
>just popped a pizza in the oven
A week ago i'd be in bed trying to get a "good night's sleep" so i'd "be ready for work" at 5:30am.
God damn do I love my return to NEETdom.

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Post oven
let me see oven
post hand
hand + oven

Pizza is done in 8 minutes.
I'll post pic of pizza.

Yeah OP, do it! Do it!



okay faggot
pizza and oven and hand in about 10 minutes

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this NEETlife>>>>>>>>gf

okay thank u bby


tfw my life has become so meaningless I'm up at 2 in the morning waiting for a guy to post a pic of pizza.

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not just pizza, hand and oven





What do you think about it?
Bunch of niggers.

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Meanie user, gibs me sum

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Only if you're a cute twink like me. Otherwise you don't get tasty pizza.
mmmm this is good pizza bro.

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have a kek (you)

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Ahhhh, I just ate the whole thing.
That was tasty anons.
It's amazing that I keep the figure I do.

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Just popped a bone

Show it.
Or you're gay.

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Did you save up money to become a NEET again? Are you living with parents or alone?

I used to have a full time job and it felt like prison, I wanted to die. Now I only work 2 shifts part time + overtime if I feel like it and it's pretty great. Kinda miss my NEET days to be desu.

I'm living with mommy.
Oh well.
It won't last long.

Mommy kicking you out?

In my car now buddy headed to the shop. If you could have caught me a little earlier I could have shown you. I've got plenty of pictures of the life stepping on it taking it though because I love that Junk

Great post user enjoy your feast

Wage cucking not even once

She couldn't bring herself to do that.
I'll take it upon myself. One way or another.

I'm so done with wagecucking man. It's not even a joke.

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>workslaves don't even have quality time to cook food and eat it

Such is your destiny

I think you misinterpreted that OP is a NEET

So WOULD begin my 32 minute commute to a place I have to spend 8 hours of my life every day. A place i don't want to be.
Damn it feels good to be NEET again.

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are you being ironic or do you really feel comfy?

I'm being unironic.
The first couple of days I was unemployed, I felt strange, but now it feels good man.

man, sounds cool.
but don't you feel like scum?
say, maybe you left college and can't find work. it'll feel like you are insignificant, right?
I am no NEET but I am doing nothing despite the fact I am going to university.
I feel like I am dissolving because I still don't know what job appeals to me.
a flat is the most important thing for me right now but I am afraid.
how did you manage to be free of these thoughts?

Nice to see you return to the best life, NEETbro
>tfw waking up at 1pm and am gonna jump on tekken with my other NEET friends

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Want the honest truth?
I just don't give a fuck anymore.
When you want and want and want, and try and try. You work your ass off trying and trying and keep trying to do something for yourself. Trying to "make something of your life". And it just doesn't mean shit and you get nothing for it, it just seems like a pointless pursuit.
I won't work like a slave just to have nothing.
If I'm going to have nothing, I'm going to do nothing to have nothing.

>finished education
>now officially AppDev
>back to NEET goodness

And those wagies thought I would join them in their cubicles.

How long will your savings last you?
Do you live by yourself or do you have flat mates?
What kind of Pizza is that?
Are you a Tuna or a Pineapple man?

How long will my savings last me?
Ah ha.
Well I guess my savings will last me as long as I live, right?
I'll die before I wagecuck again.
The boomer lie of "work hard, and pay yer taxes, and just go along with it and everythang gonna werk out fer ye boi", is just that... a fucking lie.

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This random old lady on the bus is giving me the deathstare
I wanna go home

It's actually a fucking blessing to live without working.

you're right. I am tired, too. people were always telling me what's best and I never saw the end of it.
I am clueless, thus having no ambitions at all. what I'd rather do is play vidya, eat stuff I like and when I feel better about myself attain new skills and hobbies like programming for example.
being NEET is alright then, I guess.

god damn it, I miss my fucking NEET days. Didn't last long but I really think those 5 months were among the best in my life. you know what I miss the most? Time. With a job where you leave home at 7:30 and get home at 7:00 five days a week you just don't get to do all the fun stuff you used to.

When I was a NEET I'd wake up between 8 and 9, make a leisurely breakfast, then eat it while browsing the web/playing whatever vidya I was working on at the time. Around noon I run to the gym, lift for an hour, shower, then grab lunch somewhere. Afternoon I'd kinda do whatever, read, bake, draw, play music, study Chinese, whatever. Evening I make dinner then just play vidya/watch media til around midnight. It was a golden time and I had no cares.

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Do you plan to an hero or do you want to starve/freeze to death?

I feel for you brother.
6 months out of the year i was working 12 days straight to get 2 days off.
Leave home at 6:30am, get home at 3:30pm, I had been getting home at 4:30pm but I requested to my boss that I skip my lunch break so I could leave an hour early every day, he obliged. He was a pretty decent guy honestly.

It's not that simple my friend.

Elaborate please. What's the next step in your Master Plan?

This user's jaws click like popcorn.

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