*FashyTrap1488 has logged on*

*FashyTrap1488 has logged on*

"K-kill the jews, Mr. user!"

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this is a GOOD THREAD fuck yall

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traps are good though however

They don't have to supplement current edge culture to catch my attention
Just be human and show interest in me at this point

>*FashyTrap1488 has logged on*
>"K-kill the jews, Mr. user!"

Unironically me l o l

exactamundo, friendo

What's a Jew hating tranny to do? The left doesn't like me because I'm a "traitor". The right doesn't like me because I'm a tranny. I don't fit in anywhere.

Why do you hate kikes? They're the reason you get to play dress up like the mentally ill freak you are.

it was the kikes who banned crossdressing and homos, androgyny is an ancient implicitly white european aesthetic ideal

maximum autism

also fuck the robot

Jow Forums should be an autistic place. Normies and tryhards can fuck off and stay home.

Kikes literally created homophobia since it was a huge part of semitic culture.
Before Europe got kiked you had societues like the Greeks and Romans who were cool with faggotry and saw submissive men as women.

this is good because it will remove retarded national socialists from the gene pool. keep posting user, keep posting

I hate them for other reasons. Mostly for them being greedy nepotistic sociopaths, hell-bent on ruining white identity and destroying Western civilization. Trannies or their equivalent have always existed. It is human nature. You think ancient cultures wouldn't have used hrt if it was available to them? Obviously they would. It's natural to think of femininity as something precious and valuable. Gender and sexuality in mammals is a strange gray area we don't fully understand yet. Why is it that some men would fuck women and trannies, but not a man like themselves.

But I would say, we've been exploited by evil Jewish media companies. Trannies like me are weak. Hypothetically if you had a way of making a ton more trannies, you'd have a weak society. Society requires a lot of straight, hetero individuals to survive.

I wish more people thought like you instead of either virtue signaling about LGBTQLMNOP rights or calling for trannies to be gassed for wanting to be themselves

jews aren't greedy nepotistic sociopaths, they're retarded do-gooder busybodies who think +15 verbal INT means they get to solve everyone's problems including the ones they don't want solved

It was a mistake to include the T in LGBT. My private mental illness I take medication for has nothing to do with gay men wanting to parade in the streets naked covered in dildos. Pride is a sin anyways. Nobody ever infringed on my rights because I blend into society .

You don't give them enough credit. They've infiltrated everything except maybe the tobacco industry. You ever wonder why you went over the Holocaust so much in school? Literally cramming it into your brain how whitey is so evil and should feel guilty.

>English class: Diary of Anne Frank, Elie Weasel
>History class: Muh six trillion muh Auschwitz
>Sociology class: White people be rayciss, tests be rayciss
>Science class: All races are biologically the same!

The only tobacco industry they haven't taken over is the one in cuba

>tfw so dumb from online that you take up an ideology of people who explicitly want you to die for existing


An honorable death if there ever was one. Hail victory.

>I want to feed myself to this thing and fucking die because it's just that impressive
there's a name for this fetish

I don't want to die, but to die for my race would be preferable.

Why? You should reproduce instead if you were really thinking of your race.

"Typically, the prospective annihilation of the white race is attributed to its own systematic vulnerability, whether due to characteristic cultural traits (excessive altruism, susceptibility to moral manipulation, excessive hospitality, trust, universal reciprocity, guilt, or individualistic disdain for group identity), or more immediate biological factors (recessive genes supporting fragile Aryan phenotypes)."

>tfw no Jow Forums trap bf
Why live

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That is weird as shit, thank god we have evolved from that degenerate nonsense thinking, wait...

Because of memes.