I'm positive that I'm living in hell

I'm positive that I'm living in hell.

I remember watching horror movies when I was younger, I always thought to myself "wow, this is scary - so glad I'm not that person, or in that situation"
>fast forward to now
Life is worse than any horror movie I saw as a child. I would much prefer any of the movies over the groundhog day, soul crushing, loneliness and utter despair I feel.
At least people in horror movies sometimes have friends, reasons to live, and general directions in life.
The only thing that I don't experience is physical torture on the scale you sometimes see in the movies, but at least most times they die at the end, and quickly and still have their friends and purposeful lives up until then.

Something happened a couple years ago, I think for lots of people.
Something is wrong.
Something WENT wrong.

God help us even though you don't exist or care.
God, god help us.

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lol just go outside and be yourself dude

retarded cuck stop being a cuck


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Brother if going outside and being generally pleasant towards other people doesn't result in you developing friendships and/or sexual relationships with others just kill yourself. Simple.

kek fucking normalfags, they genuinely believe that, too!

Remember when Jow Forums was people who belonged here and not uronic normies who are naive as teenage roasties?

Pepperidge farm does.

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I know that feel bro. I recall when i was younger. I wasnt happy, and it wasnt great, but i wasnt such a fucking wreck of a human being. I wasnt filled with such fear and anxiety and hatred.

All i think about is death.

I remeber being at least able to relax when i was young. To not really worry about things. But now its all i do

>the mind of a normie
A perfect example. Just stop posting your normshit advice. You tell people in wheelchairs just stand up bro lol?

Lmao go back to suckin on ur bulls big black dick you fucking pansy

You're all deluded. I'm a 23yo degenerate still living off of my mother with no job nor license. I have no goal in life and I'm planning to be dead to my own hands before I reach the age of 30.

You're all just a bunch of retards with no real want to make something of yourselves. As am I.

sometines I dont even know if I'm alive anymore

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>all I think about is death
I know what you mean. And we are hindered by our inate survival instincts to avoid making it happen. True agony.

And what makes it worse is when these underage proto-chads show up telling us to go outside.

They will soon be in our shoes. They will ask for help. And i will say..

>quite unfortunate

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Eat shit and die pussy

Hello me 10 years ago.
Same shit arrogance
Same lies i told myself
Ill keep a chair warm for you if the flames of hell dont do it for me.

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If this is what it's like on earth (and it is), imagine what hell is like.

Just set up a chair and noose, take a fuck ton of cough medicine then once it kicks in and you're feelin pretty fucked up stand on the chair and inhale a full lung full of compressed air.

Your mind will go blank and you will lose your balance, hanging yourself. Your consciousness will be out of the ball park before you even suffocate.

Why do normies act like we are incapable of figuring out how to end our lives?

Thats not the issue mrs. Stacey

Sometimes we have loved ones and obligations like providing for staceys and just have to suffer each day

Ya just gotta learn to stop caring. The fact that you're even posting means you're much better off than someone that literally lives on the streets. Why the fuck do you even care that you're alone? There are more than enough people on this planet, you don't need to have kids. Friends don't mean shit either because everyone only looks after themselves.

Stop being a weak fucking faggot. Work on your mental fortitude or just fucking refer to

>going outside and talking to random people gets you friends
I too am a retarded boomer who's stuck in the 60's.

>gatekeeping being a pathetic loser

r9k has it all wrong
you're only a "pathetic loser" by normie standards
embrace the outcast life as a quality and you shall fuck dine and wine

>lmao mom go tell reddit I posted it again I'm so cool
Grow up lol

Something broke and reality became stranger than any spurious fiction.

Can I fuck and still be a pethetic outcast? I want to fuck so badly. But I can't, because I'm a pathetic outcast.

You can if you actually try or don't mind men :-)

>Something happened a couple years ago, I think for lots of people.
Was it 2012? It was for me.

Spoiler alert: You are going to wake up one day and be 30 and it is going to suck ass

lol dum kids

We all died in 2012, and we are currently in hell. Its worse than the endless flames, because most people don't notice we are in hell, that everything is fake and made to look like the things we have, but its all fake, its all replacements, and the Devil has implanted these crazy people and celebrities to manipulate us and divide us so we destroy ourselves yet again.

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We all died in 2012, and are currently in hell. Its even worse the endless pits of flame, its a copy of our world. All of out things have been replaced with exact copies, the celebrities and crazy people in the media were put there by the Devil to separate us and make us fight so we destroy ourselves yet again.

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stop it original duderino

I have this thought often, and not many people do.
After all, it takes a somewhat high IQ to imagine the optimal Hell scenario.
The mind is the most powerful thing that can torture anyone. Or maybe the soul in this case.
So, hell wouldnt be so terrible if you were in a cartoon fire-world with a bunch of spears and bullshit, because you would know the gig. you would say
>"fuck you devil, youll never break me, ill never submit to this torment!"
And youd go about talking to your fellow tortured inmates of the inferno and gain a brotherly bond in bondage.

I believe the optimal hell would be something you'd never know you entered. It would be exactly as you described it.
Your life would continue as usual for a while, maybe years, but slowly everything that could go wrong - will.
And it will go wrong in a way to seem like its your fault, and you are in this mess because of your own pathetic existence.
This is the true hell.
This is why I am in hell I think.

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>dat filename
what are you doing niggerino

Mod here, shh.

You just got older, sweaty.

I'm finna fuck you up user, stop this

good work on that pepe, I wish I'd thought of that

i'll give you a replacement for your bum eye if you stop being an ass

>user started this thread just as a pretense to dump his freshly-baked frog memes

GG tho

no, this is the correct post for that image
this is exactly how you're supposed to do it, don't belittle this

Why thank u sir

And i ONLY post oc you fucking muppet.