It looks like they're onto our scheme to nullify our competition.
It looks like they're onto our scheme to nullify our competition
Incels don't doubt that a guy will be able to find a woman in their 30s, they just tell the reality that it will be a washed up slut who had her fun in her 20s and is looking for a man to give her resources that she will never love and hardly ever fuck. And will cheat on him frequently.
And these teenagers are not going through "what everyone does" there is a fuckinm difference between feeling awkward and out of place, but still having friends and dating people and actually being alone awkward and out of place. Fuck these stupid normies, I wish incels was a common thing when I was a teenager then maybe I would have been just a little less alone.
I mean, I don't think that incel forums are intended as mean-spirited, but I don't think they're exactly helpful.
Why do y'all refuse to try to make friends? Why is it always gf or nothing?
I mentioned having friends, I didn't have those either.
Why don't you obsess over that instead of shitty girlfriends?
Jesus fucking christ you're either an incel yourself or one of them.
Anyways, I didn't have friends either.
My advice to young boys is to not consider yourself an incel to you hit 25 and are still a virgin
how the fuck would that help at all?
I obsessed over both.
>have friends
>inadequacies over >tfw no gf and being ugly build up into mental illness and no longer desire social contact and ghost friends
>all i want to do is play video games, shit post, and go to my comfy night job for the rest of my life because no girl can love an ugly guy not even ugly girls
yeah gf or nothing, is that weird?
when you are young there is still hope. Once you are past a certain age its really hopeless
Prescriptivism is the most reliable mark of a know-nothing monoglot. You took the bait, sweaty.
You're not ugly, just boring, stupid, and generally unpleasant.
Didn't get first bf until 26. Current bf just didn't care to start dating until he was 28. Was busy doing cool outdoor stuff and working in an underground physics lab. He has friends.
>boring, stupid, and generally unpleasant.
What about me, I can make friends no problem. But I'm severely lonely as I lack any kind of physical or romantic affection in my life and it makes me depressed. Clearly my personality is fine for people to want to be my friend, but I'm an incel cause I'm too ugly to love.
Gay men have a different path in life that involves some self-acceptance. It's not the same for straight guys.
Have you tried anything besides waiting for someone to ask you out?
yeah ugly, manlet virgins are just evil psychos obviously.
Straight is a choice brah. No one is 100%
Yes I try talking to and flirting with women and try reading for signs of interest. There are none.
sure i may be unpleasant now, but i wasn't always. people liked me. people still tend to like my social mask, not like we're allowed to be incels irl. believe it or not i am ugly, and the ugly guy has no chance which makes everything incels say about society true.
Holy fuck you sound so pussy whipped. Go home to reddit, you vagina worshipping teenager.
I tried to make friends and failed
How many times? I'm really autistic and I've had women on Tinder wanting to meet and play Pokemon Go while weating matching Pikachu kigirumi
Do you even know where you are? you should be the one to leave retard.
The only way to fail is to stop trying. Get some grit, kid.
"Pfft nothing personnel, kid" the post
Many many times and in real life too, I can get any matches on tinder no one likes my profile.
Some people are always going to be alone. It's just how it is.
>friendless cope
>just world fallacy
not every situation is exactly like you normies think it is. you'll probably agree social skills are easy with someone chastising some autist then come right up to my post with lel this guy has no friends? obviously he doesn't have my superior life skills.
I think you missed my point. Stop putting pussy on such a pedestal. We're supposed to not give a shit about/hate women, not beg for them to maybe spread their legs just once for us.
I've never seen a user under 17 in an incel forum nor anyone giving any advice to highschoolers much less to suicide.
Of course kids still have a chance.
Amazing how femoids can manufacture any new incel problems out of thin air.
Same here. I'm 30 and have practically no interest in dating because I'm building a business and travelling the world. Daily hearing about some chick's office drama is roughly last on my list of things I want to be doing.
they are there mate foreal.
>Everyone feels awkard and out of place in high school
>We just learn to bush them off
Lmao this woman is stating that all the high school normies that socialize regularly, went on dates and get invited to parties are feeling the fucking same as someone whos never experienced none those things.
As much as i despite incels and their shit, i think they do good to scare this teens into changing up before its too late, because if they keep walking that same path thinking things will change normally, they are gonna end up all alone their lifes.
The meme that people change up with time is a fucking normie lie. No one is gonna change up that far from the awkard high school teen to a normie unless they dont try to purposely do so. The people she is probably thinking that changed a lot during their lifes were probably slightly introverted normies that aged up to become someone who now gets laid all the time.