If a girl fucks one guy, she should have to fuck all of them

Everyone is equal and if she's willing to slobber all over a cock, lick the balls, get bent over and have a cock rammed in all holes and let him cum on her face, then she is capable of doing it with any man. It isn't fair that this mode only gets activated with some men and not all. Turn it on at all times, or turn it off and keep it off.

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how is that going to work logistically

>Everyone is equal
Not men. They're below dogs, rats, mosquitoes in the hierarchy.

What if she isn't, quote, slobbering all over a cock, having a cock rammed in all of her holes and letting him cum on her face?

Originally this.
Original originally

Perhaps that is a bit extreme, but I do agree if a girl has already had sex why is she going to make the next guy wait like it's anything special anymore?

you know op, just because you feel like used goods, there is no need to bring everyone else down with you.
it's not about the sex act, but how you portray yourself, ffs you literally spent months harassing me and telling me about your sex life, just because you knew I was still hung up on you, out of some sick enjoyment.

just leave Jow Forums ffs.

Different quality men deserve different treatment. A fit 6'4, aryan man rightfully gets to fuck girls with little effort, it's a blessing he's giving the girls a chance to have his Godly genes. The 5'10, looking at the floor 'white' American needs to prove his worth to the mate.

If you're close friends with one person, you must now be close friends with all people whether you like them or not.

We no I only want to do it with hawt studs not robot losers! I will fuck the next alpha I see just you wait, you only get my pussy in your dreams incel virgin! #NotACumdumpster #IllNeverConsent #EnjoyYourHand

Fucking doesn't require the same investment. The girl should fuck any guy who wants to fuck her, not necessarily everyone in the world. If they're within physical reach, she should just bend over and take it

true but women
>have godly social status just for being women
>even if ugly are worth much more than any man
>have many programs to aid them in education and work
>they can be stupid as fuck and still get by on being a woman alone
and still, women complain about being wronged, they pretend that their achievements are a product of their hard work and effort alone, ignoring the numerous affirmative action programs that are in place. They complain about male privilege, etc. How can they be so self unaware?

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Did I just casually stroll onto a freeuse thread? Atleast label the thread correctly

Because you should only have sex with the one you love or plan to marry and willing to do that for them would mean you both have bonded and want to fulfill his fantasies. Most roasties don't enjoy facials or that kinda thing and barely put effort into blowjobs anyway. The whore ones will do it with anyone.

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Sex is special. Some people take awhile to open up or maybe they were raped as a kid or abused so have issues. Obviously not everyone sees sex as a intimate thing, but I know I would never want to sleep with someone unless I was in a committed relationship and could trust them.

compare attempts sweaty

>Everyone is equal
lol no, you are fucking worthless, incel

taking 300 mg of aspirin, drinking a glass of wine and crying in a hospital is not a suicide attempt sweety, even if they add it to the statistics. men do it properly because they intend to die, women intend to get attention.

you sound like an idiotic communist.

I feel like the only reason why women do it that way is because of movies and shows. That or the cut wrist thing too because popular in movies.

Attempts dont matter - the women who do actually want to kill themselves, do it properly like the men who do and successfully kill themselves.
Most women are attention whoring, not actually trying to kill themselves. The ones that are, do. Thus, attempts do not count. Thinking they do means you must not be too smart.

Just to be clear you both know that is b8 right?

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And women are below men. Humans are trash

They make the cuts perpendicular to what's effective.

>They make the cuts perpendicular to what's effective.
I thought wrist suicide never worked? I know the down the road not across the street thing but I didn't think it made a difference in it's non effectiveness.

she looks like a slut in the left pic, you're just too mentally ill to see it.

i know user, but i still feel compelled to reply.

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very shitty method, painful, messy. i mean death is difficult no matter the method but cutting is just terrible.

It's okay user, I am the same way.