Does social isolation actually affect you in any way?

Does social isolation actually affect you in any way?
I saw some videos where people said it makes you sick and mentally ill and god knows what but i never felt anything wrong, i feel perfectly healthy.

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I don't feel particularly insane, though I've spent most of my life isolating myself. Ultimately all this boils down to is having the bare minimum camouflage skills so you don't look like a complete autist in front of normans. If you don't, they will call you mentally ill, even if you're just bad at interacting with normans. Most people don't, because they don't have the right nature for this kind of thing.

People have been isolated for most of history. Outside of cities, people came across few people outside of their own families.

You will be fine.

The mental illnesses arise when outside forces begin to force you outside of your isolation.

I've been a shut-in NEET since age 16, I am 31 now, was diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder at 30.

In my own body/mind it all felt normal to be for the way I was, not ever going outside, not having friends, not having relationships or sex, not wanting a job or money, not wanting anything besides to be in isolation in the comfort of my home.

It was when outside forces began pressuring me to become normal that I realised what the isolation has done to me all these years.

But the problem is I don't want to leave it, the outside normalfag world is scary to me, I feel like a wild animal or something anytime I have been forced outside around normals. Its then you realize how much being isolated as effected the way your mind works.

It became very apparent to me that anytime Ive been outside that I act, walk, and treat my surroundings like a wild animal would.

>social isolation
>people came across few people outside of their own families.
Thats not social isolation

Uh, farming family's are always fucking super autistic/weird even if they're innately normalfags. They definitely don't have that same aura a normalfag has.

Honestly a farmer-fag is probably the closest thing a normalfag can get to being a robot.

High glucocorticoid levels, especially cortisol, outright kill PFC and OFC nerve cells. You can go down as much as a SD on IQ due to prolonged isolation, not to mention a plethora of other issues like amygdala lining thinning, long-term depression to the point of atrophy to many important neural networks of the mesolimbic pathway, lessened activity of the striatum and the nucleus accumbens which in turn leads to a plethora of mental disorders associated with low serotonin and dopamine.

It's nature's way of culling the unfit so to speak.

This. I've been socially isolated for over a decade and now I doubt if I'll ever be able to reintegrate even if I wanted to.

That's because you are not "truly" isolated. Posting on the internet too counts as social interaction of sorts.

Nobody is truly isolated here. Most will be around "people" with just surface interactions in the store or with family or on the internet



neuroscience is "buzzwords" apparently. This is a 18+ board, lad.

You can't reintegrate unless you were normal to begin with.

For me I was never normal, which is what probably led to the self imposed 15+ year isolation from the outside world.

I have no old skills to awaken and refresh on, I don't even know how I could be reintegrated, I don't think any individual psychologist or pyschatrist or case worker could do it. The only way I'd see it happening is if I had a team of like 10 people working with 24/7, all with specialized talents. But the reality is that doesn't exist, here I just get pushed from 1 person to the next and nobody really knows what to do.

Could you imagine having to cooperate with the people you went to school with?

no, i'm a sociopath
don't care at all

Not him, but no. I literally use to walk home during recess and lunch time because my house was 2min from school. This was back in the late 90s/early 2000s when schools didnt give a shit if you were coming in and out randomly.

let's pretend that's not there

I was a happy and energetic kid until I got bullied and became a shutin. I was a weird autistic fuck too but I at least have some self awareness now, I'm convinced I would have turned out okay if not for that.

>I was a happy and energetic kid until I got bullied and became a shutin.


It's true. I was born in 86 and remember always going out in high school. I'd hang outside the building or in the halls or library and nobody would care. People would even smoke outside.

>This was back in the late 90s/early 2000s when schools didnt give a shit if you were coming in and out randomly.
they don't let kids leave the school nowdays in the U.S?

I feel you op, I'm scared of people so I stay indoors. my own dad beats me though so like. doesn't matter. [I mean like I stay indoors to avoid abuse, but its my own dad who abuses me so, doesn't matter] and I don't want anything in life except be cozy and safe

I grew up on the outskirts of most social circles and that kind of made me depressed but wasn't the biggest contributor to it. It's all about how you perceive it

No. After 2009 my high school's doors automatically shut and locked themselves so if a kid is late it's seen. There are also hall sweeps to make sure nobody is out in the hall even a minute or two late. Cameras are everywhere too.

Depends. Kids with drivers' licenses were allowed to leave during lunch back in high school. Other than that you had to get permission or you'd get in a shit ton of trouble

After being isolated as fuck for a few years and not thinking much of it and now actively forcing myself back into relationships with people I'm quite shocked at how out of touch I am. Suggestions which other people find perfectly sane and decent shock me and vice versa. I struggle to make basic cultural connections and recognise things which ought to be obvious to anybody who actually engages with the world.

You can get really far gone and not realize if if you aren't around people for reference.


It leads to me getting in trouble if I actually go outside because I break some kind of social/cultural expectations/rules because I just never learned them.

Like for example I went to the local shop and I used a self-check out machine and apparently some other person was using it but had just walked away for a moment. My mind didn't even process any of their belongings or stuff.

Then they came upto me and acted all angry as if I purposely took over their shit on purpose and knew it....

Imagine if that was some crazy chad, and not just some small woman. Probably would have got beat up.

I was aware if the world and how bad it was so I isolated myself from it as much as possible on purpose. I'm completely unaware of what's in the pop charts or TV and don't know anything about what the average person does. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with me? Someone in my age group feel just as foreign and from another planet as someone from another age group so I don't get the generation meme.

I get what you mean, I have practical problems fairly regularly due to just misreading people in basic ways and being a shy fuck. Also a lot of ones related to values which come up whenever I try to talk to people. I read too many of the wrong kinds of books and now I might as well be from another planet when I talk about anything more serious than the weather.

You're probably depressive and maybe slightly autistic, like most people here. Shitty/absently parented, culturally uprooted/sold up the river, grew up in an evil isolating environment like some shitbox suburb in a shitbox house, etc. I don't hold isolation against anybody really in 2018 because by the standards of most societies throughout most of human history we simply don't live in a coherent society anymore.

i haven't been outside in about 5 years, I feel like a lost my mind a bit, I lost a lot of memories and my mom even had to remind me of my name recently because I had forgotten it

It's like a push pull thing. People keep pressing me to join society and I keep fiercely rejecting it. I want to stay out as long as possible. I embrace isolationism and see it as an island of refuge against the world.

I don't think there's any coherent ideological position which lets you do that unless you become a Christian monk (Catholic, not Orthodox. Those guys are nice but wrong). Denying the world your presence and efforts is uncharitable. You can become a drone and live solely to put sheckels in Shylock's pocket or you can become a good person and live for the sake of others. I imagine you aren't feeding yourself. How do your family feel about your current attitude? How do you feel about them? Do you have a relationship with them? I have an awful relationship with mine, I understand how hard it can be, but a bit of initiative can go a long way.

On the other hand last time I tried talking to my parents I just ended up crying and saying nothing coherent to them.

Everything affects you in some way, of course you'll be out of touch with others and what's going on around you. It wouldn't even be a big deal if you could just be a landscaper or something without actively using every faggot app known to man. People act like there was no convenient way to play music before spotify. On a side note, it's only weird if you're a poorfag. If you win the lottery or somehow get your hands on money nobody will feel the need to comment on your lifestyle, because then you have "made it".

this post is literally Jow Forumsiamverysmart