Robots post your 10 minimum requirements for a partner
ITT robots post your minimum requirements for women
>willing to at least don cat ears and a tail
>willing to do sexual activity regularly(Might be subject to changes)
>not afraid to dress up as a maid, too
I can work with that, even if they're a mental mess
Likes me
Not a whore
Not a bitch
Not disfigured
> girl
> not obese
> takes normal care about hygene and looks
That's literally it
>biologically female
>not a womanlet, can be taller or similar height (I won't spawn manlets)
>Willing to allow me to be her dietician if she is fat
>willing to have children
>lives nearby
>willing to be sexually bullied
>willing to listen to me complain about things (I just like to complain)
I've also been accused if being a sociopathic emotional manipulator so you'll probably need to put up with that.
10 is a bit much.
>doesn't smoke
>not a vegetarian
>not a teetotaler
>likes sex
>not dumb
>not ugly
>not fat (a bit chubby is okay)
>good personality
>good to talk with
>shy in front of people, but not together
>same hobbies
>looks like pic related
No one cares
Why do you even bother, youre a male, no one gives a fuck about you
I wish I was not a womanlet
Triggered because men don't want fat chicks, eh, fatty?
>no one gives a fuck about you
My waifus do
Apperently you did enough to write that retarded comment you sack of shit
kill yourself
>very kinky, loves sex
>at least D cup
>not tall
>doesn't expect me to pay for anything
>can cook well
Only 9 requirements, I would say they are normal, but of course roasties won't look at me.
>any height
>any weight as long as it looks good
>enjoys my company
>respects my opinions.
>not a womanlet, can be taller or similar height
Thanks user, that is very nice of you. Most men prefer short women.
You sound like a good man, I hope you will find a nice gf.
1. must exist
I think I'm done
within two BMI points of me, and not too girly, preferably a slim hairy man.
Found the bitter fatty who can't enjoy a thread
Whats the catch with you then?
Maybe they don't look at you because not only are your standards fucking ridiculous, you're most likely not good enough for the individual you want.
You're on r9k, lower your expectations, user.
>tfw ugly, dumb and boring to talk to
Im never gonna find a bf, am I?
>not obese but doesnt have to necessarily be skinny
>doesn't want kids
>can be funny or at least get my humor
>is nice to me and has some semblance of respect for me
>has a creative hobby, whether it be art, writing, composing, etc
>likes to listen to me rant and can rant herself is she wants
>down for vidya, especially coop games
>decent taste in shows, anime, music. doesnt have to like the same music i do as long as she doesnt like trash
>shorter than me (i'm 5'10")
>not vegan or vegetarian (only because i want to cook for her)
i feel like this is asking too much, though. maybe i should lower my standards.
Hell I cant imagine cooking vegetarian or vegan food is all that hard. I mean why limit yourself like that
Bbz Im fat but functional, will that do?
You were 3D. You were never cute.
Five Ten height
Skinny boy
Music dork
The list goes on
Kys roastie, you are disgusting
it's not that it's particularly hard or anything, it's just that i know a ton of really great recipes involving fish and meat that i wouldn't get to make for her. i wouldnt have a problem learning new creative dishes to make, i guess, but id still rather date someone that i can bake fish and sweet potatoes for.
fat but... functional?
Oh, that's a deal-breaker.
You're not my type.
I'm sure there's someone into that!
>no more than a 5 year difference in age
>likes to draw
>is okay spending a lot of time indoors
>will hug/cuddle me at every opportunity
>will play games with me or keep me company while I play
>will support me (not financially)
>will handle social situations for me
>will shop with me or for me
>okay with living together and colder weather
Which point? There is multiple points. Is it jewish, its always jewish with the girls
You are very sweet user, that was very cute!
>>will handle social situations for me
cmon nigga, you gotta man up and do this yourself
a bit too tall but still - nice
>skinny boy
>music dork
Ahhh okay, thats fair. Gotta get that girl some sweet potatoes and fish
>biologically female
>not fat/obese, can be "chubby" but my definition of "chubby" isn't as loose as other anons
>open minded
>not ideologically possessed
>wants to be mother of many children
>libertarian/freedom minded tendencies
Do people just not like the music nerds, I know it was a joke in highschool, but still.
Sounds perf, unless you want that Jewish wife
>not obese
>wants children
>average looking
>doesn't smell
>somewhere around my age
You know, fat but not lazy. Good career and all that.
>curious and adventurous
>no cluster B personality disorder
>intellectually honest and capable of separating political and ideological beliefs from interpersonal relationships
>enjoys or at least tolerates occasional psychedelic drug use
I'm not completely blind to looks but they practically wouldn't matter for someone who hits all of these.
forgive me, i've never heard the expression. i mean, that's cool on you that you've established a career for yourself and all but im not sure if i really could find you attractive if youre fat. i'm not trying to be mean but i'm just not so sure about that
Thanks user, you too
>man up
Sorry but I can't do that
Im sure I will get over it
maybe brown
green eyes
not that big of an ass
big leeps
Quite small tits
brown hair
blond hair
blue eyes
small ass
and willpower
>pic related but irl
5ft4, curly blonde
Didnt see anyone describing my requirements.
>Degree in STEM
>6/10 at least
>biologically female
>is a Girl
>respects me
>is easy to talk to
That's about it.
>has a vagina
>is into tiny penis
>is a female
>is cute
>is a catgirl
All of my requirements. I don't even need 10
You know what you want, and it is not a lot
>blond hair
>blue eyes
>small ass
>and willpower
I meet someone's list. There's hope for me after all!
>minimum requirements
>nobody asking for a living girl
Well duh, those are already out of the question, wayyyyy too hard.
>Relatively fit
>Emotionally cold in a non super edgy way
Anything more than that is a bonus.
>not fat
>not crazy, i.e. religious nutcase etc
>close to my height
>asian or white
>average looks or above
>has real hobbies or some sort of passion
>is currently studying, has good career potential or an already existing career.
>has an interest in my hobbies and/or career.
>i have the ability to hold a conversation with her.
not much, really basic stuff. could probably find some random asian graduate that meets all my requirements but i'm black
Nobody actually gives a fuck about men, even other men. If a woman cares about you it's because of what you possess.
Dat's ok temi, you can open up shop with me anytime.
1. Healthy biological female
2. Virgin
3. Conservative family values
4. Shy
5. Cute
6. Must have wide hips and big breasts
7. Long hair
8. White
9. Less intelligent than me
10. No female or male friends ever
>reads books
>not obese
>is talented in some way/has an admirable career
>independant (not clingy)
>likes nature
>wide ranging music taste
>willing to put things in my ass
i think i know what you're looking for user
minus the biological female part of course.
>also are fellas scoping out these marvelous digits?
>tfw all these but fat
Almost a doctor though, if that counts for anything
>short hair
>actual personality
>same interests
>happy go lucky
>is into femdom
1. Feminine figure(wide hips, slim waist)
2. Normal BMI(Not fat nor skinny)
3. Normal Height
4. Actually loves me
9/10 aint bad. Feel free to date me
>not obese
>under 35
>no psychotic, neurotic etc disorders
>no serious debt
>eligible to live in the same country as I am
>generally pleasant demeanor
>at least one autism grade passionate interest, can be anything, serial killers, batman, papier-mache horses.
>can have and wants children
>hungry for penis
There's a couple of things I'd like but aren't essential. Like I feel zero attraction to women that aren't extremely tall, like over 5'11. I also prize intelligence really highly but I can't shoehorn it in to my already 10 item list without killing something more important.
Here's a picture of my realistic expectation, a gold medalist athlete.
>doesn't write gay lists on r9k
i swear to god you fags are obsessed with lists
i fucking hate lists
i especially hate it when i don't fit the checklist on the lists
Is that because you're fat?
>black hair, pale skin, thin
>big ass and a b cup
>understanding and kind
>will do anything for me in bed
>no previous experience (if she went on a date before that would be okay, but she still needs to be kv)
>wants to have at least 5 kids
>not ambitious
>feminine physique
>Good personality
>Sex isn't a struggle (my first and only real relationship was my gf saying no to sex 95% of the time and all that did was solidify my inferiority complex and make me feel I need to validate myself with sex)
Those are the core, but some bonus ones I'd like but don't need
>extroverted to combat my deeply introverted, could take me to a party and get me to have fun with her
>not a total fucking pushover mentally or in the bedroom, assertive women are fucking hot
>able to articulate her feelings without putting me down in the process
>she has to be a pure virgin who has turned down all Chads
>she has to be my kinky slut in bed and immediately want to have sex with me upon meeting
What kind of mental gymnastics are needed to believe this?
Loyal. That's all I want, someone to stick with me and actually not willing to go for someone they find more attractive.
Jokes on you bud I have a dick
>not a vegetarian
>not fat
Pick one
Idiot. Vegetarians and vegans are usually fat.
>saving herself for marriage
>not mean
>around the same age as me
>has her own interests
That's it, I can't come up with any more minimum standards.
I've even looked outside some of these standards and came back empty handed and empty hearted.
I don't even know why I'm posting this. The healthiest thing would be to come to terms with this instead of indulging these impossible thoughts.
>Decently cute
>Not too obsessive about me
>bubbly and funny
>not too serious
I'm a cute attractive boy, i'll find one soon i'm sure. I have before.
>6/10 or above
>average height or taller
>a nice ass
>must not feel like used goods to me (pretty easy, don't date a guy who will divulge your sex life on a anonymous Taiwanese cartoon site with your name plastered all over it lol)
>smart, can hold a conversation, can handle my bluntness, loves to banter.
>working or studying (no neets pls)
>don't care about your political affiliations, just don't get offended too quickly and be able to at least listen to opposing arguments, without taking things personally.
>no casual sex
>no history of cheating of any kind
>tops 3 partners.
>introverted, but willing to get out of the comfy zone with me from time to time.
>not too clingy
>wants 3-5 kids
1. sexy sexy girl
2. sexy woman!
3. bobies big
4. she fuks with vagena
5. bitch lasagna
6. hates mudasir
7. sexy!!
8. shows me her bert hole
9. opens bobs
10. want sex with you
Black hair
Colored eyes
Average weight
Similar ideology
Around my age
less than 2 romantic partners
ideal is Rei tho
Literally and unironically this. Even better if she would actually like and care for me, but that's a bonus at this point.
I need 10? Seriously?
Are you jealous fembot? It's not our fault you're ugly
>likes me
I don't care about anything else
t. mudasir
>her face is cute to me
>she loves me
>isn't a slut
>she wants to have kids someday or would consider it
That's literally it, I'm a NEET shut-in who still lives with his mother into his 20s so I'm not one to be too picky.
I did drop a girl a couple years ago because she was a slut, she was probably my last chance, wish I had it in me to just bite the bullet like the rest of these cucks.
It would be nice if you guys added your racial preferences to avoid any surprises
>not landwhale
>not nig
>not crazy
>loves me
>understands me
That's it.
>wants to meet within 3 days
That one's only a pipe dream.
i honestly wish i was a fat woman instead of a man
>over 18
>likes me
>over 18
That's cheating, you're basically making everyone look like paedos
i mean, i don't really give a shit about any other traits i just dont want to be cheated on and i want the relationship to be legal thats all
Has vagina
Won't ghost me after a week
Standards so low yet not a single goddamn femanon fits them
>not fat or horribly disfigured, ugly is fine
>likes me