Why is literally no womyn on earth into femdom...

Why is literally no womyn on earth into femdom? Every girl I've spoken to has been some ultra submissive thot into typical masochist shit like getting choked, held down, slammed against the bed or wall, fucked roughly, hit in the face, whatever. Are all women just fucking boring and into the same thing?

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scared of being judged. find some sjw feminist types and theyll fuck your asshole with a dildo or whatever it is you want

>he doesn't know
Feminist girls tend to be the most submissive and depraved masochist whores.

If you're going off of what fem"bots" say, then your sample is biased because fembots tend to be self-hating masochists. There are some women into femdom, although what kinds of femdom are you specifically interested in?

I'm unironically a marxist-leninist feminist and I am absolutely a gigantic slut. It rules

ok but only feminists will be 'woke' enough to look past the fact that youre a degenerate beta cuck wanting to be dominated

>ywn be a proper manwhore
Tell me how you vet the people you lay. How do you decide? I want to at least figure out the manwhore persona even if i'll probably never fit the criteria

My 'vetting' is just being friends in the first place. Sex for fun is just a natural extension of friendship for me and my friends, it doesnt carry a ton of emotional weight or anything

You're originally human garbage.

>I'm unironically a marxist-leninist feminist
How is this even humanly possible
I honestly do not understand, not one bit. How is it possible to be so irrational and evil? What do you get out of it?

I'd prefer a society where the weakest of us weren't constantly shit on sorry about your dumb nazism though I guess

human garbage, the dead communists you worship would strangle you in cold blood if they could.

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Yeah you're such a good person that you follow an ideology that killed more a hundred million people. You're not a good person and you shouldn't pretend to be one.

lmao at thinking 1950 russia was anything besides authoritarian state capitalist try reading a book instead of posting about roasties you dumb cuck

You would need to change the universe first for that to happen.
Otherwise your ideology will just create more suffering.

> buying the 100 million meme
> 'muh human nature' argument

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If anything its capitalism thats incompatible with the basic laws of physics after a certain point. The whole system is predicated on constant, infinite growth and you really can't do that in a closed system like Earth or the Entire Universe lmao

Soon it'll be a hundred million and one.

Well so does everyone but do you seriously not understand that by doing this your way, you do not fix the problem, but exacerbate it extremely? You produce countless more weak people, make them even weaker, and make them more hopeless. We cannot change the nature of the universe so simply. You want to incentivize weakness and punish strength, and you are utterly delusional if you think that results in anything other than more pain and suffering for EVERYONE.

But both of which you wrote are true you dumb cunt

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gulag bait

How interesting that your post is almost the same as mine , even using the very same terms. Good job.

> r9k poster talking about weak people

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Capitalists are generally incapable of independent thought.

your shitty extremist ideology is nothing more than you trying to drown out the noise of your own failure as a human. and I've probably read a tad bit more than you given that I'm nearly done with my engineering degree. that's right, a real degree, not a social studies degree that is the upper limit if your mental capacity.

imagine sincerely posting this
good luck with that engineering degree. i legit hope you can find a job in that over-saturated market even though you sound like a total retard

Now that is projection. If you were an independent thinker you wouldn't blindly follow someones else ideology.

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It is really really really fucking hard to find a dominate woman. Or a woman who wants a submissive or feminine man. I used to be into femdom and stuff like that. Trust me, the only women who are "into it" are charging you money

This is also why i came to the conclusion that women are all lying whores and they want an ultra masculine chad who takes control of them

Why is literally no male on earth into femdom? Every guy I've spoken to has been some ultra dominant fuccboi into typical sadistic shit like choking, holding a girl down, slamming her against the bed or wall, fucking roughly, hitting her in the face, whatever. Are all males just fucking boring and into the same thing?

>self proclaimed communists
>all of them less than 150 lbs
>need the police to protect them
if only I had the power of nu-communism on my side.

>the weakest of us weren't constantly shit
But that's justice. You hate justice? How is that possible? If you have a problem with things, become stronger. Problem solved, everyone's happy. Why should you be rewarded for being trash? It makes no sense at all. Why don't you give me all your money and be my slave? It's pretty unfair if you don't, I want you to do it so you should be forced to do it.

ahahahaha you are literally every libertarian dickbag engineer in a stem program. theres a reason why nobody likes you

>But that's justice. You hate justice? How is that possible? If you have a problem with things, become stronger. Problem solved, everyone's happy.

how is somebody starving or going homeless because they're out of a job 'justice', exactly?? how is being born to a poor family and denied the same opportunities as people born to rich ones 'justice'? Are you really *that* cucked by capitalism that you think this is okay somehow?

If I wasn't an independent thinker I'd just swallow the dominant ideology without thinking for myself.

Like, i would legitimately be a womans slave. I would be her fucking foot stool. She could order me around and do anything to me and i would worship her.

Apparently women dont want that


i live in eastern europe so this degree has many job prospects, the market is not oversaturated here. im sorry you are too stupid to do something with your life, i hope being a socialist mouthbreather and reading retarded literature makes you succeed.
my girlfriend would beg to differ.

pic related

Capitalism doesn't necessarily need constant growth but it is kind of wasteful.
But I also think If humanity manages a good degree of automation capitalism won't really work anymore.

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You do realize its trendy to be a communist nowadays and all the institutions are full of them.

>how is somebody starving or going homeless because they're out of a job 'justice', exactly??
Have you ever met a homeless person? They are all terrible people, with no exceptions. Good people do not become homeless.

Not only is it fair that you reap what you sow, but furthermore it's extremely important that people suffer the consequences of their bad behavior, because they need to serve as a warning to future generations not to fuck up. Look at the nigger community, all of them are doomed forever because they are being constantly rewarded for being welfare leeches, there's no punishment for being a detriment to society and in fact they are being paid for it, so they will never ever change.

>dominant ideology
My sides

If your standard for communist is 'to the left of hitler', yes, this is true, I guess. The vast majority of 'communists' you people meltdown about are social democrats at best. You're so fucking stupid

>is stalin
>institutes secret police
>takes control of government using army and secret police
>sends armies to farms to forcefully take food
>farmer tells commissar 'sorry because of private ownership you cant take this food'

You are the biggest class cuck in human history lol

where is face

You're not the underdog my friend. you don't risk anything by being a communist in fact you have a lot to gain.

good for you. why youre still on r9k then is anyones guess

When was the last time you left the basement?

>you don't risk anything by being a communist

As an actual communist and not a socdem or demsoc you're actually risking a lot. You really haven't read a single book in your life huh

>be manlet
>be virgin
>be either very skinny or very fat
>have sub 100 iq
>decide to identify with an extreme ideology (fascism/communism)
why do they always do this?

le epic commie face

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>comparing fascism and communism

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What consequences have you suffered in your life then?

i said they are extreme ideologies, i didnt compare them. maybe if you weren't a sub 100 iq skinny communist/fascist manlet you'd understand.

>I'd prefer a society where the weakest of us weren't constantly shit
You're not. You're not weak, and you're not being shit on. You're only weak as you make yourself or believe yourself to be, and you live in the most luxurious and free society of all time. You're only believing what Mr. Shekelstein has programmed you to believe, because he wants mindless slaves like you, he wants you to be weak, he wants you to succumb to learned helplnessness, and that is the one and sole reason for why both feminism and communism exist.

you're right, at least communism had good intentions

How the fuck are Jewish tricks "good intentions"? What?

Immediately to the jew-hating, lol. God you people are predictable as fuck

>no slaves
>no poverty
>no war
>eternal war

one had much better intentions than the other

>Mr. Shekelstein
>"without jews my worldview would make no sense what so ever"

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Why is it that communists males often look like children or have low testosterone?

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cuz those are bougie 1st world commies. go to the 3rd world and youll find real commies with guns.

What? It would make even more sense, just that the world would be a paradise instead of being constantly pulled into the abyss by the Jews.

They can't be constantly shit on if they're dead.

this is what your average "proletariat" looks like now.

Do you tell people in real life what you think about jews? Like, do your parents know? Friends?

>go to the 3rd world and youll find real commies with guns
Yeah but those people are just subhuman animals.

>be Jow Forums af white male
>want to go to one of these rallies or whatever it is wearing a "White Men Are Gods" shirt
>don't want to be around feminists
What do

You're not helping the idea that far right dudes are nutjobs.

congrats, you get the point of communism. its to give 'subhuman animals' guns so they can kill your racist ass which gets all fat on their labor and farming. i dont want you to be a communist because communism is against ppl like you. the meek shall inherit the earth.

every time you dumb ass '/fit' af white males' do this you end up looking like a retarded autist with a kekistan flag. in your dumb fantasy you probably feel like youre 'owning the libs' but its just fucking cringy and everyone will laugh at you.

I'm not a slut but I also treat my bfs like the bourgeoisie in 1917

lemme expropriate that dick

>congrats, you get the point of communism. its to give 'subhuman animals' guns so they can kill your racist ass which gets all fat on their labor and farming.
You mean you want to literally just straight up starve to death? Okay, have fun with that.

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>bourgy boers getting what they deserve

lol, continuing to be a gigantic class cuck

>congrats, you get the point of communism. its to give 'subhuman animals' guns so they can kill your racist ass which gets all fat on their labor and farming.
How come you people are in favour of gun control in white countries though?

>communist manlet goblins throw plastic bottles at you
>they run away
>"another victory for the working class" they mutter to eachother
no point user

Stop drinking the Jow Forums cool-aid, communists are anti-disarming the working class.

Communists tend to not be into gun control most of the time, dude. I love guns.

There's also a lot of arguments to be made that the way gun control laws are implemented in the US are wildly racist. When Reagan was governor of California, he didn't get on board with gun control until the Black Panthers started to assert themselves (open carry march on the capital) a tiny bit.

im not. im against gun control. gun control in the us only started when non-whites began amassing guns to protect themselves.

>>bourgy boers getting what they deserve
please be trolling

if they didn't want to get killed they shouldn't be a willing participant in a racist settler state lol

I think if you're looking solely at Western or Asian girls, you'll never find a "true" domme. At best you'll find a sub who was trained to be dominant.

>gun control in the us only started when non-whites began amassing guns to rape, rob, and murder themselves and others
Yeah, all niggers should be lined up and shot, no doubt about it.

Nah man, they came in, stole land, committed genocide, now they're reaping what they've sown.

>if they didn't want to get killed they shouldn't be a willing participant in a racist settler state lol
What's wrong with being racist? Racists are some of the most good and honorable, hard-working people in the world.

youre either completely retarded or a complete liar. south africa is one of the most unequal places on the planet. most of the population lives in terrible poverty by international standards even though the country itself is wealthy and has a strong economy.

people already literally starve to death.

Continuing to be a class cuck. You have more in common with poor black & brown people than you do the rich whites you're so desperate to jerk off

>most of the population lives in terrible poverty by international standards
Because they're 70IQ black retards who refuse to work.
>the country itself is wealthy and has a strong economy.
Because there are high IQ white people who work hard.

How the fuck does this not add up? Why not just exterminate all the niggers and achieve a paradise?

I really seriously have nothing at all in common with nigger subhumans, not even race, nothing about my personality, ethics, or appearance. They could be aliens for all it matters. We are like opposites, I'm white, full of light and goodness and prosperity, and they are black, creatures of the dark, of pain, of evil.

again, im happy youre not a communist and i dont want to convince you to be one anyway. if you dont recognize the humanity of others idk why i should accept your humanity. hopefully youll be the first to die in the revolution

I can't imagine being this cucked and this brainwashed its so pathetic

1v1 me irl FaggETt

it's ok you can admit your high school crush dated a black man

yall brave on the internet but in person you wouldnt have the balls to even talk to a black person. keep on sucking the balls of your white masters who dont give a shit about you anyway.

Why should I recognize the humanity of people who have none. Most of these people you defend exist purely to murder, fuck and reproduce. A lot of the people in third world countries reproduce just so their children can starve to death. There's nothing good about these people.

>yall brave on the internet but in person you wouldnt have the balls to even talk to a black person.
kek if i was alone in a room with a nigger and he said shit like this, and COULD GET AWAY WITH IT without being jailed for having the wrong opinions, you be i would fuck his shit up big time

You are literally so cucked that you think you have more in common with the people who want for nothing and who literally *do* nothing but steal the surplus value of your labor. You're doing exactly what they want, hating the guy next to you rather than the people robbing you blind. Pathetic.


Women despise men who are into femdom, the few who do it are only after your money.

people itt think they have more in common with people like this therkoi.com/ than other poor people. how sad is that?