Reminder that rem is a liar and spreads lies about whoever slights him. Do not believe his lies he spread about Kathy

Reminder that rem is a liar and spreads lies about whoever slights him. Do not believe his lies he spread about Kathy.

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What the fuck is this shit
Are you talking about that guy who posts pictures of the moon and cries about Kathy?
Who the fuck are you faggots and why do you post here about this shit

>discord drama
kill yourself, faggot. you're a waste of precious ressources.

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just your average shitscord drama, nothing to see here

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what's rems discord? he posts threads about kathy constantly.

i fucking cried reading this kathy
i want you back


ill let you tie me up again

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lol fuck off faggot they want nothing to do with you

What's your discord? el orig

Why are you making shit threads over literally who's?

fuck off niggerfag. do it

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i was doing this for attention im not rem

if you still want to add me i'm m414#7561, though i can't imagine why youd want to

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Kill yourself Rem no one likes you

your discord didnt work. rip

#7651 *
if you're still around

I think maybe rem is a misunderstood soul and just need's some niceness in his life to feel happy.

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Stop defending him and being pathetic enough to believe his lies. He'll do whatever he can to get what he wants

Welp, i'm surprised rem is still asking for kathy, it's been a very long time.

Just hide his threads and tell him to fuck off. It's the only way to make him stop

90% of the rem threads are made by me because it makes me laugh at this point and i have no other source of enjoyment in this life okay

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Why do you pretend to be someone so pathetic though

I post the threads and it makes me laugh
simple as

stop falseflagging and shifting the blame from yourself to someone else rem