this is a sad thread.
say whatever sad things you want
This is a sad thread
It is literally impossible for my life to get better at this point
as each day passes more normal fags come to r9k
Figured out i failed the test of life and have been granted an eternal death.
I just want a girl to cuddle with goddamnit
i'm so lonely, even most people on this board have friends nowadays
half my ancestors killed themselves. I feel the urge to do so aswell
Today is the 21st June 2018.
Nothing happened.
>tfw you will never be 2 years old again
>will never have your whole life ahead of you again
>will never be praised for the most basic things
>will never have someone love you so much theyll literally wipe your ass for you again
OP here, just cried 2 minutes ago
end this pls
ywn channel your depression into the creation of a work of astounding contemporary genius.
>tfw you will be 90 years old someday
>will have your whole life behind you
>you will be praised for the most basic things again
>you will have your robo waifu love you so much she'll literally wipe your ass for you again
>These right here. All of them.
I'm so fucking miserable origanasda
I'm having a panic attack and I don't even know why, and I've got nobody to call or contact except r9k.
I just want to be able to love someone or something
not being able to feel and experience this basic human emotion is just killing me
My life is a huge mess and I'm very lonely and I don't know how I will cope any more
I constantly get the urge to kill myself despite not being depressed and that shit, and when I don't want to kill myself I want to kill others
One of these days I'm going to do one or the other.
I had a very important interview today and I got the promotion!
It's literally the first good thing that happens to me in close to a decade.
The next 2 years will be hell for me though because I will have to work crazy long hours and study in the little time that I have left but It will be worth it because than I'll be able to get a comfy 110k eurobucks Job afterwards instead of my current 25k retail slave Job.
Still a 27khv that lives at home but at least something good happened for once!
I have to admit that I'm scared because my workload will be crazy and I'm a lazy piece of shit so I'll most likely just fuck it up.
OP here
ive felt that too, makes me think if im going mental or if the anger and depression is beginning to fuse together and evolve
Nice one user
I feel happy for you, good luck with that
May as well vent this here, everyone else says it's too depressing.
I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I'll never reproduce. And this is because of many reasons. Women don't like me, I don't like most women either, I'm growing further and further incapable of feeling love, I'd probably be a terrible father anyways, the list goes on quite a bit.
Surprisingly, I don't think physical attraction is the problem. I'm not ugly, despite having thought as much for years. I'm not even average, I'm well above average myself and have good genetics. That's honestly one of the only reasons I have anymore to want to reproduce, that my genes are going to waste, as well as my family name, and probably my family line as well, dying off.
And as much as I want to come to terms with this fact, nobody else will let me. My family refuses to accept that I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life, they keep vehemently denying it and making excuses. My father booked me a session with a therapist without my knowledge to find out what's so wrong with me that I can't get a girlfriend. He's asked me a few times if I was gay. It's either an utterly alien concept to them that some people just die without ever having a family, or it's just open denial of what's right in front of them.
also heads up
guy in Melbourne is going to bang bang up a education center
don't know if it'll be you or someone else
but if it can make the pain and misery last long enough to be considered a illusion again, then have fun there mate
from your kiwi neighbours
>your genetic lineage and family name that lasted millennia will abruptly end with you
while it's soul-shattering and depressing, there also some aspect of awing in the power that we have in this regard.
but it's true, normies just cannot wrap their heads around the idea that not every single person alive will find a mate and reproduce, let alone their own child. it's gonna be decades and decades of denial before they come to terms with this
This is just my ideology
People just can't seem to see the bad in things once they experience enough happiness to ignore it. They tend to try and help out without knowing what it is they are helping and why
They can never fully understand the situation cause they can't feel it the same as us. They're just too high in the clouds to see the destruction underneath.
It's alright, maybe i can't understand your situation well but that's the best i can try to put it
Nah man, I'm a kiwi as well. But some cunt said he was going to shoot up a school in Melbourne.
i guess ill be expecting something on the news
Happening anytime soon?
Wonder what they'll say about our gun laws afterwards.
tha's all I know user.
that's really early
I hate my life, so many people are counting on me, but I want to die, I'm tired of this shithole called the planet Earth. I don't have the will to live, I lost it a long time ago, all I want is to end myself; but I'm trapped, because of I die, a lot of people will have to go into a downfall spiral, and I hate it. I just hope that I will get hit by train or some shit so at least they can't say that it's their faults.
Im going to spend 3/4 of my life at a shitty wagecuck job. This thought is absolutely soulcrushing to me.
Is that faggot hitting a juul?
I only want a true friend ho dosent lie to me
im crying over losing in a video game now
how do i not act like a sore loser
Break the trend, fuck humanity and humility
anons waiting for the day they feel good
happy birthday
i'm so fucking tired of everything
i'm just going through the motions
gib gf NOW!!!
I just want to die already
Muhhammeds ballsack
Everyone that I know is getting homes and having kids and are just generally leading good enough lives.
I'm stuck at home, having issues finding even an entry level job.
I don't want to die, but I feel like I need to die. Or deserve to at least.
I desperately crave human contact and don't have much trouble making new friends. The problem is that these new friends just never really click properly (they are almost all total normalfags or extreme autists who struggle holding a conversation) and the relationship dies out in a few weeks.
I'd just like one or two good friends with whom I have a close relationship. Who challenge me to be a better person.
Pls be in EngIand
Movies are cancer. I say, they give us hope, faith about to get everything we want but when a guys like us try to do these things fail miserable. If you are good looking and shy maybe you have a chance for a 6-7/10 girl but if you are ugly and shy you will be better be the best in something because if you don't you are fucked. Fuck the fucking fairy tales of the films, fuck these magical relationshios between the beauty and the beast and these shit. You will never get that girl that you love, you will never be not good enought for her. I hope one day all of these non sense explode and we will kill each other for once all.