Im a lolicon, I enjoy my life, and the lolis I love

Im a lolicon, I enjoy my life, and the lolis I love
I cant change my sexuality. Pedo =\= rapist.
Here is a pic of my loli sex doll
People hate me for a thought. They are brainwashed sunce birth to think like that, and nothing will change it
Im a great person and I love my pedophile friends. But normies never will

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shes very soft to the touch
I would never touch a real child sexually as they are taught its wrong

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looks like a shitty bargain bin doll, face looks derp as fuck

Her face is wonky. But her private parts are perfectly modeled. Her skin feels just like a real child

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What's it like pounding that tight loli pussy?

Where did you get it/got a link where I can buy this or a similar doll?

It feels like heaven. Her insides fit perfect around me, and her legs are spaced perfectly to wrap around me.
I love to eat her out as well, it makes me feel warm to make her happy

>I love my pedophile friends
Even the ones who actually molest kids?
>But normies never will
You don't have to be a normie to have disgust for the scum of the earth
>I enjoy my life
That's a shame I wish you were low enough so you would kill yourself already

The only good thing about your habit is at least you don't try it with actual kids but who knows how much you'd stoop down to

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I got this one from a private seller on ATF. But there are ones just like it here

>Her skin feels just like a real child
How'd you know?

None of them molest kids lol
There are millions and millions of pedos, only a small number bang kids, just like only a small number of psychopaths kill people
Im not scum for something I cant change. Sexuality will never change
But like I said you are brainwashed to think pedosexual is bad, even the mere thought

I don't know, user. People don't consciously choose these thoughts and desires. Nobody *wants* to be a pedophile. People with these thoughts should be next to psychiatrist and not a security guard.

Im not even a pedo, like I said above
Im a lolicon. I only like anime lolis (and my doll Angel)
Ive never even seen cp, and by pedo friends im talking about ATF
Im not some freak mods so dont ban me

Post the clear view of its face.

Im in bed rn about to go to sleep
All my pics are on ATF loli doll thread, just look at the recent page

look at that fat hairy arm... disgusting.. i can smelly your stink through the internet.. i bet your so fucking ugly.... gross..

pls killyourself... the world will be a safer place for children around the world once you are dead.

>pedosexual is bad
yes it is

I wish you luck with your rubber ducky you have there op.

I do however have to inform you that all namefags will be burned at the stake come the day of the reddexodus.

My condolences to your rubber ducky for its impending loss.

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Lol good night


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Don't worry friendo, I respect and love everything and everyone...
Except the things i don't, like mayonnaise or black people, normalfags.
lolicon, that's fine by me, actually that's pretty decent i don't think you should feel ashamed for that, even i agree with that about brainwashed normies.

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>Her skin feels just like a real child

one of the creepiest things ive heard

Good on you. Are you in treatment for your paraphilia?

Im not a pedo


Wait so you are a pedo and you aren't a pedo at the same time wtf any way how old are you user?

I didn't say you were a pedo, I asked whether you were in treatment for your paraphilia.
You also referenced pedophilia in multiple posts.

I"m sorry you have that mental illness if you really do. You know you're still hurting the child by watching child porn right?

Im a lolicon

Im in my 20s

Im not attracted to real children just anime
I like regular young women ages 16-25

Is this what happens when a marine evolves?

>likes lolicon
>isnt a pedo irl
How does this make sense?

>Im not even a pedo
>Her skin feels just like a real child

>look at me everyone i have the moral high ground and i'm very offended
what's your fucking problem? he's not hurting anyone besides that piece of plastic

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the whore probably likes it

I normally like girls that are around the same age or slightly older but around 2 months ago a group of cute 12-14 years old girls wanted to touch my face and I let them goddamn they are cute as fuck legit can make my dick hard,I'm 19 btw.

pedos are evil end of story

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>muh children
>muh kys scum
>muh seek help even though they'll probably arrest you for having dirty thoughts
Based OP, don't mind the normalfaggots.

How big is your dick fempai

Around 4.5 inches I'm asian so I kinda fucked but I have cute face tho.

i'm afraid that Jow Forums killed this website
it isn't much different from reddit nowdays and it seems to get worse with each passing month


pedos are sick people and should not join our discord!

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based discord shill

wait a minute....I'm not falling for this again

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I bet 80% of the member are fbi.

Quit dick riding the pedo you faggot

>Talks about pedos being evil
>Sends death threats
Fucking hypocrite, user.

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Who the fuck says I have to like everyone who isn't hurting someone?

Faggots and Pedos are for the gas chambers.

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Anime lolis are an unrealistic fantasy that don't bear much resemblance to real little girls. Many of them don't even have the proportions of little kids. I'm into a lot of 2D loli stuff but it's really just because I have a thing for tiny petite girls in general, and I get turned off the second it gets too realistic in any way. I'm also not into anything that isn't hyper-consentual - not because I'm some kinda SJW or anything but just because I get way more turned on by the idea of a girl being into me and what I'm doing to her - and that's out the window with real little girls.

>You don't have to be a normie to have disgust for the scum of the earth
Ah, don't even try it. This board is full of complete idiots who think that if someone has not got their form deviance, then that person is a normie. For example, the pedophiles here call a person who eats feces/fucks bicycles/wants to kill people A NORMIE, if that person does not accept child molesting or child porn watching pedos. And it's not just this board, people are complete fucking apes at large. You can see it in the brainless ways the leftards and rightards treat other people, judging and condemning ANYONE as being part of their enemy group, just for having ONE common trait with the enemy, even if those people were having TEN similar traits with they themselves.

And the reason why pedos want to fuck children is the fact that the sexual and the nurturing instincts have got mixed in their brain. If a non-pedo sees a child with small body and big head, he or she wants to take care of the child and maybe a cuddle a bit, but when a pedo sees a child with a small body and big head, he or she gets his sexually aroused. It's been scientifically studied.

And gosh, I only realised now that all of those posting lolita images here are actually pedos. I always thought they were some young girls who like the anime lolita culture.

When OP says normies he means anyone that is less of degenerate filth than he is.
Fuck off and die, pedo scum.

no worries bro (((they))) will legalise it soon enough

Dude you need to get some help. Lolis are 2D

>Im not scum for something I cant change
Just because you can't change something doesn't mean you shouldn't be judged. Also, in most cases, you can change your fucked personality, you just don't want to.

Degeneracy. Not even once.

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>I only realised now that all of those posting lolita images here are actually pedos
>I always thought they were some young girls who like the anime lolita culture

how long have you been believing that lie user?

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how'd you order that? Isn't it illegal? fuck living in the "modern" world lmao

i will join anyway because im behind 7 proxies, catch me if you can