Ask a cyborg Stacy anything

Go on and ask me questions.

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Other urls found in this thread:


post a pic to prove you're a stacy or else you are larping

What are your robot qualities and what are your normie ones?

will do it soon
>very good looking
>lean and exercise regularly
>eating healthy
>working on a business and passive income
>can blend in with normies and act like one of them
>never had a boyfriend, still a virgin
>shut in
>don't like hanging out with people, only when I have to
>bad social skills
>no dad
>social anxiety

>very good looking
we'll be the judge of that

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Why haven't you gotten your ass ate yet

If no sex executed. Do you even shave your muff? Who would notice? Have a BFF or someone who would shame you for it?

I won't post my face but I can post a timestamp if more people post here
no bf
too lazy to make a throwaway account

are you going to act like brooke

tits or gtfo, roastie

why the fuck are you spergs engaging?

I shave sometimes just so I can look at myself in the mirror
I don't know who brooke is. I'm not a r9k regular

>why the fuck are you spergs engaging?
>why the fuck are you spergs
you just answered your own question user

What are your robot hobbys and or interests?


In what way? The "dang ol' niggers" way or the "there is a genetic and ethnic difference between races" way

Heh. I said that to myself too

sounds about right, wanna talk to a fellow cyborg on another social media platform?

link related. PLs respond

I only have normie hobbies
I wouldn't date certain races due to not being attracted to the way they look or stereotypes. I'm mostly only interested in dating white guys

OP doesn't deliver therefore it is bait

>I only have normie hobbies
Do you like the outdoors?

>only interested in dating white guys
Are you sure about that

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So you are rather a normie than a robot I guess

close to how I feel about about dating other races. I sometimes find some colored girls attractive, but my consciousness tells me it is irresponsable to mix races due to the following extinction of each race

>only interested in white guys

every time

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I like exercising outdoors and taking long walks

I'm a mix of both

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Nigga you got 5 seconds to tell me what the fuck Im looking at

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Holy shit Jow Forums let me delete my selfie, its a fucking tranny I dont want my face associated with this thread anymore

It's too late the deed is done. Your discord fag compatriots will know you as that underage boomer who got catfished by a tranny tripfag

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Well I regret looking behind that spoiler...these trannies are getting out of hand

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Not a tranny
what does it look like

well there are two possibilities. One is that i'm some kind of edgy psycho, who is trying to fuck you over
and the other one is that i'm actually a decent guy who is just looking for a fellow human being to talk to.
It's up to you, i'm into photography, literature, vidya, origami and travelling. Voted for the right wing party in germany and so on

I already have lots of people I talk to right now and lots of stuff to work on so I don't need new friends atm

You're a tranny anyway, so no problem there user

I don't give a fuck if you think so

pick one you larping trap faggot op

Looks like a 12 year old boy with gyno.

I wouldn't want to stick my dick in such an abomination

Why won't you lock my cock in a cage and make me go down on you 24/7?

no loss
i'd do that if we were dating

>i'd do that if we were dating
I guess we'll have to date then

Height, weight, race? Bra size?

I could date literal Chads and have sex with them at the snap of my fingers. I won't date a random person from r9k who probably lives thousands of miles from me

120 lbs

>implying I'm not a literal chad

You cant be a stacy with the body of a prepubuscent boy, sorry.
My pectoral muscles are 4 times bigger than your sad excuses for tits.
I lost any and all interest in the thread and your opinions as soon as you posted your unsightly physique.

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>I could date literal Chads and have sex with them at the snap of my fingers.
>implying this isnt a tranny
Cringy as hell

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>implying this isnt a tranny
you might be rigth with that tactical cutting the picture off just above the crotch

Literal Chad here. Let's have sex.

Don't know of a way to have sex through internet
haha funny memes

sex yes, date no

Where's your home? I'll come over. Do you prefer white or red wine?

I like small tits, but you're gonna have to post proof that you're a girl. Think about it, nobody's gonna know who you are and you'll get to BTFO the guys calling you a tranny.

Lets go over everything wrong with this thread and how we can prevent it from happening again

>Baiting as a female
>exposing yourself
>actually a tranny
>stretch marks
>crease in belly from slouching over computer


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yes this OP. I need to be btfo

Great. This is the worst type of Stacy: the one who pretends she isn't. At least the others are blissfully unaware.
>Cyborg Stacy
Yea and I'm a Chad NEET

I don't drink alcohol
I'm a cyborg Stacy

>I could date literal Chads
Im keking. Its a fucking tranny ffs. Are you guys blind?

oe you're just bitter

Would you date a robot NEET manlet if he was nice and could make you laugh?
A-asking for a friend

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casual observer here, you do look like a tranny. If you're a female you're a bit full of yourself acting like you're hot shit. Maybe some guy that's more attractive than you decided to slap his cock on your face but that doesn't make you hot.

This is why tr*nnys must be stopped

Depends on how short. as long as you're taller than me youre fine

>as long as you're taller than me youre fine

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>top of page one
There was a supposed larper yesterday who made a nearly identical thread. This might be him, and this is pathetic

This is my first r9k thread in weeks so no

:d Doesn't look like a tranny to me, pretty much 10/10 body desu. OP you seem pretty nice, I also am working on a business and like eating healthy and exercising and stuff, wanna talk on discord? I'm pretty bad at keeping a conversation going and stuff but you can help me work on it maybe? Discord is theabcd #8484

who stole your tits?

This. Bury yourself, op

To be fair you can't really validate your claim, and still haven't posted a timestamp. Preferrably with your face, or at least the upper or lower parts of it, for verification purposes

post pussy with timestamp or your trannie

maybe i will add you later on my throwaway account
i wish they were bigger yes
>To be fair you can't really validate your claim, and still haven't posted a timestamp.
read the thread

I did, and? Anyone could make all of this up. I could. You are, until you prove otherwise.

Show us your puss. Not having tits doesn't proof you of beeing an fembot.
Next thing: how can you claim to be a hot stacy with no tits?

>still no response
Step your game up, larpman

do you have any fetishes OP?
what sort of stuff do you masturbate to?

Did you really think this will fool anyone into thinking you are a woman?

I'm not going to waste time with your bullshit. Get a life

Bye. I'm abandoning this thread

Something isn't adding up...

If you exercised regularly you wouldn't be 5'3 and 120lbs with a flab stomach like that. Plus those tiddies aren't 32AA, that's my gf's size and they are noticeably bigger and actually look like tits.

I'm calling HRT titties, not fooling anyone with your larping OP. You'll never be an actual girl, not now not ever.

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looking at ,
look at the chest, no tits


tippy toppy kek lads