or rape
You're a victim
I was never asked if I want to be born, so why should I do the same?
I don't even get it. Calling people spooks and saying that you own everything isn't a political ideology.
Alright, I'll bite, Devil's Advocate
It's entirely possible that the reason everyone in this shithole's life is so terrible because they are circlejerking the same instant stimuli over and over again and mulching brain cells. Overcoming a difficulty will increase your competency, and "fulfillment" if you're actually doing something right for once. E.g. literally create life. Building the strength to give and find meaning in it is something you can do for a lifetime, whereas there's only so much continual grasping at the lowest fruits you can do before you're a fat 35-year-old NEET with no prospects.
>"But the world is mostly full of pain"
Then why haven't you killed yourself yet? Obviously you have some reason to still be in this struggle. Most people appreciate being alive, even if they deny it.
I'd end up raping my own kid. That's why.
>moral obligation
According to you, faggot. Kill yourself or I will
OP, WHY do I need to have a kid? What is my "moral obligation to family and society?"
I hate my life. What proof do you have that my kid won't hate their life?
If I have kids It will be after I am too rich for even my kid to spend all my money if they bought megayachts every second of the day.
>Alright, I'll bite, Devil's Advocate
Devil's Chadvocate
>wanting to produce some leech in an already overpopulated planet just for them to mooch off of your hard earned cash, eventually leading them to either hate you, turn out like chad or stacy, become a smelly weeaboo, or a suicidal nonbinary tumblrina
Sounds great
Being childess is not a decision I made. It's a decision women made for me because my face is ugly and unworthy of reproduction.
>moral obligation to society to have yet more kids in a world that is already overpopulated
Lol no. China had the right idea. The world would be better at this point if every family limited itself to one kid.
>moral obligation
Based, also adopt a kid if you want one you absolute retard, Mexico and China are already producing enough kids.
OP is a faggot but I also want to quickly touch on the "muh overpopulation" thing because this is a popular argument with white people. It's stupid because if you add all the white countries together you won't even make it to 1.5bn people, out of a 7bn total, so while it feels good to smugly talk about overpopulation you're trying to make cuts on the wrong end.
You can find meaning in anything. You dont really need to bring mpre life into this world just to suvsidize your hapiness thats selfish. Life is a big pyramid scheme apparently
this guy knows
>whites slowly stop getting children because MUH OVURPOPULAETIONS
>asians develope robot-waifus
>mudslimes, spics and niggers breed to no end
>average IQ declines over the decades
>idiocracy is now a documentation instead of comedy
why don't we just force castration on those with darker skin?
I wish humanity would just die out so I'm not gonna bring any new fuckers into this already shitty world
obligation? get fucked you spook
Notice how it's all whites in the pictures
nice try kike.
First of all, I'm fucked up too much for any relationship, so having children would be a true nightmare for them. Just imagine your kid is beeing bullied at school because of his/her authistic father who achieved 0 in his life. Just imagine him/her beeing called wierdo or dumb all the time. And I assume such scenario when the kid is healthy, but what if he/she is disabled or truly retarded? I couldn't stand the entire pain I brought on innocent human beeing.
I've been slaving away at a shit office job for 4 years, my hair is falling out (25yo) and every day i feel worse.
I literally haven't actually met a girl in like 3 years honestly. I'm going to quit my job and live in 1 of my parents' house's because continuing this wageslavery will seriously force me to an hero.
It's not worth it. If i have to trade 5/7 of my days in some dreary office just to afford a plave to rent & food to eat, i'd rather just end it. Or be a welfare bum
At least i'll have time to lift, learn more programming languages, and eat healthy
It's too late noob, you're already in my cringe compilation.
"Moral obligation" i don't think so
It's my moral obligation to never have children. Having children is the most immoral thing anyone can do, you're creating a conscious being and exposing them to a world of suffering when it was wholly unnecessary. I wish I was left in the void.
>Obviously you have some reason to still be in this struggle.
Obviously to oppose the jewish plan to destroy the white race. If that necessitates my death, i would welcome it. Right now it doesn't, and nobody is willing to debate me and prove there's anything else meaningful/important
Kids fucking suck. You can be an amazing parent and they can still end up as sociopaths, or NEETs, or just full of resentment. On the contrary, you can be a terrible parent and have amazing kids. It's not worth the risk unless you're one of those people who can't imagine a life without them.
Jow Forums will call you a cuck, but this is the right thing to do. Save some poor child's life rather than bringing your own burden onto the planet.
cause I'm lazy
I believe White genocide is a good thing.
You sound like one of those liberals that adopts niggers from Africa instead of having their own kids. Whites need to be having more kids.
>Whites need to be having more kids.