How does this make you sith lords feel?

How does this make you sith lords feel?

Attached: The_New,_Interactive_Singles_Map._-_2018-06-21_03.18.06.png (921x636, 136K)

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They're not actually single. Old women still have orbitors and men who give them free shit.

That map just seems to be population_density.jpg.

By the time I get to 60 the gender imbalance in mortality will have equalized and I'll still have no chance of finding a girl

This just proves my point. Its not a very useful dataset.

It's mostly from men dating younger and dietary differences. Do you think that will change?

Diet differences causing men to die younger.

Except it doesn't. It's the relative male/female rate.
Or is your point that all the women live condensed in the midwest while all the men are condensed in the red spots?

>singles, 60-64
Is that the selected age group? If so, then why did you ever bring this here?

The gender ratio isn't even, so its still ultimately just population density.

So there's hardly any women in NYC and LA and they're all crowded up in Nort Dakota instead?

I'm into old hags, OP.

Attached: blur cat disgusted.jpg (540x540, 20K)

Girls are a hoax

Attached: 5XSjbte9ZLTNMd14Vuzfo4GPfk7Qam0IZFEKOfI0qg0.jpg (1440x2338, 183K)

This desu. I see few girls when I go outside. All girls are either home getting fucked by Chad or there's simply not that many girls in the world.

>It's mostly from men dating younger
No it isn't, it's because 106 males are born for every 100 women

I meant that's why do many older women are unmatched. Men tend to date younger when they can, and also eat worse so they die from heart disease sooner.

Also, I misread the post I was responding to.

>tfw my dad fits into this and we live on the east coast

The circles are where cities are. Their sizes represent proportions, not totals.

Lmao is this a troll post or is OP just stupid?

More single men for all ages save for 60-64.

Checks out.

Because the men died off.

I thought robots, miserable creatures that they are, might be happy to see so many women are dying alone. My building is full of them.

>They all developed health problems due to psychological effects of being alone or offed themselves
Seems about right.

It's mostly diet-induced heart disease and dating younger. Look at some actuarial life tables.

It's heart disease and stroke due to higher stress levels due to occupational hazards, diet (spouse induced homicide, since wives cant cook for shit nowadays) and tobacco.

Can you elaborate? Want to stay young

>literally 4 years of age for this chart
>why are old widows single

Im not happy because they are dying alone, i dont whish for that to happen to anyone.

However people that age are fucking baby boomers, the shit heads responsible for wasting much of the worlds resources without regulation and making it the shit that is today.
Those ladies despite right now being alone, they pretty sure lived a life more luxurious than any of us will ever do and also taken a lot more sexual "activity" then we will ever get. Their lifes may not be great right now, but our life peak will never be even close to theirs.