Hikikomori thread

Is anyone else here a hikikomori? How's life?

New documentary:

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Thanks for sharing!
Another 30 minutes easily spent. I might loose it all. They might kick me out soon but I dont think that they would do that. 50/50

I am, have been for a few years, only leave the house a handful of times a year.
Life is comfortable but that doesn't stop me from being miserable when I'm alone, I don't want to be this way but I can't bring myself to change.
How are you, OP?

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Don't let this thread die, I miss being able to pretend there were others like me on this board.

Of 5 years in a few months. I exist. Not much to it more than that. I'm tired. I hate the world. People are like dolls. You lack a soul.

Could easily so full hikikomori but I'm l15 minutes away from everything I could want so don't take the full plung was for a while couple of years ago

I would like to be a hikki but if I try to don't going outside my parets will force me to do so. It seems like they don't mind if I'm a NEET but can't accept I don't want to go outside.

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Become nocturnal and fake like your going out at night, they just want you to get some exercise so if you can fake like your going out or so some exercise at home they might back off a bit

I was for about 3 years at my sister's place. Currently working at a supermarket to save money for a new pc.
When I've saved enough I'm moving back in with my dad. I've told him I'll just cook and clean for him in exchange for letting me stay with him and he's fine with it. Seems pretty happy that I'm coming home regardless. Mom cheated on him and divorced him.

Life is just fucking shit and I don't think I'll ever be able to change. I'm sorry for those of you that don't have good families.

Pretty much the same, I rarely ever leave the house except to visit certain family members. I've lived like this for many years now. It's a comfortable life, and for that I'm thankful. I can't see myself ever changing anything now. I've come to accept it for the most part and I'm mostly content but a lot of the time I'm utterly miserable. I wish I didn't have to be so alone all the time. Humans weren't meant to live like this. Who I really feel sorry for are the hikkis who are threatened with being kicked out or who live in toxic environments around abusive people. Feeling trapped like that with nowhere to escape would make suicide seem like a reasonable alternative. Isolation is better than stress and trauma, at least. It hasn't been too bad a year, life is probably more optimistic than it used to be. I don't know whether I'd say I'm happier or more depressed though.

Hikikomori life is the best if you have back up.

The outside world is not for robots, and with that I don't even mean just going out for a walk or buying food.

>Mom cheated on him and divorced him.
I feel you.
How old are you if you don't mind me asking?

What's the longest you've gone without stepping outside?
Went 8 months once, it's scary how quickly you become accustomed to it.

Why is it scary?
It's natural, because you have no contacts and nothing to do outsides.
Rather than going outsides feels forced for many of us which is why it is energy draining.

>8 months
what did you do in the ways of stuff like food?

treibst du dich jetzt nur noch auf Jow Forums rum seitdem kc tot ist?

I lived with my parents, still do live with my mom.

Who Hiki but not NEET here?

>live with parents
>work from home
>don't go outside

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That's great, what do you do and does it pay well?
How do your parents feel about it?

i was a hikki for a year or so before i got drafted and forced into the army, life was hard in the last year in a half, in the boot camp i broke down so many times, started smoking like it was my medicne against being outside.
it was hard, had many breakdowns, but here i am today.
i was stationd in a base near my home afterwards due to my many problems, now i just work in an office for the army near my home and i go outside everyday.
my parents try to help me and i try to help myself, life is actually interesting outside!
i got into fights and learnd how to defend myself and that i can actually scare people!
so many things happen i can write for days and days.

just know anons that you can do it, i belive in you...

>what do you do
remote IT support and order processing for logistics businesses (warehouses & trucking companies)

>does it pay well
lmao nope, close to minimum wage. I could pressure my boss to bump my pay but I got the job through nepotism and barely care about anything anyways

>How do your parents feel about it?
They fucking hate me and started charging me rent for living at home. Still cheaper than moving out. My dad still kicks my ass occasionally, I just can't be assed to move out. They want me to do normie bullshit like travel or get a gf. They said they'd pay me more to manage their far flung real estate investments across multiple countries but im not interested in flying around or getting decapitated by a paraguayan narco-hustling collective

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That last bit about flying to random condo's and making sure everything is in order sounds like it could be fun though...

Mentally disabled (schizoaffective among other things) hikki reporting in. Will answer any questions anyone has

I spend my days working on making my own videogames over at shitposting here and sleeping and getting drunk all day. My only connection to the outer world is my brother. My mother is also technically a hikki and my father works

Any and all questions welcome

yeah if I spoke any of the languages and didn't look like a ready-to-be-swindled beta

You could always hire a translator/muscle/sexslave to help you with that. You have nepotism on your side so you could be the big boss. It would depend on what youre being paid though. I could see it working out if youre decent at it and hiring a translator/muscle isnt expensive. I bet there are seven dozen neets on this board right now that would do it for ass cash

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These fuckers have so many opportunities to do cool things and have parents that love them and they just throw them away for no fucking reason other than "waaah I dont wanna". I'm fucking homeless living in a converted van with my 8 year old dying akita making my living landscaping with people who can't even speak english and constructing house frames for rich white families who act like I don't fucking exist. I havent had a home cooked meal since I was kicked out 4 years old by my shitty parents and I haven't taken a shower in 2 weeks because the gym I normally went to for shower and water had a change of management and a change of heart and stopped letting me in. Fuck rich people and fuck shitty entitled white kids. When I'm not working I'm leaching mcdonalds Wi-Fi to watch anime, or sleeping and you guys have all the time in the world to do anything and I'm jealous and angry.

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Well, if its any consolation. I go to sleep every night happier knowing there are people like you suffering and im not one of them.
And your sob story doesnt even make any sense, if youre hungry and that desperate why not just eat the dog? Its eight right? That should be some decent meat right there and here you are complaining on Jow Forums about how you have no options? Youre barely even desperate enough to enjoy. When I had dogs I didnt even need the meat and I ate one of them. It was delicious.

Yelling about how user's piss you off is probably how you got to your position to begin with. Lose the animal and get into some kind of program or reform location. Learn a real trade, your body wont last in your condition. I'd suggest thieving, since it takes almost no skill and has decent margins. Not like you have anything of worth to lose anyway...

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Everyone suffers in different ways user. I'm sorry you had to go through what you did and still go through it but people who shut themselves in their rooms because they can't face the outside world clearly have serious mental problems. Humans are social beings, it's not all that great to feel like a reject of society. They don't have to be rich either, keeping another human is pretty cheap when you already have a house.

Didn't have to read past the first sentence. You're the exact kind of person who will get whats coming to them when the working class revolts.
They don't have mental problems they're just lazy sacks of shit who can't conform to basic human standards that 99% of the population can and does. I want to kill these people.

I could afford to move into an apartment but then I'd be riding the poverty line and without the comfortable blanket of money I have now, so I'm saving up and moving cross country when I hit 5 figures savings or my dog dies.

You think you'll live long enough to see that revolt?

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I'm almost 21 years old so yeah, I've got a lot of youth in me.

Kicked out at 16 with an eight year old dog. You'd think you wouldve adapted by now.
Tears in a standing river huh?

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It's not a matter of laziness, nobody locks themselves away for years because they think it's more comfortable that way. It's a mental disorder. Hikkis keep to themselves and trouble nobody, why don't you have some sympathy for your fellow suffering man and direct your hate towards those who deserve it?

I was emancipated at 17 and I've long since adapted.

Its lazyness and you cant convince me otherwise when these dudes are telling me to eat dogs and "just get help".

Im no mathematician. But im pretty sure 20-4=16. Or is there more sob in your story then story?
If youre hungry then eat, if you need then ask. Are you without food or help? I dont see that being the case from what youve said youre living like a king compared to the majority of people.

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>tfw planning on moving out of the US to live a hikki lifestyle
i'm going insane

Where ya movin to user? You can speak the native language at least right?

do i count as hiki if i leave my room, but never leave my family's property which is a farm out in the middle of nowhere? (aka, i don't go out in public. last time i left the property was to see a doctor for an urgent medical issue). i feel like a hiki even if i don't meet the technical definition.

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>do i count as hiki if i leave my room, but never leave my family's property which is a farm out in the middle of nowhere?

>real hikikimori often leave the house only to go to nearest 7-Eleven since they are literally everywhere in Japan
>tfw the closest 7-Eleven owned store is 20 minutes away and it's not even called that yet

the plans are half assed right now
it's not for a while, but i can learn the language given a few years
prolly gonna be a eurofag or a leaf

Keep this thread alive.

I'm a 11 year Hikiki. On and off. I've dropped out at 16 (27 now) and tried to go back to college at 25 just to dropout a month later. I'm not made for this world.

Wish I had something like that. Living in a big city is a pain in the ass because the only break I get is when it's 4AM and I take a night stroll.

I'm studying Japanese just for fun, I'm not really a weeaboo but I've always felt a massive connection to the hikikomori sub-culture in Japan.

Are you studying anything /hikki/? I'm thinking about making daily hikki general threads from now on. Would you guys post here?

where do you live and what's your finances/living like?

Living with my parents right now but I get around $850/m from neetbux. I'm not much of a spender so most of the money just sits in my bank account rotting.

What about you, user?

iktf man, i'm the neet who lives on his parents' farm but i went to college in manhattan and hated it. even in the middle of the night i couldn't go outside without other people being around. and the apartments were so tiny and jammed together that i could hear whenever one of my neighbors sneezed, blew their nose, talked loudly, had the tv on, etc. I fucking hated nyc. i would post if you made a daily hiki thread, i don't have much to add to the conversation though.

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>I'm thinking about making daily hikki general threads from now on. Would you guys post here?

Good idea I think. While I think it's a bad idea to romanticize this culture too much, being able to talk with like-minded individuals might be helpful and comfy.

New documentary! Thanks for posting brethren. Life's shit but it's a little more interesting now that I have this to watch

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>I'm not much of a spender so most of the money just sits in my bank account rotting.
That's good, does it stack in the sense that what you don't spend just accumulates?
I have a friend who gets a little more than that and just spends it all on junk food and trash, makes me a little sad.

I'm an ex-hikki, still a neet with few friends but both pokemon go and playing the TCG competitively has at least got me out of the house.

i'm a unifag who's never worked a day in their life, but i still live with parents and i don't have money to spend so iktf

Go for it, I'll post in them

Been cooped up in my tiny room for 9 years straight has made me develop agoraphobia and generalized anxiety disorder. Talking to people makes me nervous and even being outside causes me to sweat bullets. Going to college right after that period was a mistake. I've gone through a government rehabilitation program for physically/mentally disabled but functioning individuals prior to the college and it did help but I felt like it wasn't enough.

It's nice to know there are others like me, I don't feel alone when I talk to other hikikis/neets. I'd try to make the theme of the thread more about self-improvement and helping others like us.

I have a really close friend that I help with the excess money. An online friend I've had for about 4-5 years, his situation and history is awful so I try to pay for his food. I don't really want to give out too much information about him because it'd be disrespectful.

Outside of that I mostly spend my money on buying food and maybe a book or two here and there.

Cheers mate. Trying to respond to everyone to keep this thread alive.

>I have a really close friend that I help with the excess money. An online friend I've had for about 4-5 years, his situation and history is awful so I try to pay for his food.
You're a good man, makes me happy to know there's someone like you out there.

Yeah. I was a total shut in for pretty much 6 years, with periods of going to college or briefly working punctuating.

Then spent around 2 years working really intense weeks (60-70 hours), got an Asian gf for a year, she ended up being a fucking nightmare.

Broke down again after losing my gf and eventually job. Back to the shutin life since April, I go out ever few days to go to the store, maybe get a McDonald's or some soda/snacks.

Always late at night, full on nocturnal. I can't take people anymore, man. My ex ruined me, I fucking hate her.

The documentary was a bit too short. It seems like most of the documentaries or videos on the subject tend to miss out on the core parts of what makes a person a hiki and why they keep being one. People have this misconception about modern recluses that they totally isolate themselves from society but that's not true for most of them. The internet has enabled me to have true friends for the first time when I turned 16.

Th-thanks. I really want to help others hikis. I understand how it feels to be isolated for so long and disappointing everyone around you. I don't really want to play the victim so I just keep to myself and take the abuse. It's why I'd love a hiki general so then I could avoid the abuse and just talk to others like me in a comforting aura.

I've relapsed into being a NEET at least 2-3 times in the last 11 years. There's just something comforting about isolating yourself from everyone. It just feels safe.

>government rehabilitation program for physically/mentally disabled but functioning individuals
What country was this? I look at the programs they have in Japan and I wish they had something similar here. I feel like I want to get over some of the worst of my issues but I have no idea how to even go about it. I have nothing to reach out to. A meet up with other hikkis or something would be ideal.

It's in a country Jow Forums really hates. I'm sure you get the hint. I've watched the documentary in the OP and I thought exactly what you said. Wish there was a monthly meetup with other hikkis. That'd be really neat.

I consider myself one I think because I spend all my time in my apartment and only go out once a week when I need to get some shopping. I try to get myself motivated to go on nightwalks but I just can't do it.

How's life? Alight is the best I can say really. I have up and down moments mood wise but I have this overall feeling that I want to just fall asleep and never wake up. I did always want to be normal (and still do to an extent) but early last year I finally accepted that this is who I am and who I will always be and I've somewhat come to terms with it. I prefer my own company anyway

Are you in education, training or employed?

Eternal NEET on autismbux

Ohh, how much are you getting? What do you do all day while you're at your apartment? Live with parents or alone?

Am getting around 800 a month. I spend my days fucking around on the computer (refreshing this place mainly), looking at news sites and gaming in the evening. I've have periods where I get into reading books for periods of time but I have to be in the right mindset for it otherwise I just can't get into what I'm reading. I live alone in my own apartment

Kind of depressing this kind of thread would be the most active not two years ago. Seems like the culture is changing away from that. Where do NEETs and Hikis go to next? I can't stand Wizardchan they're too uptight and the website is dead.

>real hikikimori often leave the house only to go to nearest 7-Eleven since they are literally everywhere in Japan
Literally me right now expect in the UK and its not a 7/1, the shop is right around the corner takes me 5 minutes to walk there

Got two shops near me. The Co-Op is the nearest but there's a Tesco Express a little ways further in the other direction along the main road

>tfw 7/11 a 15 minute walk away
>tfw can't literally just walk next door for food

Do chores like taking out the garbage count? cause I only usually do that or fill up the bird feeder, water the plants. I don't leave my yard and I usually make sure people don't see me. I don't really leave the house unless I'm forced to.

Hahaha It sound like you live in the same area as me (doubt it), I've got a co-op close but live right next to a Tesco so have no reason to go there

No they don't. Going outside to do basic chores doesn't mean you're not a hikki.

I only came back here looking for a thread on this doc. I think robots will just have use multiple sites. 8ch's r9k & hikki, wizchan, hikkichan, and a few others I'm not mentioning here.

I'm curious too. Every where I've found is either dead or full of non-hikkis

Lmao, wasn't expecting you to be a commie

It's almost like the economy got good and everyone's parents forced them to get a job

Profitipp: Meistens ja, ich war schon seit Anfang 2008 auf r9k unterwegs.

Kind of wonder what happened to everyone. It does seem like there are less NEETs and hikis around in general, weird.

They are slowly taking us out one by one so no one notices. It start with the ones no one would miss, then they replace us with "functioning" copy's of us, after we are all gone they start with the next lower class and so on till they replace us all

I'm assuming they're in their own discord groups since Jow Forums and other alternatives have gone to shit.
Right now I'm in one and it's very comfy.

Do you mind throwing the invite letters? I've been looking for an active neet/hikki discord for a few days and most of them are totally dead.

Gonna risk a ban for this cause I'm struggling to find a group like that after hikkichan died, both literally in the case of the site, and figuratively when it comes to the discord. Please take me with you.

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I was forced to leave the house recently it fucking sucked, I'm glad to be back in my room.

>add somebody from here
>"I'm soooooo hikki and shut in, i've not left my house in 2 days x D"
fucking pathetic, stop trying to fit in

We're in an age where being a loser has become cool, except of course when you're actually a loser.

I'd love to be a hiki bit how you can live that way on just neetbux amazes me.

Maybe my city is just too expensive.

You shouldn't be this mean, man. Being a hikki is not a badge of honour.

you should totally confront your parents

he said he was 4 years old when he got kicked out

I miss being a hiki, in many ways it was a nightmare because it was so boring, but at least I wasn't reminded everyday how socially incompetent I am..

You have to live with your parents, obviously.

Or you have to go flatting, which isn't ideal

You can be socially incompetent and still successful. Look at Elon "I'm autistic" Musk.

I didn't view his post as boasting, I saw it as someone who is frustrated with being unable to find similar people, everyone wants to be around others who are like themselves.

Not boasting but he is being a dick about it.

The military isn't for everyone, but it can absolutely improve pathless men like ourselves. All of this impotent hatred can be converted into rage and muscle and physical strength. Even if we don't bag a barracks bunny, we are better off in a uniform than in our dark rooms.

The military is a great place to get discipline and structure, although they've been going through changes in the last few years that lessen the extent of how harsh they are on new recruits so it's questionable if this is still true.
Recently heard from a military wife that drill sergeants no longer yell in the faces of recruits.

okay for now i hope i don't lose my hikki bux
been at it for over 3 years

2 yrs. Same as always I guess.

The end is coming, but I'm happy about it. Can't wait until everything crumbles.

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Considering going hikki now desu, I'm enjoying being in a permanent state of 'finding a job' and 'getting my shit together'

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