Couch to Jow Forums edition
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Quality edition lad
early threads are ALWAYS cursed to be uncomfy, to your shelters lads
hi fuckers, how we doing?
oi mate how we doin today lad? Ye gods its fockin hot and shit my lad
Shave yer muff
yet to see a funnier show, just the body language alone, magic
i unironically like a bit of hairy pussy
The mods on my phone when you >> me, so felchmong don't talk to me.
All on my /britfeel/ stalking me, posting about what you wanna be.
You larp like your good right, why you talkin to me?
Trying to say that you doing great,
But every other post is about some hate,
And every other post is about someone else - that you ain't,
And I know it must hurt, you been through a lot this year,
Solved thousands of captchas for dirt,
And you ain't even see a pence.
These double standards can be a bitch,
But I could be btfo'ing another tripsmidge and I'd still be getting rich.
Still keeping it one hundred percent.
Cause I still be a fucking pimp.
I touch down in /britfeel/ for a little bit and this the love that I get.
get yer head outta yer arse lad
>These double standards can be a bitch,
your mum calls getting spitroasted a 'double standard'
Excellent post mate, this thread has just started and you've all ready conquered it
Last few minutes spent in staff room.
Sat alone again not talking to anybody. 2 other white guys. One is gay with 30cm rips in his jeans on his knees. The other is 18 and claims is he was a paratrooper.
This after your pint?
Half an hour until I have to sign on for the first time in three years, hold me lads, I don't want to go
im sorry led
bet he's a felchmong that dropped out of basic training
Throw Styrofoam cups at them
Yeah mate. Back to work now.
Watching the Biggie/Tupac doc on NETFLIX
>forgot i was supposed to go to the library for my jobcentre course
oops, always next week.
>tfw too unfit to complete even the first day of couch to 5k
Maybe if I got mummy to hold a cardboard sofi cutout at the other end of the woodland trail I run I would be able to jog for five minutes without collapsing
you'll be fine mate, nothing worse but you're in and out
>spending 60 quid of protein foods
wish i could get a job at my library it's just round the corner and i've worked in one before
really comfy job actually
>steam summer sale starts today at 6pm
Who hyped?
defo ordering pizza tonight, that looks quality
You actually jogging innawoods? Make sure you have proper trainers lad
Like Alec Leamas. Maybe you'd also find a fit communist bird to get killed.
maybe, idk, steam sales have been shit since they got rid of the flash sales
I saw a proper cute girl working in the library
Yeah I am too autistic to jog where people might be, but I did see 2 gilfs on the way.
And apparently though the ladies with I am icky the forrest grubs think I am delicious
>ywn go on a punting holiday to thailand with the lads
yeah because i'm not gay and don't like ladyboys
blackpill for /britfit/
>when you still end up with no gf, was it worth it?
>when you still don't love yourself, was it worth it?
>on your deathbed, was it worth it?
Pavement would be too tough on your body anyway. Hoomans not meant for this concrete world
Your laptop looks shit mate, what is it
>stone didn't exist before concrete
If the first thing you think of is ladyboys then there's something wrong with you, laddington
I managed to have sex and a gf before I started working out so that wasnt my motivation. And yeah on my deathbed I'll challenge the Grim Reaper to a posedown it'll be based
Don't see why not. Something to do while waiting for the long sleep innit.
yes mate but we werent designed to run for long distances on either
Sometimes I forget just how raw this place is
there's a level of extreme honesty that comes with being anonymous
It's fucked me up because now I can't act reserved and keep up a normal social appearance around normies anymore and they find it really strange
how did he stalk and chase animals? not by car
I used this reason to my parents but really I just dont want the people of Surrey to know how unfit I am
I asked this question last night but its worth asking again
do you have any rules you live by?
we were mostly running on soft dirt not miles of stone
>do you have any rules you live by?
yeah and I break those too
Try not to act in such a way as to keep myself 'safe' but cowardly. I can't abide having regrets like that. Better to get hurt but feel ok with myself.
Just trying not to be a dick is a solid foundation I think
Dont booley people you consider lower than yourself is a big one for me. It is why I get so triggered when people bash autists and incels
Trying hard for your family too I guess, they are the only people that give a shit about me irl
Do you have a code lad?
>dont snort drugs
>stay hydrated
>acknowledge your demons
i have a few. I keep them written in a text document but here's one of my most important ones I set a long time ago.
>Never tell someone something you wouldn't be comfortable with everyone knowing
>having no close m8s you can confide in
shit rule m8
Sensibly paranoid las, but good lord if I applied it to my posts on Jow Forums I would want to die
Any chance you would share your doc later?
there's no sure fire way to know they wont slip up and mention even accidentally
I do but now you ask my mind is blank
>try to focus and remember when put on the spot
*lad oops and a very manly one if I may say so
I don't apply them to Jow Forums because I am user anyway. i could share them, some of them are a bit silly though
Just spent 25 quid to become a Cityzens member
Might get a season ticket next season now that I'm on the waiting list
Trying not to eat shit foods but just had a lidl cookie and it was gorgeous
why do pakis have such bad money management skills
when should my suicide day be? I'm 29 in sept should I wait a year and do it then?
let this stay a fucking draw
Most Cityzens are white
You missed your chance you gaylord. Either do it when you're 27 or just get the fuck on with your life like the rest of us
all right then see you later chap
How my fellow chads doing this fine afternoon?
Incels are whiny entitled cunts though, they deserve bullying
25 pound to last me until Wednesday, lads. I always regret punting the day after. Thank fuck I put gas and electric on the meter
you are fucking retarded lod
most whites have more disposable income than call centre pakis
you're a minimum wage slave and your always buying useless shit like switchs
>Always value your family, and avoid regrets in regards to personal relationships
>Never desert a person when all others have deserted
>Never ever make someone's job harder (people who vandalise or deliberately create difficult situations for employees really fucking piss me off)
>Always believe in your ability to do things your equals or less have done
>Try to think more than you say
>Correct people's misunderstandings whenever you can
>Happiness is the world's reward for hard work
>Accept we can't all be at the top of society and thinking this is the sole source of happiness is a trick
>Accept that love and hatred are naturally balanced, and you have to deal with both
I struggle to have the balls or drive to keep believing in some of them
The second has ironically led me to become more lonely
The last one is a major work in progress
>most whites have more disposable income than call centre pakis
>decide to make a loaf of bread
>follow recipe online precisely
>the measurements are absolutely fucked and makes a glutenous batter that will not firm up despite kneading for half an hour
>have to spent 20 minutes just scraping the dough off my hands
>not even a review system on the website so I can swear at the author
Man at my work is a sikh but doesn't have a turban isn't that like blasphemy or something?
You're not wrong. I'm really starting to think i'm addicted.
well i should say the last two, the second last one is the thing i'm really having a hard time with and I think I speak for all of us
these are good lod, it can be hard to keep to them sometimes though i know what you mean
>Useless shit
The underclass have always needed escapism, and I can't blame them for it.
Whenever I smoke weed I always become really self-deprecating
>most whites have more disposable income than call centre pakis
the vast majority of my coworkers are white and a couple of them even have season tickets for City
There are like 2 other pakis here
>you're a minimum wage slave and your always buying useless shit like switchs
I ended up giving the Switch to my brother
I've gone down only spending half my income
the second to last rule is easy for me, I've always known I wont be at the top or the best anything but I always know I wont be the worst either and thats enough for me
pakis piss up their money on gold jewellery, silk and perfumes
Be conscious of intention before action wherever possible and do not harm with intent.
Be a good egg
>buy something
>give it away for free, wasting the money
I am not like other pakis
The things I buy are not the same as them, they buy status symbols and crap
This. Whites spend their money on important shit like video games and music festivals
Going to start playing Monster Hunter World soon
>video games and music festivals
odd coupling
festivals are for normies
vidya is for abnormies
what age are you mate?
>tfw I enjoy music festivals
>tfw always punishing myself and mocking myself in my head for not being feminine enough
>tfw try and act masculine and get gender dysphoria
J U S T me
Might start a Peckham Patreon. You lads would throw me a few quid each week to go punting wouldn't you? You can pick any brass you want and I'll go and fuck them and bring back a completely unbiased review (no trannies)
>vidya is for abnormies
no it isnt, its one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world, especially with younger people.
hahaha wtf is this shit
fuck off you cheeky shit fund your own 'punts'
I meant more making it a regular expenditure, like a game a month or something
Are you trying to say you're a ftm tranny?